Reputation: 71
I have an app that records the user's audio session while they are playing a video simultaneously. The issue is the playback from the video comes out of the speaker.
Ideally, I would like to cancel out the audio coming from the speaker and only record the user's voice through the microphone.
Example App: FaceTime Facetime cancels out the music you are playing when you are on a FaceTime call and only records the user's voice. (
Below is my code to add the audio session to record the user:
let audioInputDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(
for: .audio,
position: .unspecified
let session = self.previewLiveCamera.cameraLayer!.session!
//TODO: fix Audio Input, do not mix with other video audio
do {
audioInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: audioInputDevice!)
} catch {
print("failed to add audio input")
for output in session.outputs {
let connectionOutput = output as! AVCaptureMovieFileOutput
self.connectionOutput = connectionOutput
print("Started reacording to \(fileURL!)")
self.connectionOutput.startRecording(to: fileURL!, recordingDelegate: self)
Furthermore, I'm setting the videplayer for the video the user views simultaneously:
let postPlayer = AVPlayer(url: postVideoUrl!)
cell.playerLayer.player = postPlayer
Upvotes: 7
Views: 5386
Reputation: 4487
For those looking for a swift version Active Echo Cancellation [AEC] component, here is the repo I wrote: AECAudioStream
But you can no longer use high-level APIs like AVCaptureDevice
to capture audio. You have to store the AVAudioPCMBuffer
s with AVAudioFile
Here are the steps to use it:
To create a standard AudioStream without any special renderrer callback, you initialize a new instance of the AECAudioStream
class, and supply a sampling rate for the recorded Audio, as the following code shows:
/// Audio Samping at 16000Hz
let audioUnit = AECAudioStream(sampleRate: 16000)
After an AudioStream object is created, you can listen for recorded audio data by calling AECAudioStream/AECAudioStream/startAudioStream(enableAEC:)
it returns an AsyncThrowingStream
that yields AVAudioPCMBuffer
objects containing the captured audio data.
for try await pcmBuffer in audioUnit.startAudioStream(enableAEC: true) {
// here you get a ``AVAudioPCMBuffer`` data
audioFile?.write(from: pcmBuffer)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 451
After adding the input audio source you'll need to set the audio mode:
do {
audioInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: audioInputDevice!)
} catch {
print("failed to add audio input")
// Add the following lines:
try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .voiceChat)
try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
.voiceChat will enable the device’s tonal equalization is optimized for voice and the set of allowable audio routes is reduced to only those appropriate for voice chat
If the audio still has too much of the speaker audio present after setting the category you'd then need to look at enabling Active Echo Cancellation [AEC]. Here's an example of doing so under iOS: Note the VoiceProcessingIO et al.
Upvotes: 3