I have a stored procedure in Sql Server 2017 which takes three parameters.
CREATE PROCEDURE UpdateRestaurantInformation
@restaurantId nvarchar(max),
@restaurantName nvarchar(max),
@locationId int
UPDATE Restaurants
SET RestaurantName = @restaurantName, LocationId = @locationId
WHERE RestaurantId = @restaurantId;
SELECT * FROM Restaurants WHERE RestaurantId = @restaurantId;
When I tried executing this stored procedure by using the code snippet below, It worked as expected.
SqlParameter param1 = new SqlParameter("@p0",restaurant.RestaurantId);
SqlParameter param2 = new SqlParameter("@p1", restaurant.RestaurantName);
SqlParameter param3 = new SqlParameter("@p2", restaurant.Location.LocationId);
var res = _context.Restaurants
.FromSqlRaw("UpdateRestaurantInformation @p0,@p1,@p2", param1, param2, param3)
But when I tried using FromSqlInterpolated like this below:
var res = await _context.Restaurants
$"UpdateRestaurantInformation {restaurant.RestaurantId}, {restaurant.RestaurantName}, {restaurant.Location.LocationId}")
It's throwing this exception :
SqlException: Incorrect syntax near '@p0'. Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand+<>c.b__164_0(Task result)
What am I mistaking here? Please, somebody help me.
Upvotes: 13
Views: 36169
Reputation: 78
I came across this question and I have the same problem about how to execute your stored procedure from ef core the solutions I tried are as below
the function below tries get all persons in the person table based on the state as a given input to the stored procedure itself and did n't return the write answer as I want
public void GetPersonsByStateInterpolated()
string state = "IL";
var persons = _context.Persons.FromSqlInterpolated($"GetPersonsByState
Assert.AreEqual(2, persons.Count);
the fix I made to solve the problem in the above function is as follows I changed the function I use to execute the proc from "FromSQLInterpolated" to "FromSqlRaw" the code below explains the change
public void GetPersonByStateInterpolated()
string state = "IL";
var persons = _context.Persons.
FromSqlRaw($"GetPersonsByState @p0",
new[] {state}).ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(2, persons.Count);
hope this helps
for more explanation about the parameters that FromSqlRaw takes.
it takes two main parameters
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Reputation: 1256
You can learn how to use sql command in ef core with this artical:
As efcore updated. You don't need to build SqlParameter in the new efcore api.
ExecuteSqlCommandAsync and FromSql is obsolete now ,you can see this in the code comment :
[Obsolete("For the async execution of SQL queries using plain strings, use ExecuteSqlRawAsync instead. For the async execution of SQL queries using interpolated string syntax to create parameters, use ExecuteSqlInterpolatedAsync instead.")]
public static Task<int> ExecuteSqlCommandAsync([NotNull] this DatabaseFacade databaseFacade, RawSqlString sql, [NotNull] IEnumerable<object> parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
[Obsolete("For returning objects from SQL queries using plain strings, use FromSqlRaw instead. For returning objects from SQL queries using interpolated string syntax to create parameters, use FromSqlInterpolated instead. Call either new method directly on the DbSet at the root of the query.", true)]
public static IQueryable<TEntity> FromSql<TEntity>([JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] this IQueryable<TEntity> source, [JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] [NotParameterized] FormattableString sql) where TEntity : class
The new apis with params are:
public static Task<int> ExecuteSqlInterpolatedAsync([JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] this DatabaseFacade databaseFacade, [JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] FormattableString sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
public static IQueryable<TEntity> FromSqlInterpolated<TEntity>([JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] this DbSet<TEntity> source, [JetBrains.Annotations.NotNull] [NotParameterized] FormattableString sql) where TEntity : class
These new apis use FormattableString as param, for example
string parm1="A";
string parm2="B";
_dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlInterpolatedAsync($"EXEC proc @parm1={parm1},@parm2={parm2}");
@parm1 is defined in your database procedure , {parm1} is from csharp string parm1 value
FromSql Detail:
Upvotes: 6
So, this is the solution I got from GitHub. All I had to do was to replace SingleOrDefault() with ToList() as @IvanStoev mentioned in the comment.
I am just adding this here if somebody needs this in future.
var res = await _context
.FromSqlInterpolated($"UpdateRestaurantInformation {restaurant.RestaurantId}, {restaurant.RestaurantName}, {restaurant.Location.LocationId}").ToListAsync();
return res.SingleOrDefault();
Upvotes: 15