Reputation: 65
I have below candidate table details
TraineeID BatchId Name Mobile
243 45 demo201 9888562341
244 45 demo202 9888562342
246 45 demo204 9888562344
This is my batch details of above candidate have reference id 45 in both common tables
BatchId BatchStartDate BatchEndDate
45 2019-11-27 00:00:00.000 2019-11-29 23:59:59.000
Below is my Trainee attendance log table have common between Table_TraineeInfo and Table_Attendance_Log is TraineeID
TraineeID BatchId Attendance Date
243 45 Present 2019-11-27 17:55:56.513
243 45 Present 2019-11-28 17:58:06.220
243 45 Absent 2019-11-29 18:00:56.820
244 45 Present 2019-11-29 18:05:03.930
246 45 Absent 2019-11-28 18:09:08.567
246 45 Present 2019-11-29 18:09:08.567
I want output like below merge the three tables and get one output as batch candidate attendance report using a SQL query or possible way.
TraineeID BatchId Name Mobile 2019-11-27 2019-11-28 2019-11-29 Score
243 45 demo201 9888562341 Present Present Absent 3/2
244 45 demo202 9888562342 No Record No Record Present 3/1
246 45 demo204 9888562344 No Record Absent Present 3/1
I will explain above output first four columns will fill using Table_TraineeInfo and next dataes will fill base on BatchStartDate and BatchEndDate from Table_Batch_Lookup and Present and absent will base on Table_Attendance_Log no data availabe in attendacne list then fill no record, finally score Present will 1 value and out of 3 days.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 180
Reputation: 987
I'm not sure how close to solution it but you may need dynamic pivot.
please try below:
CREATE TABLE Table_TraineeInfo (TraineeID int,BatchId int,Name varchar(max),Mobile varchar(10))
INSERT INTO Table_TraineeInfo VALUES(243, 45 , 'demo201' , '9888562341')
INSERT INTO Table_TraineeInfo VALUES(244, 45 , 'demo202' , '9888562342')
INSERT INTO Table_TraineeInfo VALUES(246, 45 , 'demo204' , '9888562344')
CREATE TABLE Table_Attendance_Log (TraineeID INT, BatchId INT, Attendance VARCHAR(10) , l_date DATETIME)
INSERT INTO Table_Attendance_Log VALUES (243, 45 , 'Present' ,'2019-11-27 17:55:56.513')
INSERT INTO Table_Attendance_Log VALUES (243, 45 , 'Present' ,'2019-11-28 17:58:06.220')
INSERT INTO Table_Attendance_Log VALUES (243, 45 , 'Absent' ,'2019-11-29 18:00:56.820')
INSERT INTO Table_Attendance_Log VALUES (244, 45 , 'Present' ,'2019-11-29 18:05:03.930')
INSERT INTO Table_Attendance_Log VALUES (246, 45 , 'Absent' ,'2019-11-28 18:09:08.567')
INSERT INTO Table_Attendance_Log VALUES (246, 45 , 'Present' ,'2019-11-29 18:09:08.567')
CREATE TABLE Table_Batch_Lookup (BatchId int , BatchStartDate DATETIME , BatchEndDate DATETIME)
INSERT INTO Table_Batch_Lookup VALUES( 45 , '2019-11-27 00:00:00.000', '2019-11-29 23:59:59.000')
Date CTE
Declare @cols NVARCHAR(Max)='';
;With log_date AS (
SELECT BatchStartDate as l_date FROM Table_Batch_Lookup
SELECT DATEADD(dd, 1, l_date) FROM log_date AS ld , Table_Batch_Lookup AS tb WHERE ld.l_date<DATEADD(dd, -1, tb.BatchEndDate)
SELECT @cols = COALESCE (@cols + ',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), l_Date, 111), 106) + ']','[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, l_Date, 106) + ']') FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), l_Date, 111) AS l_date FROM log_date) PV;
Dynamic Pivot
Declare @totalScore INT =len(@cols) - len(replace(@cols, ',', ''))
CREATE TABLE #scoreTable (TraineeID int,Score Varchar(max))
INSERT INTO #scoreTable SELECT TraineeID,(CAST (@totalScore AS VARCHAR(10)) +'/'+CAST (SUM(CASE WHEN Attendance='Present' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS VARCHAR(10)))AS Score from Table_Attendance_Log GROUP BY TraineeID;
--SELECT * from #scoreTable
SET @query = 'SELECT t_info.TraineeID,t_batch.BatchId,t_info.Name,t_info.Mobile'+@cols+' ,s.Score FROM Table_TraineeInfo AS t_info JOIN
SELECT TraineeID,BatchId,Attendance,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), l_Date, 111) AS l_date FROM Table_Attendance_Log
) x
FOR l_Date IN (' + right(@cols, len(@cols)-1)+ ')
) p ) AS f_pv ON t_info.TraineeID=f_pv.TraineeID
JOIN Table_Batch_Lookup as t_batch ON t_batch.BatchId=t_info.BatchId
JOIN #scoreTable AS s ON t_info.TraineeID=s.TraineeID
WHERE t_batch.BatchId=45;
' ;
TraineeID BatchId Name Mobile 2019/11/27 2019/11/28 2019/11/29 Score
243 45 demo201 9888562341 Present Present Absent 3/2
244 45 demo202 9888562342 Present 3/1
246 45 demo204 9888562344 Absent Present 3/1
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1
Impossible to create one query with different column count and column names.
The workaround is creating a script for dynamic SQL query
forming. Or I can write a query with columns named [day1],[day2],...,[dayN]...
if between BatchEndDate and BatchStartDate
always the same day's count
Upvotes: 0