Reputation: 43
I have the following example html code below. I would like to have a dataframe as follows. Thank you very much for any ideas
<a name="efficiant"></a><h3>Ingredient</h3>
<div id="product_detail"><ul>
column A column B
X1 a
X1 b
X1 c
X2 a
X2 b
X3 c
X3 b
Upvotes: 0
Views: 639
Reputation: 50678
I'm sure this can be optimised but here is an rvest
option using some CSS selectors to extract the nested li
elements from within the ul
val <- read_html(ss) %>%
html_nodes(css = "li > ul") %>%
map(~html_nodes(.x, css = "li") %>% html_text())
nms <- read_html(ss) %>%
html_nodes(css = "li") %>%
html_text() %>%
str_extract("X\\d") %>%
stack(setNames(val, nms))
# values ind
#1 a X1
#2 b X1
#3 c X1
#4 a X2
#5 b X2
#6 c X3
#7 b X3
ss <- '<a name="efficiant"></a><h3>Ingredient</h3>
<div id="product_detail"><ul>
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4130
If your HTML is in correct format,you can do it like this
html = '<a name="efficiant"></a><h3>Ingredient</h3>
<div id="product_detail">
df <- data.frame()
page %>% html_nodes("ul") -> uls
for (ul in uls) {
ul %>% html_text("li") -> text
text = gsub('\\n', ' ', text)
vec <- unlist(strsplit(text, "\\s+"))
A <- rep(vec[1],length(vec)-1)
B <- vec[2:length(vec)]
tmpdf <- data.frame(A,B)
df <- rbind(df,tmpdf)
1 X1 a
2 X1 b
3 X1 c
4 X2 a
5 X2 b
6 X3 c
7 X3 b
Upvotes: 1