Reputation: 93
I'm trying to use Jira's REST API in order to get an issue key using its name (summary). I do so using env variables and parameters that are received by the function (TestCaseID is the summary in this case). My get requests receive following information:
var getUrl = {
url : "https://" +
process.env.JIRA_USERNAME +
":" +
process.env.JIRA_PASSWORD +
"@" +
process.env.JIRA_BASE_URL +
"/rest/api/2/search?jql=" +
`Summary~"\"${TestCaseID}\""` ,
method: "GET" };
But I get the following error:
Error in the JQL Query: 'Access' is a reserved JQL word. You must surround it in quotation marks to use it in a query.
this is because the TestCaseID contains this specific word (and unfortunately I can't change it). I don't understand why it asks me to surround it in quotes since this is exactly what I did when adding the "\" and \"". I tried multiple different approaches to fix it, but eventually, I receive the same error again and again. Does anybody have an idea how I can solve it?
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Views: 1843
Reputation: 93
I managed to solve it in case someone will face same issue in the future: I used postman in order to use the feature that provides the request for Nodejs as explained here: Convert postman api call to Node.js call and saw that 2 backslashes are used instead of one. so adding a second one solved it for me :
Upvotes: 2