
Reputation: 4363

How to use unsafe get a byte slice from a string without memory copy

I have read about "" about no-copy conversion from []byte to string.

I am wondering if there is a way to convert a string to a byte slice without memory copy?

I am writing a program which processes terra-bytes data, if every string is copied twice in memory, it will slow down the progress. And I do not care about mutable/unsafe, only internal usage, I just need the speed as fast as possible.


var s string
// some processing on s, for some reasons, I must use string here
// ...
// then output to a writer
gzipWriter.Write([]byte(s))  // !!! Here I want to avoid the memory copy, no WriteString

So the question is: is there a way to prevent from the memory copying? I know maybe I need the unsafe package, but I do not know how. I have searched a while, no answer till now, neither the SO showed related answers works.

Update: for Go 1.20, the official solution is:

Upvotes: 12

Views: 16340

Answers (7)


Reputation: 45162

Go 1.20 (February 2023)

You can use unsafe.StringData to greatly simplify YenForYang's answer:

StringData returns a pointer to the underlying bytes of str. For an empty string the return value is unspecified, and may be nil.

Since Go strings are immutable, the bytes returned by StringData must not be modified.

func main() {
    str := "foobar"
    d := unsafe.StringData(str)
    b := unsafe.Slice(d, len(str))
    fmt.Printf("%T, %s\n", b, b) // []uint8, foobar (byte is alias of uint8)

Go tip playground:

Remember that you can't assign to b[n]. The memory is still read-only.

Upvotes: 15

Nuno Cruces
Nuno Cruces

Reputation: 1773

In go 1.17, I'd recommend unsafe.Slice as more readable:

unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer((*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data)), len(s))

I think that this also works (doesn't violate any unsafe.Pointer rules), with the benefit that it works for a const s:

*(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct{string; int}{s, len(s)}))

Commentary bellow is regarding the accepted answer as it originally stood. The accepted answer now mentions an (authoritative) solution from Ian Lance Taylor. Keeping it as it points out a common error.

The accepted answer is wrong, and may produce the panic @RFC mentioned in the comments. The explanation by @icza about GC and keep alive is misguided.

The reason capacity is zero (or even an arbitrary value) is more prosaic.

A slice is:

type SliceHeader struct {
    Data uintptr
    Len  int
    Cap  int

A string is:

type StringHeader struct {
    Data uintptr
    Len  int

Converting a byte slice to a string can be "safely" done as the strings.Builder does it:

func (b *Builder) String() string {
    return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b.buf))

This will copy the Data pointer and Len from the slice to the string.

The opposite conversion is not "safe" because Cap doesn't get set to the correct value.

The following (originally by me) is also wrong because it violates unsafe.Pointer rule #1.

This is the correct code, that fixes the panic:

var buf = *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&str))
(*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).Cap = len(str)

Or perhaps:

var buf []byte
*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)) = str
(*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).Cap = len(str)

I should add that all these conversions are unsafe in the sense that strings are expected to be immutable, and byte arrays/slices mutable.

But if you know for sure that the byte slice won't be mutated, you won't get bounds (or GC) issues with the above conversions.

Upvotes: 11


Reputation: 418585

Getting the content of a string as a []byte without copying in general is only possible using unsafe, because strings in Go are immutable, and without a copy it would be possible to modify the contents of the string (by changing the elements of the byte slice).

So using unsafe, this is how it could look like (corrected, working solution):

func unsafeGetBytes(s string) []byte {
    return (*[0x7fff0000]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(

This solution is from Ian Lance Taylor.

One thing to note here: the empty string "" has no bytes as its length is zero. This means there is no guarantee what the Data field may be, it may be zero or an arbitrary address shared among the zero-size variables. If an empty string may be passed, that must be checked explicitly (although there's no need to get the bytes of an empty string without copying...):

func unsafeGetBytes(s string) []byte {
    if s == "" {
        return nil // or []byte{}
    return (*[0x7fff0000]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(

Original, wrong solution was:

func unsafeGetBytesWRONG(s string) []byte {
    return *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) // WRONG!!!!

See Nuno Cruces's answer below for reasoning.

Testing it:

s := "hi"
data := unsafeGetBytes(s)
fmt.Println(data, string(data))

data = unsafeGetBytes("gopher")
fmt.Println(data, string(data))

Output (try it on the Go Playground):

[104 105] hi
[103 111 112 104 101 114] gopher

BUT: You wrote you want this because you need performance. You also mentioned you want to compress the data. Please know that compressing data (using gzip) requires a lot more computation than just copying a few bytes! You will not see any noticeable performance gain by using this!

Instead when you want to write strings to an io.Writer, it's recommended to do it via io.WriteString() function which if possible will do so without making a copy of the string (by checking and calling WriteString() method which if exists is most likely does it better than copying the string). For details, see What's the difference between ResponseWriter.Write and io.WriteString?

There are also ways to access the contents of a string without converting it to []byte, such as indexing, or using a loop where the compiler optimizes away the copy:

s := "something"
for i, v := range []byte(s) { // Copying s is optimized away
    // ...

Also see related questions:

[]byte(string) vs []byte(*string)

What are the possible consequences of using unsafe conversion from []byte to string in go?

What is the difference between the string and []byte in Go?

Does conversion between alias types in Go create copies?

How does type conversion internally work? What is the memory utilization for the same?

Upvotes: 17

Samer Ata
Samer Ata

Reputation: 1027

Simple, no reflect, and I think it is portable. s is your string and b is your bytes slice

var b []byte
copy(bb, (*[2]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))[:])
bb[2] = bb[1]
// use b

Remember, bytes value should not be modified (will panic). re-slicing is ok (for example: bytes.split(b, []byte{','} )

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 3304

After some extensive investigation, I believe I've discovered the most efficient way of getting a []byte from a string as of Go 1.17 (this is for i386/x86_64 gc; I haven't tested other architectures.) The trade-off of being efficient code here is being inefficient to code, though.

Before I say anything else, it should be made clear that the differences are ultimately very small and probably inconsequential -- the info below is for fun/educational purposes only.


With some minor alterations, the accepted answer illustrating the technique of slicing a pointer to array is the most efficient way. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if unsafe.Slice becomes the (decisively) better choice in the future.


unsafe.Slice currently has the advantage of being slightly more readable, but I'm skeptical about it's performance. It looks like it makes a call to runtime.unsafeslice. The following is the gc amd64 1.17 assembly of the function provided in Atamiri's answer (FUNCDATA omitted). Note the stack check (lack of NOSPLIT):

        TEXT    "".unsafeGetBytes(SB), ABIInternal, $48-16
        CMPQ    SP, 16(R14)
        PCDATA  $0, $-2
        JLS     unsafeGetBytes_pc86
        PCDATA  $0, $-1
        SUBQ    $48, SP
        MOVQ    BP, 40(SP)
        LEAQ    40(SP), BP

        PCDATA  $0, $-2
        MOVQ    BX, ""..autotmp_4+24(SP)
        MOVQ    AX, "".s+56(SP)
        MOVQ    BX, "".s+64(SP)
        MOVQ    "".s+56(SP), DX
        PCDATA  $0, $-1
        MOVQ    DX, ""..autotmp_5+32(SP)
        LEAQ    type.uint8(SB), AX
        MOVQ    BX, CX
        MOVQ    DX, BX
        PCDATA  $1, $1
        CALL    runtime.unsafeslice(SB)
        MOVQ    ""..autotmp_5+32(SP), AX
        MOVQ    ""..autotmp_4+24(SP), BX
        MOVQ    BX, CX
        MOVQ    40(SP), BP
        ADDQ    $48, SP
        PCDATA  $1, $-1
        PCDATA  $0, $-2
        MOVQ    AX, 8(SP)
        MOVQ    BX, 16(SP)
        CALL    runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
        MOVQ    8(SP), AX
        MOVQ    16(SP), BX
        PCDATA  $0, $-1
        JMP     unsafeGetBytes_pc0

Other unimportant fun facts about the above (easily subject to change): compiled size of 3326B; has an inline cost of 7; correct escape analysis: s leaks to ~r1 with derefs=0.

Carefully Modifying *reflect.SliceHeader

This method has the advantage/disadvantage of letting one modify the internal state of a slice directly. Unfortunately, due it's multiline nature and use of uintptr, the GC can easily mess things up if one is not careful about keeping a reference to the original string. (Here I avoided creating temporary pointers to reduce inline cost and to avoid needing to add runtime.KeepAlive):

func unsafeGetBytes(s string) (b []byte) {
    (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).Data = (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data
    (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).Cap = len(s)
    (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).Len = len(s)

The corresponding assembly on amd64 (FUNCDATA omitted):

        TEXT    "".unsafeGetBytes(SB), NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $32-16
        SUBQ    $32, SP
        MOVQ    BP, 24(SP)
        LEAQ    24(SP), BP

        MOVQ    AX, "".s+40(SP)
        MOVQ    BX, "".s+48(SP)
        MOVQ    $0, "".b(SP)
        MOVUPS  X15, "".b+8(SP)
        MOVQ    "".s+40(SP), DX
        MOVQ    DX, "".b(SP)
        MOVQ    "".s+48(SP), CX
        MOVQ    CX, "".b+16(SP)
        MOVQ    "".s+48(SP), BX
        MOVQ    BX, "".b+8(SP)
        MOVQ    "".b(SP), AX
        MOVQ    24(SP), BP
        ADDQ    $32, SP

Other unimportant fun facts about the above (easily subject to change): compiled size of 3700B; has an inline cost of 20; subpar escape analysis: s leaks to {heap} with derefs=0.

Unsafer version of modifying SliceHeader

Adapted from Nuno Cruces' answer. This relies on the inherent structural similarity between StringHeader and SliceHeader, so in a sense it breaks "more easily". Additionally, it temporarily creates an illegal state where cap(b) (being 0) is less than len(b).

func unsafeGetBytes(s string) (b []byte) {
    *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) = s
    (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).Cap = len(s)

Corresponding assembly (FUNCDATA omitted):

        TEXT    "".unsafeGetBytes(SB), NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $32-16
        SUBQ    $32, SP
        MOVQ    BP, 24(SP)
        LEAQ    24(SP), BP
        MOVQ    AX, "".s+40(FP)

        MOVQ    $0, "".b(SP)
        MOVUPS  X15, "".b+8(SP)
        MOVQ    AX, "".b(SP)
        MOVQ    BX, "".b+8(SP)
        MOVQ    BX, "".b+16(SP)
        MOVQ    "".b(SP), AX
        MOVQ    BX, CX
        MOVQ    24(SP), BP
        ADDQ    $32, SP

Other unimportant details: compiled size 3636B, inline cost of 11, with subpar escape analysis: s leaks to {heap} with derefs=0.

Slicing a pointer to array

This is the accepted answer (shown here for comparison) -- its primary disadvantage is its ugliness (viz. magic number 0x7fff0000). There's also the tiniest possibility of getting a string bigger than the array, and an unavoidable bounds check.

func unsafeGetBytes(s string) []byte {
    return (*[0x7fff0000]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(

Corresponding assembly (FUNCDATA removed).

        TEXT    "".unsafeGetBytes(SB), NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $24-16
        SUBQ    $24, SP
        MOVQ    BP, 16(SP)
        LEAQ    16(SP), BP

        PCDATA  $0, $-2
        MOVQ    AX, "".s+32(SP)
        MOVQ    BX, "".s+40(SP)
        MOVQ    "".s+32(SP), AX
        PCDATA  $0, $-1
        TESTB   AL, (AX)
        CMPQ    BX, $2147418112
        JHI     unsafeGetBytes_pc54
        MOVQ    BX, CX
        MOVQ    16(SP), BP
        ADDQ    $24, SP
        MOVQ    BX, DX
        MOVL    $2147418112, BX
        PCDATA  $1, $1
        CALL    runtime.panicSlice3Alen(SB)
        XCHGL   AX, AX

Other unimportant details: compiled size 3142B, inline cost of 9, with correct escape analysis: s leaks to ~r1 with derefs=0

Note the runtime.panicSlice3Alen -- this is bounds check that checks that len(s) is within 0x7fff0000.

Improved slicing pointer to array

This is what I've concluded to be the most efficient method as of Go 1.17. I basically modified the accepted answer to eliminate the bounds check, and found a "more meaningful" constant (math.MaxInt32) to use than 0x7fff0000. Using MaxInt32 preserves 32-bit compatibility.

func unsafeGetBytes(s string) []byte {
    const MaxInt32 = 1<<31 - 1
    return (*[MaxInt32]byte)(unsafe.Pointer((*reflect.StringHeader)(

Corresponding assembly (FUNCDATA removed):

        TEXT    "".unsafeGetBytes(SB), NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $0-16

        PCDATA  $0, $-2
        MOVQ    AX, "".s+8(SP)
        MOVQ    BX, "".s+16(SP)
        MOVQ    "".s+8(SP), AX
        PCDATA  $0, $-1
        TESTB   AL, (AX)
        ANDQ    $2147483647, BX
        MOVQ    BX, CX

Other unimportant details: compiled size 3188B, inline cost of 13, and correct escape analysis: s leaks to ~r1 with derefs=0

Upvotes: 14


Reputation: 213

In Go 1.17, one can now use unsafe.Slice, so the accepted answer can be rewritten as follows:

func unsafeGetBytes(s string) []byte {
        return unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer((*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data)), len(s))

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 4363

I managed to get the goal by this:

func TestString(t *testing.T) {

    b := []byte{'a', 'b', 'c', '1', '2', '3', '4'}
    s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
    sb := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))

    addr1 := unsafe.Pointer(&b)
    addr2 := unsafe.Pointer(&s)
    addr3 := unsafe.Pointer(&sb)

    fmt.Print("&b=", addr1, "\n&s=", addr2, "\n&sb=", addr3, "\n")

    hdr1 := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
    hdr2 := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
    hdr3 := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&sb))

    fmt.Print("", hdr1.Data, "\", hdr2.Data, "\", hdr3.Data, "\n")

    b[0] = 'X'
    sb[1] = 'Y'  // if sb is from a string directly, this will cause nil panic
    fmt.Print("s=", s, "\nsb=")
    for _, c := range sb {
        fmt.Printf("%c", c)



=== RUN   TestString

These variables all share the same memory.

Upvotes: 2

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