Reputation: 31
I want to custom a loadbalancer-controller by client-go, now I just try to set a address for the service, but it not work. This is my code:
func (c *Controller) syncToStdout(key string) error {
obj, exists, err := c.indexer.GetByKey(key)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Fetching object with key %s from store failed with %v", key, err)
return err
if !exists {
fmt.Printf("Pod %s does not exist anymore%s\n", key)
} else {
service := obj.(*v1.Service)
if service.ObjectMeta.Annotations[""] == "nlb" {
klog.Info("service belong to NLB, name = ", service.GetName())
// [0].IP = "";
service.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress = []v1.LoadBalancerIngress{{IP: ""}}
_, _ = clientset.CoreV1().Services(v1.NamespaceDefault).Update(service)
klog.Info("service belong to NLB, service = ", service)
} else {
klog.Info("service not belong to NLB, name = ", service.GetName())
return nil
Then I get the service config, the ip not be set.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
annotations: nlb
creationTimestamp: "2019-11-29T07:39:41Z"
name: httpd-service
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "480971"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/services/httpd-service
uid: 3000dddd-3d56-4989-af41-6d6a9bab7565
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- nodePort: 30000
port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
app: httpd
sessionAffinity: None
type: LoadBalancer
loadBalancer: {}
How can I set a ip for LoadBalancer Service?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 184
Reputation: 31
use clientset.CoreV1().Services(v1.NamespaceDefault).UpdateStatus(service)
can solve it.
Upvotes: 1