Reputation: 581
I created a virtualenv using:
python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
When I use Pycharm configured to the interpreter from that virtualenv, I cannot add variables in run time, I cannot add variables to watches and I can only print the values of some variables, that is to say, the app does not work at all. This also happens in Pycharm 2017, 2018 and 2019. The problem further occurs with all modules, even with modules which are basically blank. The exact error message I get is when I try to assign a value to cc
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/kylefoley/codes/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3184, in run_ast_nodes
code = compiler(mod, cell_name, "exec")
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 133, in __call__
codeob = compile(source, filename, symbol, self.flags, 1)
TypeError: required field "type_ignores" missing from Module
When I run Pycharm using an interpreter which was not created using virtualenv
, I have no problems. Now let me demonstrate that I have all of the Pycharm settings done correctly. When I print sys.version
I get:
3.8.0 (v3.8.0:fa919fdf25, Oct 14 2019, 10:23:27)
Pycharm always prints the interpreter being used on execution and that is:
/Users/kylefoley/codes/venv/bin/python "/Applications/PyCharm CE"
is directory created by the virtualenv.
I put all of my site-packages that were in my venv
folder into the system interpreter and I again encountered the same error. So it must be a problem with the module that is throwing the error which is
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3184, in run_ast_nodes
I don't even know why IPython
is being used. This is what the module says where the error is occurring none of which means anything to me:
def run_ast_nodes(self, nodelist:ListType[AST], cell_name:str, interactivity='last_expr',
compiler=compile, result=None):
"""Run a sequence of AST nodes. The execution mode depends on the
interactivity parameter.
nodelist : list
A sequence of AST nodes to run.
cell_name : str
Will be passed to the compiler as the filename of the cell. Typically
the value returned by ip.compile.cache(cell).
interactivity : str
'all', 'last', 'last_expr' , 'last_expr_or_assign' or 'none',
specifying which nodes should be run interactively (displaying output
from expressions). 'last_expr' will run the last node interactively
only if it is an expression (i.e. expressions in loops or other blocks
are not displayed) 'last_expr_or_assign' will run the last expression
or the last assignment. Other values for this parameter will raise a
Experimental value: 'async' Will try to run top level interactive
async/await code in default runner, this will not respect the
interactivty setting and will only run the last node if it is an
compiler : callable
A function with the same interface as the built-in compile(), to turn
the AST nodes into code objects. Default is the built-in compile().
result : ExecutionResult, optional
An object to store exceptions that occur during execution.
True if an exception occurred while running code, False if it finished
if not nodelist:
if interactivity == 'last_expr_or_assign':
if isinstance(nodelist[-1], _assign_nodes):
asg = nodelist[-1]
if isinstance(asg, ast.Assign) and len(asg.targets) == 1:
target = asg.targets[0]
elif isinstance(asg, _single_targets_nodes):
target =
target = None
if isinstance(target, ast.Name):
nnode = ast.Expr(ast.Name(, ast.Load()))
interactivity = 'last_expr'
_async = False
if interactivity == 'last_expr':
if isinstance(nodelist[-1], ast.Expr):
interactivity = "last"
interactivity = "none"
if interactivity == 'none':
to_run_exec, to_run_interactive = nodelist, []
elif interactivity == 'last':
to_run_exec, to_run_interactive = nodelist[:-1], nodelist[-1:]
elif interactivity == 'all':
to_run_exec, to_run_interactive = [], nodelist
elif interactivity == 'async':
_async = True
raise ValueError("Interactivity was %r" % interactivity)
if _async:
# If interactivity is async the semantics of run_code are
# completely different Skip usual machinery.
mod = ast.Module(nodelist)
async_wrapper_code = compiler(mod, 'cell_name', 'exec')
exec(async_wrapper_code, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
async_code = removed_co_newlocals(self.user_ns.pop('async-def-wrapper')).__code__
if (yield from self.run_code(async_code, result, async_=True)):
return True
for i, node in enumerate(to_run_exec):
mod = ast.Module([node])
code = compiler(mod, cell_name, "exec")
if (yield from self.run_code(code, result)):
return True
for i, node in enumerate(to_run_interactive):
mod = ast.Interactive([node])
code = compiler(mod, cell_name, "single")
if (yield from self.run_code(code, result)):
return True
# Flush softspace
if softspace(sys.stdout, 0):
# It's possible to have exceptions raised here, typically by
# compilation of odd code (such as a naked 'return' outside a
# function) that did parse but isn't valid. Typically the exception
# is a SyntaxError, but it's safest just to catch anything and show
# the user a traceback.
# We do only one try/except outside the loop to minimize the impact
# on runtime, and also because if any node in the node list is
# broken, we should stop execution completely.
if result:
result.error_before_exec = sys.exc_info()[1]
return True
return False
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1185
Reputation: 581
I just decided to write in Terminal
pip uninstall iPython
That did it. As far as I know I was not using iPython and have no use for it.
Upvotes: 3