
Reputation: 383

Histogram -Doing it in a parallel way

| Id | M1 |  trx   |
| 1  | M1 | 11.35  |
| 2  | M1 | 3.4    |
| 3  | M1 | 10.45  |
| 2  | M1 | 3.95   |
| 3  | M1 | 20.95  |
| 2  | M2 | 25.55  |
| 1  | M2 |  9.95  |
| 2  | M2 | 11.95  |
| 1  | M2 |  9.65  |
| 1  | M2 | 14.54  |

With the above dataframe I should be able to generate a histogram as below using the below code. Similar Queston is here

val (Range,counts) = df
.select(col("trx")) => r.getDouble(0))
// Range: Array[Double] = Array(3.4, 5.615, 7.83, 10.045, 12.26, 14.475, 16.69, 18.905, 21.12, 23.335, 25.55)
// counts: Array[Long] = Array(2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1) 

But Issue here is,how can I parallely create the histogram based on column 'M1' ?This means I need to have two histogram output for column Values M1 and M2.

Upvotes: 4

Views: 922

Answers (3)


Reputation: 10406

First, you need to know that histogram generates two separate sequential jobs. One to detect the minimum and maximum of your data, one to compute the actual histogram. You can check this using the Spark UI.

We can follow the same scheme to build histograms on as many columns as you wish, with only two jobs. Yet, we cannot use the histogram function which is only meant to handle one collection of doubles. We need to implement it by ourselves. The first job is dead simple.

val Row(min_trx : Double, max_trx : Double) ='trx), max('trx)).head

Then we compute locally the ranges of the histogram. Note that I use the same ranges for all the columns. It allows to compare the results easily between the columns (by plotting them on the same figure). Having different ranges per column would just be a small modification of this code though.

val hist_size = 10
val hist_step = (max_trx - min_trx) / hist_size
val hist_ranges = (1 until hist_size)
    .scanLeft(min_trx)((a, _) => a + hist_step) :+ max_trx
// I add max_trx manually to avoid rounding errors that would exclude the value

That was the first part. Then, we can use a UDF to determine in what range each value ends up, and compute all the histograms in parallel with spark.

val range_index = udf((x : Double) => hist_ranges.lastIndexWhere(x >= _))
val hist_df = df
    .withColumn("rangeIndex", range_index('trx))
    .groupBy("M1", "rangeIndex")
// And voilà, all the data you need is there.
| M1|rangeIndex|count|
| M2|         2|    2|
| M1|         0|    2|
| M2|         5|    1|
| M1|         3|    2|
| M2|         3|    1|
| M1|         7|    1|
| M2|        10|    1|

As a bonus, you can shape the data to use it locally (within the driver), either using the RDD API or by collecting the dataframe and modifying it in scala.

Here is one way to do it with spark since this is a question about spark ;-)

val hist_map = hist_df.rdd
    .map(row => row.getAs[String]("M1") ->
             (row.getAs[Int]("rangeIndex"), row.getAs[Long]("count")))
    .mapValues( _.toMap)
    .mapValues( hists => (1 to hist_size)
                    .map(i => hists.getOrElse(i, 0L)).toArray )

EDIT: how to build one range per column value:

Instead of computing the min and max of M1, we compute it for each value of the column with groupBy.

val min_max_map = df.groupBy("M1")
    .agg(min('trx), max('trx)) => row.getAs[String]("M1") ->
      (row.getAs[Double]("min(trx)"), row.getAs[Double]("max(trx)")))
    .collectAsMap // maps each column value to a tuple (min, max)

Then we adapt the UDF so that it uses this map and we are done.

// for clarity, let's define a function that generates histogram ranges
def generate_ranges(min_trx : Double, max_trx : Double, hist_size : Int) = {
    val hist_step = (max_trx - min_trx) / hist_size
    (1 until hist_size).scanLeft(min_trx)((a, _) => a + hist_step) :+ max_trx
// and use it to generate one range per column value
val range_map = min_max_map.keys
    .map(key => key ->
        generate_ranges(min_max_map(key)._1, min_max_map(key)._2, hist_size))

val range_index = udf((x : Double, m1 : String) =>
                       range_map(m1).lastIndexWhere(x >= _))

Finally, just replace range_index('trx) by range_index('trx, 'M1) and you will have one range per column value.

Upvotes: 2

Raphael Roth
Raphael Roth

Reputation: 27373

I think its not easily possible using RDD's, because histogram is only available on DoubleRDD, i.e. RDDs of Double. If you really need to use RDD API, you can do it in parallel by firing parallel jobs, this can be done using scalas parallel collection:

import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParSeq

val List((rangeM1,histM1),(rangeM2,histM2)) = ParSeq("M1","M2")
  .map(c => df.where($"M1"===c)
  .select(col("trx")) => r.getDouble(0))



(WrappedArray(3.4, 5.155, 6.91, 8.665000000000001, 10.42, 12.175, 13.930000000000001, 15.685, 17.44, 19.195, 20.95),WrappedArray(2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
(WrappedArray(9.65, 11.24, 12.83, 14.420000000000002, 16.01, 17.6, 19.19, 20.78, 22.37, 23.96, 25.55),WrappedArray(2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))

Note that the bins differ here for M1 and M2

Upvotes: 1

Raphael Roth
Raphael Roth

Reputation: 27373

The way I do histograms with Spark is as follows:

val binEdes = 0.0 to 25.0 by 5.0
val bins ="bin_from","bin_to")

  .join(bins,$"trx">=$"bin_from" and $"trx"<$"bin_to","right")
   // add more, e.g. sum($"trx)


|     0.0|   5.0|    2|
|     5.0|  10.0|    2|
|    10.0|  15.0|    4|
|    15.0|  20.0|    0|
|    20.0|  25.0|    1|

Now if you have more dimensions, just add that to the groupBy-clause

  .join(bins,$"trx">=$"bin_from" and $"trx"<$"bin_to","right")


|  M1|bin_from|bin_to|count|
|null|    15.0|  20.0|    0|
|  M1|     0.0|   5.0|    2|
|  M1|    10.0|  15.0|    2|
|  M1|    20.0|  25.0|    1|
|  M2|     5.0|  10.0|    2|
|  M2|    10.0|  15.0|    2|

You may tweak to code a bit to get the output you want, but this should get you started. You could also do the UDAF approach I posted here : Spark custom aggregation : collect_list+UDF vs UDAF

Upvotes: 1

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