Reputation: 23
Can someone tell me how I can update a subitem in a nested record?
I want to set isSelected
to true
for the Item with value = "B"
type MyItem = {isSelected:bool; value:string}
type MyModel = {list:MyItem list}
let a = {isSelected = false; value = "A"}
let b = {isSelected = false; value = "B"}
let c = {isSelected = false; value = "C"}
let m = {list = [a;b;c]}
let m2 = { m with list = { m.list with ??? = { ??? }}}
I will not use mutable data structures.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 538
Reputation: 11577
Immutability is great but when dealing with nested immutable structures it can get a bit hairy. Especially if it's deeply nested.
One way to deal with this is so called Lenses.
So I increased the nesting level of the example a bit so that the value of lenses are more visible.
module Lenses =
// This lens is a pair of function, a getter that get's inner value of an object
// and a setter that sets the inner value of an object
// The cool thing is that a lens is composable meaning we can create a lens
// that allows us to get and set a deeply nested property succinctly
type Lens<'O, 'I> = L of ('O -> 'I)*('I -> 'O -> 'O)
let lens (g : 'O -> 'I) (s : 'I -> 'O -> 'O) = L (g, s)
// Gets an inner value
let get (L (g, _)) o = g o
// Sets an inner value
let set (L (_, s)) i o = s i o
// Updates an inner value given an updater function that sees the
// inner value and returns a new value
let over (L (g, s)) u o = s (u (g o)) o
// Compose two lenses into one, allows for navigation into deeply nested structures
let compose (L (og, os)) (L (ig, is)) =
let g o = ig (og o)
let s i o = os (is i (og o)) o
L (g, s)
type Lens<'O, 'I> with
static member (-->) (o, i) = compose o i
open Lenses
// I made the model a bit more complex to show benefit of lenses
type MySelection =
isSelected: bool
// Define a lens that updates the property, this code can potentially be generated
// Scala does this with macros, in F# there are other possibilities
static member isSelectedL : Lens<MySelection, bool> = lens (fun o -> o.isSelected) (fun i o -> { o with isSelected = i })
type MyValue =
value: string
static member valueL : Lens<MyValue, string> = lens (fun o -> o.value) (fun i o -> { o with value = i })
type MyItem =
selection : MySelection
value : MyValue
static member selectionL : Lens<MyItem, MySelection> = lens (fun o -> o.selection) (fun i o -> { o with selection = i })
static member valueL : Lens<MyItem, MyValue> = lens (fun o -> o.value ) (fun i o -> { o with value = i })
type MyModel =
list: MyItem list
static member listL : Lens<MyModel, MyItem list> = lens (fun o -> o.list) (fun i o -> { o with list = i })
let main argv =
// Define example model
let a = {selection = {isSelected = false}; value = {value = "A"}}
let b = {selection = {isSelected = false}; value = {value = "B"}}
let c = {selection = {isSelected = false}; value = {value = "C"}}
let m = {list = [a;b;c]}
// Print it
printfn "%A" m
// Update the model
let m2 =
let mapper (v : MyItem) =
// Grabs the nest value using lens composition
let nestedValue = v |> get (MyItem.valueL --> MyValue.valueL)
let isSelected = nestedValue = "B"
// Set the nested isSelected using lens composition
v |> set (MyItem.selectionL --> MySelection.isSelectedL) isSelected
// Maps nested list property
m |> over MyModel.listL ( mapper)
printfn "%A" m2
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 29116
let m2 =
{ m with list = (fun item ->
if item.value = "B" then
{ item with isSelected = true }
This will create a new list where every item is the same as before, except the one we want to "update" because we replace that with a new item where isSelected
is true
Upvotes: 2