Reputation: 145
Im making a bar charts that updates live. I want it to update from right to left so that the newest one apears on the right and pushes the one before to the left. but currently its updating from down to up ( video example )
I tried using the inverted option on the chart but it did nothing. Any solutions? Live example on js fiddle.
these are the high chart options
export const liveChart = {
liveChartInterval: null,
colors: ['#547fff'],
chart: {
height: 170,
type: 'bar',
animation: Highcharts.svg, // don't animate in old IE
marginRight: 10,
events: {
load: function () {
// set up the updating of the chart each second
var series = this.series[0];
liveChartInterval = setInterval(function () {
var x = (new Date()).getTime(), // current time
y = Math.random();
series.addPoint([x, y], true, true);
}, 1000);
inverted: true
time: {
useUTC: false
credits: {
enabled: false
title: false,
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
tickPixelInterval: 150
yAxis: {
title: {
enabled: false
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br/>',
pointFormat: '{point.x:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}<br/>{point.y:.2f}'
legend: {
enabled: false
exporting: {
enabled: false
series: [{
name: 'Random data',
data: (function () {
// generate an array of random data
var data = [],
time = (new Date()).getTime(),
for (i = -19; i <= 0; i += 1) {
x: time + i * 1000,
y: Math.random()
return data;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 195
Reputation: 39099
You need to use column
chart type instead of bar
chart: {
type: 'column',
Live demo:
API Reference:
Upvotes: 1