
Reputation: 9

Turing machine for language L={a^m b^n a^m b^n ∣ m,n≥0}

I am having trouble making a Turing machine for language L={a^m b^n a^m b^n ∣ m,n≥0}

What I have thought so far is:

If we start with a blank, the string is empty and it should accept, if not, start reading as and I thought to mark the a's with X and the b's with Y would be OK

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Views: 7976

Answers (3)


Reputation: 350831

You could use this algorithm:

If there is no (more) input: accept.

If the input starts with a "b", then remove it, and look for the first non-"b", keeping track of whether the number "b" read is even or odd:

  • if it is a blank:
    • if the input size is even: accept.
    • Otherwise, reject.
  • if it is a "#", look for the next non-"#":
    • if it is a "b", then replace it with "#" and return to the start of the input and repeat.
    • Otherwise, reject.
  • Otherwise, reject.

If the input starts with an "a", then remove it and look for the first non-"a", keeping track of whether the number "b" read is even or odd:

  • if it is a blank:
    • if the input size is even: accept.
    • Otherwise, reject.
  • If it is a "b", then look for the first symbol that is not "b" nor "#".
    • If it is an "a", then replace it with "#" and return to the start of the input and repeat.
    • Otherwise, reject.
  • Otherwise, reject.

If the input starts with a "#", then look for the first non-"#":

  • If it is a blank, accept.
  • Otherwise, reject.

Here is a transition table for that approach. "_" is blank. There are 11 states including an accept and reject state, although the latter should not be required, as a TM that halts in a non-accept state is considered as not accepting the input:

state read write move head next state
start _ right accept
start a _ right findABAodd
start b _ right find#Bodd
start # _ right clean
findABA a right findABAodd
findABA _ right accept
findABA b right findBA
findABAodd a right findABA
findABAodd _ right reject
findABAodd b right findBA
findBA b or # right findBA
findBA a # left repeat
findBA _ right reject
find#B _ right accept
find#B a right reject
find#B b right find#Bodd
find#B # right findB
find#Bodd a or _ right reject
find#Bodd b right find#B
find#Bodd # right findB
findB # right findB
findB a or _ right reject
findB b # left repeat
repeat a, b or # left repeat
repeat _ right start
clean # _ right clean
clean _ right accept
clean a or b right reject

Here is a runnable snippet to test it with your own input:

createTuring ({
    transitions: [
        { state: "start",      read: "_",             move: "R", nextState: "accept"    },
        { state: "start",      read: "a", write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "findABAodd"},
        { state: "start",      read: "b", write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "find#Bodd" },
        { state: "start",      read: "#", write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "clean"     },
        { state: "findABA",    read: "a",             move: "R", nextState: "findABAodd"},
        { state: "findABA",    read: "_",             move: "R", nextState: "accept"    },
        { state: "findABA",    read: "b",             move: "R", nextState: "findBA"    },
        { state: "findABAodd", read: "a",             move: "R", nextState: "findABA"   },
        { state: "findABAodd", read: "_",             move: "R", nextState: "reject"    },
        { state: "findABAodd", read: "b",             move: "R", nextState: "findBA"    },
        { state: "findBA",     read: "b#",            move: "R", nextState: "findBA"    },
        { state: "findBA",     read: "a", write: "#", move: "L", nextState: "repeat"    },
        { state: "findBA",     read: "_",             move: "R", nextState: "reject"    },
        { state: "find#B",     read: "_",             move: "R", nextState: "accept"    },
        { state: "find#B",     read: "a",             move: "R", nextState: "reject"    },
        { state: "find#B",     read: "b",             move: "R", nextState: "find#Bodd" },
        { state: "find#B",     read: "#",             move: "R", nextState: "findB"     },
        { state: "find#Bodd",  read: "_a",            move: "R", nextState: "reject"    },
        { state: "find#Bodd",  read: "b",             move: "R", nextState: "find#B"    },
        { state: "find#Bodd",  read: "#",             move: "R", nextState: "findB"     },
        { state: "findB",      read: "#",             move: "R", nextState: "findB"     },
        { state: "findB",      read: "a_",            move: "R", nextState: "reject"    },
        { state: "findB",      read: "b", write: "#", move: "L", nextState: "repeat"    },
        { state: "repeat",     read: "ab#",           move: "L", nextState: "repeat"    },
        { state: "repeat",     read: "_",             move: "R", nextState: "start"     },
        { state: "clean",      read: "#", write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "clean"     },
        { state: "clean",      read: "_",             move: "R", nextState: "accept"    },
        { state: "clean",      read: "ab",            move: "R", nextState: "reject"    },
    initState: "start",
    tape: "aaabbbaaabbb",
<script src=""></script>

Upvotes: 0

Vardan Agarwal
Vardan Agarwal

Reputation: 2181

There are 4 cases in this question:

  1. Blank String can be straight away accepted.
  2. List contains only a's so if their total number is even we accept the string.
  3. Like point 2 if the input contains only b's.
  4. The input is a combination of both a and b's.

I will mark the first set of a's as X and second set of a's as Z and the first set of b's as U and second set of b's as V.

The Turing machine designed is:

Turing Machine

Here the states {q0,q10} deals with the first case, {q0, q1, q11, q12, q13, q14} deals with the second case, {q0, q4, q15, q16, q17, q18} deals with the third case and {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, q9} deals with the final case.

I have also designed the corresponding code in python for this Turing machine.

#function to perform action of states
def action(inp, rep, move):
    global tapehead
    if tape[tapehead] == inp:
        tape[tapehead] = rep
        if move == 'L':
            tapehead -= 1
            tapehead += 1
        return True
    return False

tape = ['B']*50 
string = input("Enter String: ")
i = 5
tapehead = 5
for s in string: #loop to place string in tape
    tape[i] = s
    i += 1

state = 0
a, b, X, Z, U, V, R, L, B = 'a', 'b', 'X', 'Z', 'U', 'V', 'R', 'L', 'B'
oldtapehead = -1
accept = False
while(oldtapehead != tapehead): #if tapehead not moving that means terminate Turing machine
    oldtapehead = tapehead

    if state == 0:
        if action(a, X, R):
            state = 1
        elif action(B, B, R):
            state = 10
        elif action(Z, Z, R):
            state = 7
        elif action(b, U, R):
            state = 4

    elif state == 1:
        if action(a, a, R):
            state = 1
        elif action(b, b, R):
            state = 2
        elif action(B, B, L):
            state = 11

    elif state == 2:
        if action(b, b, R) or action(Z, Z, R):
            state = 2
        elif action(a, Z, L):
            state = 3

    elif state == 3:
        if action(b, b, L) or action(Z, Z, L) or action(a, a, L):
            state = 3
        elif action(X, X, R):
            state = 0

    elif state == 4:
        if action(b, b, R):
            state = 4
        elif action(Z, Z, R):
            state = 5
        elif action(B, B, L):
            state = 15

    elif state == 5:
        if action(Z, Z, R) or action(V, V, R):
            state = 5
        elif action(b, V, L):
            state = 6

    elif state == 6:
        if action(Z, Z, L) or action(V, V, L) or action(b, b, L):
            state = 6
        elif action(U, U, R):
            state = 0

    elif state == 7:
        if action(Z, Z, R):
            state = 7
        elif action(V, V, R):
            state = 8

    elif state == 8:
        if action(V, V, R):
            state = 8
        elif action(B, B, R):
            state = 9

    elif state == 11:
        if action(a, a, L):
            state = 11
        elif action(X, X, R):
            state = 12

    elif state == 12:
        if action(a, Z, R):
            state = 13

    elif state == 13:
        if action(a, X, R):
            state = 12
        elif action(B, B, R):
            state = 14

    elif state == 15:
        if action(b, b, L):
            state = 15
        elif action(U, U, R):
            state = 16

    elif state == 16:
        if action(b, V, R):
            state = 17

    elif state == 17:
        if action(b, U, R):
            state = 16
        elif action(B, B, R):
            state = 18

        accept = True

if accept:
    print("String accepted on state = ", state)
    print("String not accepted on state = ", state)

You can check any states which are not clear from the figure or test it against any inputs. Output for some inputs:

Enter String: aaaaabbaaaaabb
String accepted on state =  9

Enter String: aaaaaa
String accepted on state =  14

Enter String: 
String accepted on state =  10

Enter String: aaabaaa
String not accepted on state =  5

Enter String: bbb
String not accepted on state =  16

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 28312

A high-level strategy for designing a TM for this is the following:

  1. Check to see whether you're looking at a string of the form a^2k or b^2k (including the empty string). In any of these cases, halt-accept. Otherwise, continue to step 2.
  2. Cross off pairs of a, one each from the first and third sections, respectively, until one of the sections runs out of a. If one runs out while the other still has a, halt-reject. Otherwise, continue to step 3.
  3. Cross off pairs of b, one each from the second and fourth sections, respectively, until one of the sections runs out of b. If one runs out while the other still has b, halt-reject. Otherwise, halt-accept.

Upvotes: 2

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