Reputation: 3
Suppose that each node is assigned a list, such as [1 0 0 1] (nodes-own variable 'state'). I'm trying to compare the lists of two connected nodes to decide how much they agree, then for a given node decide which of the connected nodes has the most similar state to its own. Ultimately I want to have the nodes update their values for another variable ('answer', which is 1 or 0) to be the same as the answer of the closest matching node.
To compare the lists of two nodes, I wanted to subtract them and take the absolute value, and set it as an 'agreement' score for the link connecting the two. So for the subtraction, I tried:
ask links [
let subtracted-list (map - state of end1 state of end2) ...]
but I'm getting a runtime error here that says "- expected input to be a number but got the list instead". I was going to then similarly use map to take the absolute value of the resulting list and take a sum, but I seem to be stuck here and can't figure out what's going wrong.
I've tried to incorporate the suggestions but for some reason I still can't get it to work. Here is the code:
breed [nodes node]
nodes-own [state]
links-own [agreement-score]
to setup
set-default-shape nodes "circle"
ask patches [ set pcolor black ]
repeat num-nodes [ make-node ]
repeat 100 [ layout ]
;; Distributing state values to each node (ex. [0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1])
to distribute-state
ask nodes [
set state (list n-values num-state-elem [random 2])
;; Network formation - Preferential attachment from the Models Library
to make-node
create-nodes 1 [
rt random-float 360
fd max-pxcor
set size 1.5
to create-network
let partner nobody
let first-node one-of nodes
let second-node one-of nodes with [self != first-node]
ask first-node [ create-link-with second-node [ set color white ] ]
let new-node one-of nodes with [not any? link-neighbors]
while [new-node != nobody] [
set partner find-partner
ask new-node [ create-link-with partner [ set color white ] ]
set new-node one-of nodes with [not any? link-neighbors]
to update-color
;; Go procedures
to go
ask links [calculate-agreement-score]
ask nodes [update-color]
to calculate-agreement-score
ask links [
set agreement-score bit-difference [state] of end1 [state] of end2
to-report bit-difference [#list1 #list2]
let subtraction (map - #list1 #list2)
report reduce + map abs subtraction
;; Making the network
to-report find-partner
let pick random-float sum [count link-neighbors] of (nodes with [any? link-neighbors])
let partner nobody
ask nodes
[if partner = nobody
[ ifelse count link-neighbors > pick
[ set partner self]
[ set pick pick - (count link-neighbors)]
report partner
to layout
layout-spring (nodes with [any? link-neighbors]) links 0.4 6 1
This is still giving me the same error message: "- expected input to be a number but got the list [1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0] instead."
Upvotes: 0
Views: 302
Reputation: 17678
These sorts of questions are much easier to answer if you give some example inputs and expected output to reduce ambiguities. However, I think that your problem is simply that you did not use [] to extract the state value. Have a look at this complete model:
turtles-own [state]
to testme
create-turtles 2
[ set state []
repeat 4 [set state lput one-of [0 1] state]
show state
type "subtraction is: " print (map - [state] of turtle 0 [state] of turtle 1)
Since you want to compare this subtraction over multiple pairs of nodes (or actually the sum of the absolute differences), it is best to set it up as a reporter. That way, you can then use the results of the reporter as the input to a min-one-of
turtles-own [state]
to testme
create-turtles 2
[ set state []
repeat 4 [set state lput one-of [0 1] state]
show state
type "subtraction is: " print (map - [state] of turtle 0 [state] of turtle 1)
type "difference is: " print bit-difference [state] of turtle 0 [state] of turtle 1
to-report bit-difference [#list1 #list2]
let subtraction (map - #list1 #list2)
report reduce + map abs subtraction
Note that I have used # to start the argument names, this is a personal convention, but I think makes the code easier to understand as you can see what is being passed to the reporter procedure. Note also that this could be done as a single line if you don't care about readability:
report reduce + map abs (map - #list1 #list2)
This also answers how to extend your code to do the sum of absolute differences if you don't want to use the reporter procedure version:
let bitdiff reduce + map abs (map - [state] of end1 [state] of end2)
Upvotes: 2