Reputation: 825
I want to write test code which check parsing of the string of numbers with comma delimiter. The code is:
case class TestConfig(macroregions: Option[Seq[Int]] = None)
object TestConfig {
private val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[TestConfig]("Test") {
opt[String]('r', "stringArrayWithNumbers")
.validate { mrs =>
if (mrs.matches("""\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*""")) success
else failure("String should not be in pattern number with comma.")
def parseArgs(args: Array[String]): TestConfig = parser
.parse(args, TestConfig())
.getOrElse(sys.error("Could not parse arguments"))
Test has to check appearing of the failure with message "String should not be in pattern number with comma."
when the string pattern is incorrect. For example "1,2,3,"
or "ew3,56,66"
. How to catch the correct message?
My version (not checking the target failure message)
"TestConfig" should "return failure of incorrect String pattern" in {
val cmdLine =
""" | --numbers 1,2,3,4,""".stripMargin
val args = cmdLine.replace("\r\n", "").split("\\s")
val thrown = the[RuntimeException] thrownBy TestConfig.parseArgs(args)
thrown.getMessage should equal "Could not parse arguments"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 433
Reputation: 1124
See advanced features of scopt:
val outCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val errCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream
Console.withOut(outCapture) {
Console.withErr(errCapture) {
val result = OParser.parse(parser1, args, Config())
// Now stderr output from this block is in errCapture.toString, and stdout in outCapture.toString
Upvotes: 0