Reputation: 3229
I have this simple react class component that I want to unit test. Before I implemented react-router and wrapped the component in withRouter
and started using Link
I was easily able to render the component during mocha tests using enzyme's shallow function. However this is not the case anymore, as the react-router
's components depend on a context.
The component:
const React = require('react');
const { Link, withRouter } = require('react-router-dom');
const createReactClass = require('create-react-class');
const { Divider, Drawer, IconButton, MenuList, MenuItem, ListItem, ListItemText } = require('@material-ui/core');
const { ChevronLeft } = require('@material-ui/icons');
const h = React.createElement;
const DrawerMenu = createReactClass({
renderMenuItems: function ({ actConfig, pathname }) {
const chapterList = actConfig.chapterList;
return (chapterList || []).map(chapter => {
const path = `/${chapter.idName}`;
return h(MenuItem, {
key: chapter.idName,
component: Link,
to: path,
selected: path === pathname
h(ListItemText, {}, chapter.title));
render: function () {
const { actConfig, open, location: { pathname } } = this.props;
return (
h(Drawer, { open },
h('div', {},
h(MenuList, {},
h(ListItem, { key: 'header' },
h(ListItemText, {}, actConfig.title),
h(IconButton, { onClick: this.props.toggleDrawer },
h(ChevronLeft, {}))),
h(Divider, {}),
this.renderMenuItems({ actConfig, pathname }))))
module.exports = withRouter(DrawerMenu);
The test:
const React = require('react');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const { MemoryRouter } = require('react-router');
const DrawerMenu = require('./drawerMenu');
const h = React.createElement;
describe('drawerMenu', function () {
const props = {
open: true,
toggleDrawer: sinon.spy(),
actConfig: {
title: 'test act title',
chapterList: [{ title: 'chapter 1', idName: 'some-id-1' }, { title: 'chapter 2', idName: 'some-id-2' }]
it('render', function () {
const w = shallow(
h(MemoryRouter, {},
h(DrawerMenu, props)));
I have tried to wrap the component in a MemoryRouter
as supposed to, and this does have an effect, but it does not render what I am used to. Normally when doing w.debug()
i would get the full html/jsx output of the component and all its children. Allowing me to perform very handy assertions like w.find(SomeComponent).assert.something
The output I get from the console.log statement:
<Router history={{...}}>
<withRouter() open={true} toggleDrawer={[Function]} actConfig={{...}} />
I have been reading here (Using MemoryRouter with enzyme shallow testing) and looking at this one react-router-enzyme-context I have tried both, but passing a second argument to the shallow(h(DrawerMenu), context)
doesn't seem to have any effect, the output is the same as without it:
I have also tried using mount
instead of shallow, but it does not output anything at all, and preferably I want to use shallow anyway.
I feel like I am somewhat close, or on to something, just missing the last piece..
Upvotes: 1
Views: 364
Reputation: 3229
Found out that the imported wrapped component has a property WrappedComponent
that is just the component itself before wrapped in withRouter().
Following worked for testing the rendering of the component:
const React = require('react');
const DrawerMenu = require('./drawerMenu').WrappedComponent;
const h = React.createElement;
describe('drawerMenu', function () {
it('render', function () {
const w = shallow(h(DrawerMenu, someProps));
<WithStyles(ForwardRef(Drawer)) open={true}>
test act title
<WithStyles(ForwardRef(IconButton)) onClick={[Function]}>
<ChevronLeftIcon />
<WithStyles(ForwardRef(Divider)) />
<WithStyles(ForwardRef(MenuItem)) component={{...}} to="/chapter1" selected={false}>
But keep in mind, testing the routing is not possible this way, only testing the inner component.
Upvotes: 1