Reputation: 357
I have a Protarctor-CucumberJS framework and a suite of test scenarios. When I execute the entire suite, one script fails at an expect (ChaiJS) statement.
Scenario 1 : Passed
Scenario 2 : Passed
Scenario 3 : Failed (Unresolved Promise)
Scenario 4 : Skipped
Scenario 5 : Skipped
Scenario 6 : Skipped
Scenario 7 : Skipped
Scenario 8 : Skipped
Scenario 9 : Skipped
Scenario 10 : Skipped
The step definition of that particular step looks like this:
Then('I verify if valid success message received as {string}', function (successMessage) {
Due to a defect, app is not showing an error, the element: $(".abc") is not displayed on screen and this scenario fails after 30 seconds of function time-out. Complete error is pasted below. But the problem is all other scenarios after this are skipped with the same error message.
Error: function timed out, ensure the promise resolves within 30000 milliseconds at Timeout._time.default.setTimeout [as _onTimeout] (C:\bla\bla\node_modules\cucumber\lib\user_code_runner.js:81:20) at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11) at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5) at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5) at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)
Upvotes: 5
Views: 296
Reputation: 734
Are you able to use async
functions? If so you could try with a conditional for if the element is present or not, something like this:
Then('I verify if valid success message received as {string}', async function (successMessage, done) {
const abcElement = await $(.abc).isPresent();
if (abcElement) {
expect(await $(.abc).getText()).to.eventually.equal(successMessage);
} else {
Upvotes: 2