Reputation: 11
I am writing a Haskell code to find a list of the k nearest neighbours, in distance order, according to metric d to point p in the list xs of points. My code is below
import Data.List
import Data.Function
type Point a = (a,a)
type Metric a = (Point a) -> (Point a) -> Double
neighbours :: Int -> Metric a -> Point a -> [Point a] -> [Point a]
neighbours k calDistance p [] = []
neighbours k calDistance p ps
| k < 0 = error "k cannot be negative"
| otherwise = take k (neighbours' (sortBy (compare `on` snd) [ (poi,dis) | (poi,dis) <- points p ps]))
neighbours' :: [(Point a, Double)] -> [Point a]
neighbours' xs = [ x | (x,y)<-xs]
points :: Point a -> [Point a] -> [(Point a, Double)]
points _ [] = []
points p1 (p2:px) = (p2,(calDistance p1 p2)): points p1 px
calDistance :: Metric Double
calDistance (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = sqrt((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)
The error is
• Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘Double’
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
points :: forall a. Point a -> [Point a] -> [(Point a, Double)]
at A4.hs:27:1-53
Expected type: Point Double
Actual type: Point a
• In the first argument of ‘calDistance’, namely ‘p1’
In the expression: (calDistance p1 p2)
In the first argument of ‘(:)’, namely ‘(p2, (calDistance p1 p2))’
• Relevant bindings include
px :: [Point a] (bound at A4.hs:29:15)
p2 :: Point a (bound at A4.hs:29:12)
p1 :: Point a (bound at A4.hs:29:8)
points :: Point a -> [Point a] -> [(Point a, Double)]
(bound at A4.hs:28:1)
29 | points p1 (p2:px) = (p2,(calDistance p1 p2)): points p1 px
However, if I change 'Metric Double' to 'Double a' there is also a compile error: Couldn't match expected type ‘Double’ with actual type ‘a’. Please can someone tell me how to solve it?
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Views: 372
Reputation: 4867
See in the implementation of
points :: Point a -> [Point a] -> [(Point a, Double)]
you call
calDistance :: Metric Double
This means, that a
has to be Double
, as what should happen if someone called points
with a value of type Point Int
as the first argument? How should calDistance
handle that, as it can only handle values of Point Double
The error tells you, that calDistance
was called with a value of type Point a
, where a
could be any type. And that doesn't match as calDistance
expects a Point Double
as its first argument.
Upvotes: 2