Reputation: 301
I'm trying to create a fishnet grid to aggregate some geospatial data. I am using the following code from the GDAL/OGR Python cookbook however it returns only one polygon object which is basically a huge rectangle. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
import os, sys
import ogr
from math import ceil
def main(outputGridfn,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,gridHeight,gridWidth):
# convert sys.argv to float
xmin = float(xmin)
xmax = float(xmax)
ymin = float(ymin)
ymax = float(ymax)
gridWidth = float(gridWidth)
gridHeight = float(gridHeight)
# get rows
rows = ceil((ymax-ymin)/gridHeight)
# get columns
cols = ceil((xmax-xmin)/gridWidth)
# start grid cell envelope
ringXleftOrigin = xmin
ringXrightOrigin = xmin + gridWidth
ringYtopOrigin = ymax
ringYbottomOrigin = ymax-gridHeight
# create output file
outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
if os.path.exists(outputGridfn):
outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource(outputGridfn)
outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer(outputGridfn,geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon )
featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn()
# create grid cells
countcols = 0
while countcols < cols:
countcols += 1
# reset envelope for rows
ringYtop = ringYtopOrigin
ringYbottom =ringYbottomOrigin
countrows = 0
while countrows < rows:
countrows += 1
ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop)
ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYtop)
ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYbottom)
ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYbottom)
ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop)
poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
# add new geom to layer
outFeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)
outFeature = None
# new envelope for next poly
ringYtop = ringYtop - gridHeight
ringYbottom = ringYbottom - gridHeight
# new envelope for next poly
ringXleftOrigin = ringXleftOrigin + gridWidth
ringXrightOrigin = ringXrightOrigin + gridWidth
# Save and close DataSources
outDataSource = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
# example run : $ python <full-path><output-shapefile-name>.shp xmin xmax ymin ymax gridHeight gridWidth
if len( sys.argv ) != 8:
print "[ ERROR ] you must supply seven arguments: output-shapefile-name.shp xmin xmax ymin ymax gridHeight gridWidth"
sys.exit( 1 )
main( sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5], sys.argv[6], sys.argv[7] )
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3218
Reputation: 301
Found a rather derpy way to do it using voronoi tessellations. Function below accepts a shapely.geometry.Polygon
object, use the resolution parameter to control the size of grid cell in meters.
Have tested for multiple locations in Pakistan; Karachi, Lahore, Gujranwala.
from functools import partial
from shapely import ops, geometry, wkt
from shapely.prepared import prep
from pyproj import Proj,transform
import pyproj
import geopandas as gpd
def get_grid_from_poly(poly,resolution,base_proj='epsg:4326'):
Takes a polygon and creates a mesh of equally spaced points within it.
poly: bounding box polygon within which we want to create mesh of Points
resolution: Distance in meters between each point of the equally spaced mesh of Points.
This determines the size of each grid cell in the fishnet grid. generate_fishnet function
esentially creates voronoi tesselations with each point of the mesh treated as a centroid.
base_proj: Base Projection from which coordinates are projected to Web Mercator, EPSG: 3857
project = partial(
poly = ops.transform(project,poly)
# shp = districts_gpd[districts_gpd.DISTRICT==district_name]
# shp = shp.to_crs(epsg=3857)
# poly = shp.geometry.values[0]
latmin, lonmin, latmax, lonmax = poly.bounds
# construct a rectangular mesh
prep_polygon = prep(poly)
valid_points = []
points = []
#0.012 degrees is approximately equal to 1km
# resolution = 1000
for lat in np.arange(latmin, latmax, resolution):
for lon in np.arange(lonmin, lonmax, resolution):
points.append(geometry.Point((round(lat,4), round(lon,4))))
# validate if each point falls inside shape using
# the prepared polygon
valid_points.extend(filter(prep_polygon.contains, points))
mesh = gpd.GeoDataFrame(valid_points)
mesh = mesh.reset_index()
mesh = mesh.rename(columns={
mesh['p_id'] = mesh.p_id.apply(lambda x: 'p{id}'.format(id=str(x)))
mesh['geometry'] = mesh['geometry'].apply(lambda x: ops.transform(func_flip,x))
mesh['geometry'] = mesh['geometry'].apply(lambda x: ops.transform(func_flip,x)) = 'EPSG:3857'
mesh = mesh.to_crs(crs=4326)
mesh['coords']=mesh['geometry'].apply(lambda x: list(x.coords)[0])
mesh['lon'],mesh['lat']=mesh.coords.apply(lambda x: x[0]),mesh.coords.apply(lambda x: x[1])
mesh = mesh.drop(columns=['coords'])
mesh['lon_lat'] = mesh.apply(func_lonlat_from_lat_lon,1)
mesh = gpd.GeoDataFrame(mesh,geometry='geometry',crs='EPSG:4326')
return mesh
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 64463
The code look good to me, perhaps it's a "flushing" issue. Try also closing the layer by setting it to None:
outLayer = None
The code you are using is quite elaborate, a nice demonstration of how OGR works, but you could simply it quite a bit. Consider the example below:
Define the grid and output:
# settings
output_shp = r'D:\tmp_grid_v5.shp'
drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
if os.path.exists(output_shp):
# DeleteDataSource will delete related files, compared to os.remove
# grid definition
# extent
ulx, uly, lrx, lry = -180, 90, 180, -90
# resolution 1 degree grid
xres = 1
yres = -1
# half the resolution
dx = xres/2
dy = yres/2
Calculate the center coordinates of each polygon. Using Numpy meshgrid is convenient but calculates all at once. If memory is an issue you could do this one by one.
# center coordinates
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(
np.arange(ulx+dx, lrx+dx, xres),
np.arange(uly+dy, lry+dy, yres),
Initialize the output shapefile:
ds = drv.CreateDataSource(output_shp)
lyr = ds.CreateLayer(output_shp, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon)
fdefn = lyr.GetLayerDefn()
Loop over each center coordinate and add the polygon to the output:
for x,y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()):
poly_wkt = f'POLYGON (({x-dx} {y-dy}, {x+dx} {y-dy}, {x+dx} {y+dy}, {x-dx} {y+dy}, {x-dx} {y-dy}))'
ft = ogr.Feature(fdefn)
ft = None
Close the output
lyr = None
ds = None
Upvotes: 0