Reputation: 71
So I have a report as follows:
WITH StudentCTEm ([Person Code], [Course Instance Maths], [Course Occurrence Maths], [Course Title], [ULN], [Main Aim])
AS (SELECT [Person Code],
[Course Instance],
[Course Occurrence],
[Course Title],
[Main Aim]
FROM EBSWarehouse.dbo.StudentEnrolment cte
WHERE cte.[Progress Status] = 'A' AND cte.[Course Instance] LIKE '%REGM%' AND cte.[Course Occurrence] LIKE '1920%'),
StudentCTEe ([Person Code], [Course Instance English], [Course Occurrence English], [Course Title], [ULN], [Main Aim])
AS (SELECT [Person Code],
[Course Instance],
[Course Occurrence],
[Course Title],
[Main Aim]
FROM EBSWarehouse.dbo.StudentEnrolment cte
WHERE cte.[Progress Status] = 'A' AND cte.[Course Instance] LIKE '%REGE%' AND cte.[Course Occurrence] LIKE '1920%'),
StudentCTEIT ([Person Code], [Course Instance IT], [Course Occurrence IT], [Course Title], [ULN], [Main Aim])
AS (SELECT [Person Code],
[Course Instance],
[Course Occurrence],
[Course Title],
[Main Aim]
FROM EBSWarehouse.dbo.StudentEnrolment cte
WHERE cte.[Progress Status] = 'A' AND cte.[Course Instance] LIKE '%REGIT%' AND cte.[Course Occurrence] LIKE '1920%'),
pcsCTEfsM ([Learning Aim Ref Maths], [Learning Aim Desc Maths], [PICS ID], [Funding End])
AS (SELECT [Learning Aim Ref],
[Learning Aim Desc],
[Funding End]
FROM dbo.ILRComponentAim cte
WHERE [Learning Aim Desc] like '%Functional Skills qualification in Mathematics%'),
pcsCTEfsE ([Learning Aim Ref English], [Learning Aim Desc English], [PICS ID], [Funding End])
AS (SELECT [Learning Aim Ref],
[Learning Aim Desc],
[Funding End]
FROM dbo.ILRComponentAim cte
WHERE [Learning Aim Desc] like '%Functional Skills qualification in English%'),
pcsCTEfsIT ([Learning Aim Ref IT], [Learning Aim Desc IT], [PICS ID], [Funding End])
AS (SELECT [Learning Aim Ref],
[Learning Aim Desc],
[Funding End]
FROM dbo.ILRComponentAim cte
WHERE [Learning Aim Desc] like '%Functional Skills qualification in Information%')
s.[Person Code],
s.[Episode Start],
s.[Episode Exp End],
s.[Person Code],
icm.[Learning Aim Ref Maths],
ICm.[Learning Aim Desc Maths],
Sem.[Course Instance Maths],
Sem.[Course Occurrence Maths],
SEm.[Course Title],
ice.[Learning Aim Ref English],
ICe.[Learning Aim Desc English],
See.[Course Instance English],
See.[Course Occurrence English],
SEe.[Course Title],
icit.[Learning Aim Ref IT],
icit.[Learning Aim Desc IT],
Seit.[Course Instance IT],
Seit.[Course Occurrence IT],
SEIT.[Course Title]
FROM dbo.Student s
LEFT JOIN pcsCTEfsM icm ON icm.[PICS ID] = s.[PICS ID]
LEFT JOIN pcsCTEfsE ice ON ice.[PICS ID] = s.[PICS ID]
LEFT JOIN pcsCTEfsIT icit ON icit.[PICS ID] = s.[PICS ID]
LEFT JOIN StudentCTEe see ON see.[ULN] = s.[ULN]
LEFT JOIN StudentCTEm sem ON sem.[ULN] = s.[ULN]
LEFT JOIN StudentCTEIT seit ON seit.[ULN] = s.[ULN]
INNER JOIN EBSWarehouse.dbo.StudentEnrolment sen ON sen.[ULN] = s.ULN
WHERE s.[Episode End] is null AND s.[Status] = 'L' AND [Learning Aim End] is null AND icm.[Funding End] is null AND sen.[Main Aim] <> 1
ORDER BY s.[Person Code] ASC
Some of the records are showing null across the board for:
icm.[Learning Aim Ref Maths],
ICm.[Learning Aim Desc Maths],
Sem.[Course Instance Maths],
Sem.[Course Occurrence Maths],
SEm.[Course Title],
ice.[Learning Aim Ref English],
ICe.[Learning Aim Desc English],
See.[Course Instance English],
See.[Course Occurrence English],
SEe.[Course Title],
icit.[Learning Aim Ref IT],
icit.[Learning Aim Desc IT],
Seit.[Course Instance IT],
Seit.[Course Occurrence IT],
SEIT.[Course Title]
Which is fine.
How can I put in my WHERE
clause to only show the records where at least one of the above columns is not null
I know it's dirty report writing, but it's a quick job that needs doing
It's telling me to add more details:
If you want context Right, So this is basically mapping across various tables and another database to calculate exactly who is doing a Functional Skills course with their PICS (Internal Software) Apprenticeship and also What information we have on our Internal student management system.
I should add expected results are the same as actual results, For GDPR I can't really post the result set) but really all i need to be able to do is omit any records from the report which have 'null' across all the course options (Basically some people have withdrawn or completed their FS part but not their WBL course, and thus appear as a part of this report, I've tried omitting records using a completion status column, but some people are considered still active and have left since a long time ago - So that was a no go, So really my only options is this duuuurty
little view I'm putting together
Upvotes: 0
Views: 47
Reputation: 1132
icm.[Learning Aim Ref Maths],
ICm.[Learning Aim Desc Maths],
Sem.[Course Instance Maths],
Sem.[Course Occurrence Maths],
SEm.[Course Title],
ice.[Learning Aim Ref English],
ICe.[Learning Aim Desc English],
See.[Course Instance English],
See.[Course Occurrence English],
SEe.[Course Title],
icit.[Learning Aim Ref IT],
icit.[Learning Aim Desc IT],
Seit.[Course Instance IT],
Seit.[Course Occurrence IT],
SEIT.[Course Title]
Upvotes: 4