Reputation: 5392
I've been getting my butt kicked trying to get a vertically placed 3d model GLB format placed properly on a vertical surface.
Just to be clear, I am not referring to the difficulty of identifying vertical surface, that is a whole other problem in itself.
Removing common boilerplate of setup to minimize this post.
I am using a fragment that extends ARFragment.
class SceneFormARFragment: ArFragment() {
Then of course I have supplied the config with a few tweaks.
override fun getSessionConfiguration(session: Session?): Config {
val config = super.getSessionConfiguration(session)
// By default we are not tracking and tracking is driven by startTracking()
config.planeFindingMode = Config.PlaneFindingMode.DISABLED
config.focusMode = Config.FocusMode.AUTO
return config
And to start and stop my AR experience I wrote a couple of methods inside the fragment as follows.
private fun startTracking() = viewScope.launchWhenResumed {
try {
arSceneView.session?.apply {
val changedConfig = config
changedConfig.planeFindingMode = Config.PlaneFindingMode.HORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL
arSceneView.planeRenderer.isVisible = true
arSceneView.cameraStreamRenderPriority = 7
} catch (ex: Exception) {
loge("error starting ar session: ${ex.message}")
private fun stopTracking() = viewScope.launchWhenResumed {
try {
arSceneView.session?.apply {
val changedConfig = config
changedConfig.planeFindingMode = Config.PlaneFindingMode.DISABLED
arSceneView.planeRenderer.isVisible = false
arSceneView.cameraStreamRenderPriority = 0
} catch (ex: Exception) {
loge("error stopping ar session: ${ex.message}")
In case you are wondering the reason for "starting and stopping" the AR experience is to maximize the GPU cycles for other UX interactions that are heavy on this overlaid screen, so we wait to start or stop based on current live data state of other things that are happening.
Ok moving on.
Let's review the HitResult handling: In this method I do a few things:
That's about it. The horizontal placement works great, but the vertical placement is always randomized.
OnTapArPlane Code below:
private fun onARSurfaceTapped() {
setOnTapArPlaneListener { hitResult, plane, _ ->
var isHorizontal = false
val renderable = when (plane.type) {
isHorizontal = true
Plane.Type.VERTICAL -> wallmountTVRenderable
else -> {
activity?.toast("Do you want it to fall on your head really?")
lastSelectedPlaneOrientation = plane.type
val anchorNode = AnchorNode(hitResult.createAnchor()) = TV_ANCHOR_NAME
val tvNode = TransformableNode(this.transformationSystem)
tvNode.scaleController.isEnabled = false
tvNode.setParent(anchorNode) = TV_NODE_NAME
// Set orientation towards camera
// Ref:
val cameraPosition =
val tvPosition = anchorNode.worldPosition
val direction = Vector3.subtract(cameraPosition, tvPosition)
if(isHorizontal) {
} else {
val lookRotation = Quaternion.lookRotation(direction, Vector3.up())
anchorNode.worldRotation = lookRotation
tvNode.renderable = renderable
Ignore the addvideoTo3dModel call, as that works fine, and I commented it out just to ensure it doesn't play a role.
Things I've tried.
So I've exhausted the internet. All I have left is to ask the community and of course send help to SceneForm team at Android which I'm also going to do.
My best guess is that I need to do the Quaternion.axisRotation(Vector3, Float), but everything I have guessed at or trialed and errored has not worked. I assume I need to set the localRotation using worldPostion values for xyz of the phone maybe to help identify gravity. I really just don't know anymore lol.
I know Sceneform is pretty new and the documentation is HORRIBLE and may as well not exist with the lack of content or doc headers on it. The developers must really not want people to use it yet I'm guessing :(.
Last thing I'll say, is everything is working perfectly in my current implementation with the exception of the rotated vertical placement. Just to avoid rabbit trails on this discussion, I'm not having any other issues.
Oh and one last clue that I've noticed. The TV almost seems to pivot around the center of the vertical plane, based on where I tap, the bottom almost seems to point towards the arbitrary center of the plane, if that helps anyone figure it out.
Oh and yes, I know my textures are missing from the GLBs, I packaged them incorrectly and intend to fix it later.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 1166
Reputation: 5392
Well I finally got it. Took awhile and some serious trial and error of rotating every node, axis, angle, and rotation before I finally got it to place nicely. So I'll share my results in case anyone else needs this as well.
Of course it is mildly subjective to how you held the phone and it's understanding of the surroundings, but it's always pretty darn close to level now without fail in both landscape and portrait testing that I have done.
So here's what I've learned.
Setting the worldRotation on the anchorNode will help keep the 3DModel facing towards the cameraview using a little subtraction.
val cameraPosition =
val tvPosition = anchorNode.worldPosition
val direction = Vector3.subtract(cameraPosition, tvPosition)
val lookRotation = Quaternion.lookRotation(direction, Vector3.up())
anchorNode.worldRotation = lookRotation
However, this did not fix the orientation issue on the vertical placement. I found that if i did an X Rotation of 90 degress on the look rotation it worked everytime. It may differ based on your 3d model, but my anchor is center middle back, so I'm not sure how it determine which way was up. However, I noticed whenever I would set a worldRotation on the tvNode it would place the TV level, but would be leaning forward 90 degress. So after playing with the various rotations, I finally got the answer.
val tvRotation = Quaternion.axisAngle(Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), 90f)
tvNode.worldRotation = tvRotation
That fixed up my problem. So The end Result of the onSurfaceTap and placement was this:
setOnTapArPlaneListener { hitResult, plane, _ ->
var isHorizontal = false
val renderable = when (plane.type) {
isHorizontal = true
Plane.Type.VERTICAL -> wallmountTVRenderable
else -> {
activity?.toast("Do you want it to fall on your head really?")
lastSelectedPlaneOrientation = plane.type
val anchorNode = AnchorNode(hitResult.createAnchor()) = TV_ANCHOR_NAME
val tvNode = TransformableNode(this.transformationSystem)
tvNode.scaleController.isEnabled = false //disable scaling
tvNode.setParent(anchorNode) = TV_NODE_NAME
val cameraPosition =
val tvPosition = anchorNode.worldPosition
val direction = Vector3.subtract(cameraPosition, tvPosition)
//restrict moving node to active surface orientation
if (isHorizontal) {
} else {
//x 90 degree rotation to flat mount TV vertical with gravity
val tvRotation = Quaternion.axisAngle(Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), 90f)
tvNode.worldRotation = tvRotation
//set anchor nodes world rotation to face the camera view and up
val lookRotation = Quaternion.lookRotation(direction, Vector3.up())
anchorNode.worldRotation = lookRotation
tvNode.renderable = renderable
This has been tested pretty thoroughly without issues so far in portrait and landscape. I still have other issues with Sceneform, such as the dots only showing up about half the time even when there is a valid surface, and of course vertical detection on a mono color wall is not possible with the current SDK without a picture on the wall or something to distinguish the wall.
Also performing screenshots is not good as it doesn't include the 3D Model so that required custom Pixel Copy work and my screenshots are a bit slow, but at least they work, no thanks to the SDK.
So they have a long ways to go and it's frustrating to blaze the trail with their product and lack of documentation and definitely lack of responsiveness to customer serivce as well as GitHub logged issues, but hey at least I got it, and I hope this helps someone else.
Happy Coding!
Upvotes: 4