
Reputation: 14370

How can I efficiently group several columns into one list column in data.table

Hello I have a table with several columns, and I'd like to "group" them all into one column of lists, each row will contain the list all values of the "grouped" columns on the same row.

example (slow)

# create table
DT <- data.table(x_1 = 1:101, x_2 = 101:201, x_3 = 201:301, y_1 = 1:101, y_2 = 101:201)[, IDX := .I]

# we want to "condense" all x_[0-9] together and all y_[0-9]together
foreach(prefix = c("x", "y")) %do% {
    # get columns matching x_[0-9]
    cols_i <- grep(colnames(DT), pattern = sprintf("%s_[0-9]+", prefix), value = TRUE)
    # subset table
    DT_i <- DT[, c("IDX", cols_i), with = FALSE]
    # melt
    DT_i <- melt(DT_i, id.vars = "IDX")
    setkey(DT_i, IDX, variable)
    # reagglomerate
    DT_i <- DT_i[, .(value = list(value)), keyby = IDX]
    setnames(DT_i, old = "value", new = prefix)
} -> DT
DT <- Reduce(f = function(X, Y) X[Y, on = "IDX"], x = DT)


     IDX           x       y
  1:   1   1,101,201   1,101
  2:   2   2,102,202   2,102
  3:   3   3,103,203   3,103
  4:   4   4,104,204   4,104
  5:   5   5,105,205   5,105
 97:  97  97,197,297  97,197
 98:  98  98,198,298  98,198
 99:  99  99,199,299  99,199
100: 100 100,200,300 100,200
101: 101 101,201,301 101,201

Upvotes: 1

Views: 255

Answers (3)


Reputation: 11255

Here's a way that relies on asplit() which splits a matrix by rows:

DT[, X := asplit(as.matrix(.SD), 1), .SDcols = grep('x', names(DT))]
DT[, Y := asplit(as.matrix(.SD), 1), .SDcols = grep('y', names(DT))]

It would likely have similar performance to @ThomasIsCoding

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1364

You can do the following. Although all variables are kept in this solution, you can of course just subset the final DT for columns IDX, X and Y, i.e. DT[, .(IDX, X, Y)].


xcols = colnames(DT)[colnames(DT) %like% 'x']
ycols = colnames(DT)[colnames(DT) %like% 'y']

DT[, X := lapply(IDX, function(x){
  lapply(xcols, function(y) DT[x, get(y)])

DT[, Y := lapply(IDX, function(x){
  lapply(ycols, function(y) DT[x, get(y)])


> dput(head(DT))

structure(list(x_1 = 1:6, x_2 = 101:106, x_3 = 201:206, y_1 = 1:6, 
               y_2 = 101:106, IDX = 1:6, 
               X = list(list(1L, 101L, 201L), list(2L, 102L, 202L), list(3L, 103L, 203L), list(4L, 104L, 204L), list(5L, 105L, 205L), list(6L, 106L, 206L)), 
               Y = list(list(1L, 101L), list(2L, 102L), list(3L, 103L), list(4L, 104L), list(5L, 105L), list(6L, 106L))), row.names = c(NA, -6L), 
               class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), 
              .Names = c("x_1", "x_2", "x_3", "y_1", "y_2", "IDX", "X", "Y"))

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 101403

Here is a solution for data.frame in base R, but I believe it can also work for data.table:

df <- data.frame(IDX = 1:101, x_1 = 1:101, x_2 = 101:201, x_3 = 201:301, y_1 = 1:101, y_2 = 101:201)

res <- data.table(df[,1], Reduce(rbind,apply(df[,-1], 1, function(v) {
  data.table(x = list(as.numeric(v[grep("x",names(v))])), y = list(as.numeric(v[grep("y",names(v))])))

such that

> head(res)
  IDX         x     y
1   1 1,101,201 1,101
2   2 2,102,202 2,102
3   3 3,103,203 3,103
4   4 4,104,204 4,104
5   5 5,105,205 5,105
6   6 6,106,206 6,106


df <- data.frame(IDX = 1:101, x_1 = 1:101, x_2 = 101:201, x_3 = 201:301, y_1 = 1:101, y_2 = 101:201)
  • UPDATE 1: with data.table(), but maybe slow for large dataset
res <- data.table(dt[,1], Reduce(rbind,apply(dt[,-1], 1, function(v) {
  data.table(x = list(v[grep("x",names(v))]), y = list(v[grep("y",names(v))]))

such that

> res
     IDX           x       y
  1:   1   1,101,201   1,101
  2:   2   2,102,202   2,102
  3:   3   3,103,203   3,103
  4:   4   4,104,204   4,104
  5:   5   5,105,205   5,105
 97:  97  97,197,297  97,197
 98:  98  98,198,298  98,198
 99:  99  99,199,299  99,199
100: 100 100,200,300 100,200
101: 101 101,201,301 101,201


dt <- data.table(IDX = 1:101, x_1 = 1:101, x_2 = 101:201, x_3 = 201:301, y_1 = 1:101, y_2 = 101:201)
  • UPDATE 2: should be much faster than last update for large dataset
res <- cbind(dt[,1], 
               x = split(as.matrix(dt[,grep("x",names(dt)), with = F]),seq(nrow(dt))),
               y = split(as.matrix(dt[,grep("y",names(dt)), with = F]),seq(nrow(dt)))

Upvotes: 2

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