Reputation: 1
#lang racket
(define (depth L)
(cond ((null? L) 0) ;if list is null return 0, base case
((not(list? L)) 0) ;if list is just an atom also return 0, also a base case
(else (max (+ 1 (depth(car L))) (depth(cdr L)))))) ;otherwise return the greater of recursive call (depth(car list)) +1 or (depth(cdr list))
;the logic here using findMax is that to see which one of the recursion is deeper, and everytime car is called we add 1 to the depth
I tried to implement a scheme to find the maximum depth of the list, but it was required to return the deepest list as well as the depth itself, and I am not how to implement the function to return the deepest pair.
For example:
(display(max-depth '( (a b)(b d e (f g))(r(s (u v (m n))))(q (p)) ) ))
return ((m n) 4)
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#lang racket
; an Atom is:
; - Number | Symbol | String | ...
; an S-expr is one of:
; - Atom
; - SL
; an SL is one of:
; - '()
; - (cons S-expr SL)
; Atom -> Boolean
; is x an atom?
(define (atom? x)
(and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x))))
; A MyPair is a structure
; (pair X Y)
(struct my-pair (fst snd) #:transparent)
; S-expr -> Pair
; depth of & deepest pair in s-expr
(define (sexpr-deepest s-expr)
(cond [(atom? s-expr) (my-pair 0 (list s-expr))]
[(list? s-expr) (sl-deepest s-expr)]))
; SL -> Pair
(define (sl-deepest sl)
(cond [(empty? sl) (my-pair 0 sl)]
[(cons? sl) (if (andmap atom? sl)
(my-pair 1 sl)
(first-pair-vs-rest-pair (sexpr-deepest (first sl))
(sl-deepest (rest sl))))]))
; Pair Pair -> Pair
(define (first-pair-vs-rest-pair p1 p2)
(if (>= (add1 (my-pair-fst p1)) (my-pair-fst p2))
(my-pair (add1 (my-pair-fst p1)) (my-pair-snd p1))
(my-pair (my-pair-fst p2) (my-pair-snd p2))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (sexpr-deepest '((a b) (b d e (f g)) (r (s (u v (m n)))) (q (p))))
(my-pair 5 '(m n)))
(check-equal? (sexpr-deepest '((asd) (a (d (f (w)))) ((d))))
(my-pair 5 '(w)))
(check-equal? (sexpr-deepest '(a (((b c d))) (e) ((f)) g))
(my-pair 4 '(b c d))))
Upvotes: 1