Reputation: 21
I'm working on a Processing-in-Memory Simulation by gem5.
I try to link the PIM modules that I made, however, a runtime error with "Cycle found in configuration hierarchy happens".
I do not know when this configuration hierarchy error happens exactly & how to solve it.
I read configuration hierarchy document from gem5 documentation web page several times,
but I couldn't understand how to order the initializations of modules and port bindings to avoid this error.
Also, I don't know how to find the exact code that generates the configuration hierarchy cycle error.
All I can get is just tracebacks of python codes.
If you want to know the configuration code, see the following "very complicated" code from & traceback.
_kernel = PIMMatrix()
_kernel.bridge.num_bridges = 2
_kernel.bridge.slave[0] = _kernel.xbar.master[0]
_kernel.bridge.master[0] = xbar.slave
_kernel.bridge.slave[1] = xbar.master
_kernel.bridge.master[1] = _kernel.xbar.slave[0]
_kernel.row_sched.instrPort = _kernel.xbar.master[1]
_kernel.row_sched.cmdPort = _kernel.xbar.slave[1]
_kernel.prefix.instrPort = _kernel.xbar.master[2]
for i in range(16):
_kernel.prefix.memPort[i] = _kernel.xbar.slave[2 + i]
_kernel.A_row_scratch.instrPort = _kernel.xbar.master[3]
_kernel.A_row_scratch.seqPort = _kernel.xbar.slave[18]
_kernel.B_row_scratch.instrPort = _kernel.xbar.master[4]
_kernel.B_row_scratch.seqPort = _kernel.xbar.slave[19]
_kernel.C_row_scratch.instrPort = _kernel.xbar.master[5]
_kernel.C_row_scratch.seqPort = _kernel.xbar.slave[20]
_kernel.C_int_scratch.instrPort = _kernel.xbar.master[6]
_kernel.C_int_scratch.seqPort = _kernel.xbar.slave[21]
num_row_accs = 8
_kernel.num_accs = num_row_accs
row_accs = []
for i in range(num_row_accs):
row_acc = PIMRowAccelerator()
num_colrow_accs = 8
row_acc.num_accs = num_colrow_accs
row_acc.bridge.num_bridges = 17
row_acc.bridge.master[0] = row_acc.xbar.slave[0]
for j in range(16):
row_acc.bridge.slave[1 + j] = row_acc.xbar.master[j]
row_acc.colRowSched.instrPort = row_acc.xbar.master[16]
row_acc.colRowSched.memPort = row_acc.xbar.slave[1]
row_acc.sorter.instrPort = row_acc.xbar.master[17]
for j in range(16):
row_acc.sorter.memPort = row_acc.xbar.slave[2 + j]
row_acc.ind_hash.instrPort = row_acc.xbar.master[18]
row_acc.ind_hash.seqPort = row_acc.xbar.slave[18]
row_acc.val_hash.instrPort = row_acc.xbar.master[19]
row_acc.val_hash.seqPort = row_acc.xbar.slave[19]
colrow_accs = []
for j in range(num_colrow_accs):
colrow_acc = PIMColRowAcc()
num_col_accs = 8
colrow_acc.num_hashers = 8
colrow_acc.bridge.num_bridges = 17
colrow_acc.bridge.master[0] = colrow_acc.xbar.slave[0]
for k in range(16):
colrow_acc.bridge.slave[1 + k] = colrow_acc.xbar.master[k]
colrow_acc.colSched.instrPort = colrow_acc.xbar.master[16]
colrow_acc.colSched.memPort = colrow_acc.xbar.slave[1]
hashers = []
for k in range(num_col_accs):
hasher = PIMMulHasher()
hasher.instrPort = colrow_acc.xbar.master[17 + k]
hasher.memPort = colrow_acc.xbar.slave[2 + k]
colrow_acc.hashers = hashers
row_acc.accs = colrow_accs
for j in range(num_colrow_accs):
row_acc.accs[j].bridge.slave[0] = row_acc.xbar.master[20 + j]
for k in range(16):
row_acc.accs[j].bridge.master[1 + k] = row_acc.xbar.slave[20 + 16 * j + k]
for j in range(16):
row_acc.ind_hash.memPort[j] = row_acc.xbar.master[28 + j]
for j in range(16):
row_acc.val_hash.memPort[j] = row_acc.xbar.master[44 + j]
_kernel.row_accs = row_accs
for i in range(num_row_accs):
_kernel.row_accs[i].bridge.slave[0] = _kernel.xbar.master[7 + i]
for j in range(16):
_kernel.row_accs[i].bridge.master[1 + j] = _kernel.xbar.slave[22 + 16 * i + j]
for i in range(16):
_kernel.cache.pim_side[i] = _kernel.xbar.master[15 + i]
_kernel.cache.mem_side = _kernel.xbar.slave[150]
for i in range(16):
_kernel.A_row_scratch.memPort[i] = _kernel.xbar.master[31 + i]
_kernel.B_row_scratch.memPort[i] = _kernel.xbar.master[47 + i]
_kernel.C_row_scratch.memPort[i] = _kernel.xbar.master[63 + i]
_kernel.C_int_scratch.memPort[i] = _kernel.xbar.master[79 + i]
system.pim_kernerls = pim_kernerls
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 457, in main
exec(filecode, scope)
File "configs/example/", line 288, in <module>, root, system, FutureClass)
File "/mnt/d/gem5/configs/common/", line 614, in run
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 120, in instantiate
for obj in root.descendants(): obj.createCCObject()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1648, in createCCObject
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1589, in getCCParams
value = value.getValue()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 254, in getValue
return [ v.getValue() for v in self ]
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1652, in getValue
return self.getCCObject()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1630, in getCCObject
params = self.getCCParams()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1589, in getCCParams
value = value.getValue()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1652, in getValue
return self.getCCObject()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1630, in getCCObject
params = self.getCCParams()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1589, in getCCParams
value = value.getValue()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1652, in getValue
return self.getCCObject()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1630, in getCCObject
params = self.getCCParams()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1589, in getCCParams
value = value.getValue()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 254, in getValue
return [ v.getValue() for v in self ]
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1652, in getValue
return self.getCCObject()
File "build/X86/python/m5/", line 1634, in getCCObject
% self.path())
RuntimeError: system.pim_kernerls: Cycle found in configuration hierarchy.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 213
Reputation: 21
I found the error. I just found some of my custom modules are referencing system as parameter. This makes a configuration hierarchy cycle. Use --pdb option to debug python code.
Upvotes: 1