Reputation: 101
I am putting together a Netlogo model where students and criminals are interacting on a college campus. If criminals are close to students, a chase ensues so that when a criminal is distance < 1 the student dies. In addition to dying when criminal are to close I also want students(leader) to die during the chase when they are on a green patch. Green patches in this sense equate 'safe' areas. I have procedures set up for criminals chasing(follower) and students running away(leader), but I am at a complete block with getting the students being chased to die when coming across a green patch. One thought I had was making students being chased blue with the follower procedure:
ask students[
set no-threat criminals in-radius 25
ifelse any? no-threat[set color blue][set color black]
Then having blue students die when they encounter a green patch. I think I am missing something obvious to get this to work. Any nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated!
FYI, I am also relatively new to asking questions here so all apologize for any forum faux pas
here is the meat of the program I have been working on for reference '''
to move-to-student
ask criminals[
set candidate students in-radius 25
if any? candidate[
set leader min-one-of candidate [distance myself]
if leader != nobody [ set color red]
;set follower myself
face leader
fd .3
if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 5 = 2.2 [
set heading heading - 100]
to run-from-criminal
ask students[
;while[distance follower > 1][
set threat criminals in-radius 25
if any? threat[
set follower min-one-of threat [distance myself]
if distance follower < 1 [ set number-dead number-dead + 1 die]; set candidate leader set threat follower ] ;students 'die' if criminal gets to close
if threat != nobody [set color blue]
face follower
rt 180 lt random 20 rt random 20 fd .2
if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 5 = 2.2 [
set heading heading - 100]
to safe-die
ask students[
if follower = blue and if [pcolor] of patch-here = green [die]
to revert-leader
ask students[
set no-threat criminals in-radius 25
ifelse any? no-threat[set color blue][set color black]
to create-new-students
ask students[
if count students < student-count [hatch 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
Upvotes: 0
Views: 45
Reputation: 101
I figured it out. Maybe writing it down helped. Looks like my solution was a combination of a nested if statement (something I've tried and failed at previously) and assigning the agents I want to die to an agent-set. There might be a better way to get this done but I wanted to share the solution I got...
ask students[
if any? no-threat[if [pcolor] of patch-here = green [die]
Upvotes: 1