Reputation: 1
I wrote this robot framework test to post a https request to a webservice. The request body is in xml format and not in Json. I have used request library for this, but i am receiving error when i post using the code listed below.
With postman, i had send the body as raw data and got response as 200 ok, but when i try to do the same in robot framework its throwing error 404.
Please help me on this:
The Robot Framework Script
Library String
Library Collections
Library RequestsLibrary
${user} = username
${passwd} = pwd
&{headers} Content-Type=application/soap+xml or text/xml Authorization=Basic encrypted details
${body_request} = <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a=""><s:Header><a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1"></a:Action><a:MessageID>msgid</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>url</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><a:To s:mustUnderstand="1">serviceurl</a:To></s:Header><s:Body xmlns:xsi=body"></s:Body></s:Envelope>
*** Test Cases ***
${auth}= Create List ${user} ${passwd}
Create Session alias=proc url=url headers=${headers} auth=${auth}
Sleep 5
${resp2} Post Request alias=proc uri=url data=${body_request} json=None params=None
headers=${headers} files=None allow_redirects=True timeout=None
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp2.status_code} 200
Log To Console ${resp2.status_code}
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2190
Reputation: 1565
Answers to your question mentioned below,
Is requests library relevant for post of https xml data soap request to a web service? - yes, it can be used. however, there are better ways to achieve the same, see the solution below.
Can any modification be made to below code for posting a https request to a web service? - I think it is nothing to do with https, since 400 is bad request, you need to look at the body.
Is there any other library through which we could achieve calling soap web service? - SudsLibrary.
Although, you can make use of requests module to achieve your solution, My philosophy when making use of robotframework is "SIMPLY MAKE USE OF EXISTING LIBRARIES" which is already verified. Please do not spend time to solve the problem keeping the thought process of "using a language".
Please make use of "SudsLibrary" library for SOAP requests, look at Keyword Documentation for your reference.
SudsLibrary is a library for functional testing of SOAP-based web services. SudsLibrary is based on Suds, a dynamic SOAP 1.1 client.
pip install robotframework-sudslibrary3
When you use the above library your code would be something similar to the one seen below,
*** Settings ***
Library SudsLibrary
Library Collections
*** Test Cases ***
Sample Testcase On SOAP
${BASE_URL} Set Variable
${SERVICE} Create Dictionary
... name=someservice
... wsdl=someservice.asmx?WSDL
${PORT} Set variable SERVICE_PORT
Set Binding SOAP-ENV
Create Soap Client ${BASE_URL}/${}/${SERVICE.wsdl}
Set Port ${PORT}
Set Headers Content-Type application/soap+xml
Set Headers Authorization Basic encrypted details
Set Headers Soapaction ${EMPTY}
Set Headers Action "${BASE_URL}/${}/${METHOD}"
${result} Call Soap Method ${METHOD}
Upvotes: 1