Reputation: 11
I want create an annotation in class property. Example:
class Annotation {
const Annotation(this.prop)
final String prop;
class Model{
Int prop;
I tried use reflection but I not found the metadata, some one with an idea?
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Views: 2450
Reputation: 11
I solved the problem understanding better the dart-lang reflection. Basically with reflection you have a reference of Object contains the metadata and value of variables and methods of Class. This is my example to find the metadata of a class property.
import 'dart:mirrors';
void main(List<String> args) {
Model model = Model(prop: "property value");
InstanceMirror mirror = reflect(model);
// this is Map<Symbol,DeclarationMirror> contains properties (VariableMirrors) ,constructors and methods (MethodMirror) of
// a Model mirror instance
var mirrorDeclarations = mirror.type.declarations;
mirrorDeclarations.forEach((symbol, member) {
if (member is VariableMirror) {
print("A List of Instance Mirror of Annotation ${member.metadata}");
// result:A List of Instance Mirror of Annotation [InstanceMirror on Instance of 'Annotation']
//find a specific metadata
InstanceMirror annotation = member.metadata.firstWhere(
(mirror) => mirror.type.simpleName == #Annotation,
orElse: () => null);
print("the Instance Mirror of Annotation ${annotation}");
//result: the Instance Mirror of Annotation InstanceMirror on Instance of 'Annotation'
//get reflectee, property value, using a Symbol
"Annotation param value = ${annotation.getField(#param).reflectee}");
//result: Annotation param value = value example
// simple annotation class
class Annotation {
const Annotation({this.param});
final String param;
//class property using annotation
class Model {
Model({this.prop = ""});
@Annotation(param: "value example")
final String prop;
Upvotes: 1