Reputation: 49
I want to do this:
a = "Describe"
I want to split "Describe"
by the second vowel words from behind so it will be "Descri"
and "be"
Another example is "Public"
which should split into "Pu"
and "blic"
I tried:
vowel = "AaIiUuEeOo"
consonant = "BbCcDdFfGgHhJjKkLlMmNnPpQqRrSsTtVvWwXxYyZz"
p = []
for char in words[::-1]:
if char in consonant:
elif char in vokal:
How can I achieve this?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 830
Reputation: 71471
You can use string slicing:
def s_split(s):
l = [i for i in range(len(s)) if s[i].lower() in 'aeiou']
return [s[:l[len(l) > 2]+1], s[l[len(l) > 2]+1:]]
['Pu', 'blic']
['Descri', 'be']
['i', 'e']
['i', 'bbe']
['Descri', 'be']
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 43199
Just to put my two cents in, you could use an iterator function:
strings = ["Public", "Describe", "ie", "ababbaba"]
def split_by_vowel(string):
# variables
vowels, cnt, buffer = ["aeiouAEIOU", 0, ""]
it = iter(string)
parts = list()
while True:
char = next(it)
buffer += char
if char in vowels:
cnt += 1
buffer = ""
except StopIteration:
if buffer:
return ["".join(part for part in parts[0:cnt-1]), "".join(parts[cnt-1:])]
for string in strings:
This yields
['Pu', 'blic']
['Descri', 'be']
['i', 'e']
['ababba', 'ba']
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 26335
Here's another solution. It first iterates the word in reverse to find the nth last letter that is a vowel, and returns it's index. Then you can simply return a tuple of the word split at the nth vowels index. If no nth vowel is found, None
is returned and the full word is just returned.
def get_nth_last_vowel(items, n):
vowels = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}
count = 0
for i in reversed(range(len(items))):
if items[i].lower() in vowels:
count += 1
if count == n:
return i
def split_nth_last_vowel(word, n):
idx = get_nth_last_vowel(word, n)
return word[: idx + 1], word[idx + 1 :] if idx != None else word
>>> split_nth_last_vowel("Public", 2)
('Pu', 'blic')
>>> split_nth_last_vowel("Describe", 2)
('Descri', 'be')
>>> split_nth_last_vowel("ibe", 2)
('i', 'be')
>>> split_nth_last_vowel("ie", 2)
('i', 'e')
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 57384
You can use the regex ^(.*[AaIiUuEeOo])(?=.*[AaIiUuEeOo])(.+)$
. The idea is to capture everything up to a vowel that is followed by another vowel and, optionally some other characters which will be placed in the second capture group.
>>> import re
>>> pattern = r"^(.*[AaIiUuEeOo])(?=.*[AaIiUuEeOo])(.+)$"
>>> re.match(pattern, "Describe").groups()
('Descri', 'be')
>>> re.match(pattern, "Public").groups()
('Pu', 'blic')
>>> re.match(pattern, "ibe").groups()
('i', 'be')
>>> re.match(pattern, "ie").groups()
('i', 'e')
If the string doesn't have at least two vowels, make sure to test for None
before calling groups()
on the result.
Another idea is to use itertools.groupby
which is clunkier but fun and generalizes well to any n
or any set of characters (or iterables, for that matter--I stuck to strings here).
from itertools import groupby
def nth_from_rear(s, n=2, matches="aeiou"):
def nth_counter(n=2, count=0):
def cb(x):
nonlocal count
if x.lower() in matches:
count += 1
return count >= n
return cb
groups = groupby(s[::-1], key=nth_counter(n))
return ["".join(x)[::-1] for _, x in groups][::-1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
tests = [
["Public", 2],
["Describe", 2],
["ie", 2],
["ibbe", 2],
["Describe", 0],
["Describing", 1],
["Describe", 3],
["ababbaba", 4],
for s, n in tests:
print(s.rjust(10), n, nth_from_rear(s, n))
Public 2 ['Pu', 'blic']
Describe 2 ['Descri', 'be']
ie 2 ['i', 'e']
ibbe 2 ['i', 'bbe']
Describe 0 ['Describe']
Describing 1 ['Describi', 'ng']
Describe 3 ['De', 'scribe']
ababbaba 4 ['a', 'babbaba']
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 15872
If you want without using any libraries:
vowel = "AaIiUuEeOo"
consonant = "BbCcDdFfGgHhJjKkLlMmNnPpQqRrSsTtVvWwXxYyZz"
p = []
words = 'Public'
vowelCount = 0
secondPart = ''
firstPart = ''
for index, char in enumerate(words[::-1]):
if char in vowel:
vowelCount += 1
if vowelCount == 2:
firstPart = words[:-index]
secondPart += char
secondPart = secondPart[::-1]
print(firstPart, secondPart)
Pu blic
Upvotes: 0