Nicholas Weston
Nicholas Weston

Reputation: 629

Transform a HList of Eithers to an Either of a HList

I want to define a function that accepts a HList whose elements are such that, for each element t, there is a type T such that t: Either[String, T]. The function, which we will call validate, should have the following behaviour:


validate (Right (42) :: Right (3.14) :: Right (false) :: HNil)
>> Right (42 :: 3.14 :: false :: HNil)
validate (Right (42) :: Left ("qwerty") :: Left ("uiop") :: HNil)
>> Left (List ("qwerty", "uiop"))

An example use case:

case class Result (foo: Foo, bar: Bar, baz: Baz, qux: Qux)

def getFoo: Either[String, Foo] = ???
def getBar: Either[String, Bar] = ???
def getBaz: Either[String, Baz] = ???
def getQux: Either[String, Qux] = ???

def createResult: Either[String, Result] = {
    validate (getFoo :: getBar :: getBaz :: getQux :: HNil) match {
        case Right (foo :: bar :: baz :: qux :: HNil) => Right (Result (foo, bar, baz, qux))
        case Left (errors) => Left ("The following errors occurred:\n" + errors.mkString ("\n"))

Upvotes: 3

Views: 301

Answers (2)

Nicholas Weston
Nicholas Weston

Reputation: 629

I managed to arrive at a solution essentially identical to Travis Brown's right-fold solution, with a few additions:

class Validate[E] {
    def apply[L <: HList] (hlist: L) (implicit folder: RightFolder[L, Either[List[E], HNil], combine.type]) =
        hlist.foldRight (Right (HNil) : Either[List[E], HNil]) (combine)

object combine extends Poly2 {
    implicit def combine[E, H, T <: HList]
    : ProductCase.Aux[Either[E, H] :: Either[List[E], T] :: HNil, Either[List[E], H :: T]] = use {
        (elem: Either[E, H], result: Either[List[E], T]) => (elem, result) match {
            case (Left (error), Left (errors)) => Left (error :: errors)
            case (Left (error), Right (_)) => Left (error :: Nil)
            case (Right (_), Left (errors)) => Left (errors)
            case (Right (value), Right (values)) => Right (value :: values)

def validate[E] = new Validate[E]

This allows the left type to vary, and allows the syntax:

validate[String] (getFoo :: getBar :: getBaz :: getQux :: HNil) match {
    case Right (foo :: bar :: baz :: qux :: HNil) => ???
    case Left (errors) => ???

Admittedly this is the first time that I have used Poly. It blew my mind to see that this actually worked. Infuriatingly, the static analysis provided by my IDE (IntelliJ) is not clever enough to infer the types of the terms in the match cases.

Upvotes: 0

Travis Brown
Travis Brown

Reputation: 139048

I'll assume we have some test data like this throughout this answer:

scala> import shapeless.{::, HNil}
import shapeless.{$colon$colon, HNil}

scala> type In = Either[String, Int] :: Either[String, String] :: HNil
defined type alias In

scala> val good: In = Right(123) :: Right("abc") :: HNil
good: In = Right(123) :: Right(abc) :: HNil

scala> val bad: In = Left("error 1") :: Left("error 2") :: HNil
bad: In = Left(error 1) :: Left(error 2) :: HNil

Using a custom type class

There are many ways you could do this. I'd probably use a custom type class that highlights the way instances are built up inductively:

import shapeless.HList

trait Sequence[L <: HList] {
  type E
  type Out <: HList
  def apply(l: L): Either[List[E], Out]

object Sequence {
  type Aux[L <: HList, E0, Out0 <: HList] = Sequence[L] { type E = E0; type Out = Out0 }

  implicit def hnilSequence[E0]: Aux[HNil, E0, HNil] = new Sequence[HNil] {
    type E = E0
    type Out = HNil
    def apply(l: HNil): Either[List[E], HNil] = Right(l)

  implicit def hconsSequence[H, T <: HList, E0](implicit
    ts: Sequence[T] { type E = E0 }
  ): Aux[Either[E0, H] :: T, E0, H :: ts.Out] = new Sequence[Either[E0, H] :: T] {
    type E = E0
    type Out = H :: ts.Out
    def apply(l: Either[E0, H] :: T): Either[List[E0], H :: ts.Out] =
      (l.head, ts(l.tail)) match {
        case (Right(h), Right(t)) => Right(h :: t)
        case (Left(eh), Left(et)) => Left(eh :: et)
        case (Left(eh), _) => Left(List(eh))
        case (_, Left(et)) => Left(et)

Then you can write validate like this:

def validate[L <: HList](l: L)(implicit s: Sequence[L]): Either[List[s.E], s.Out] = s(l)

And use it like this:

scala> validate(good)
res0: scala.util.Either[List[String],Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Right(123 :: abc :: HNil)

scala> validate(bad)
res1: scala.util.Either[List[String],Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Left(List(error 1, error 2))

Note that the static types come out right.

Using a right fold

You could also do it a little more concisely by folding with a Poly2.

import shapeless.Poly2

object combine extends Poly2 {
  implicit def eitherCase[H, T, E, OutT <: HList]:
    Case.Aux[Either[E, H], Either[List[E], OutT], Either[List[E], H :: OutT]] = at {
      case (Right(h), Right(t)) => Right(h :: t)
      case (Left(eh), Left(et)) => Left(eh :: et)
      case (Left(eh), _) => Left(List(eh))
      case (_, Left(et)) => Left(et) 

And then:

scala> good.foldRight(Right(HNil): Either[List[String], HNil])(combine)
res2: scala.util.Either[List[String],Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Right(123 :: abc :: HNil)

scala> bad.foldRight(Right(HNil): Either[List[String], HNil])(combine)
res3: scala.util.Either[List[String],Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Left(List(error 1, error 2))

I guess this is probably the "right" answer, assuming you want to stick to Shapeless alone. The Poly2 approach just relies on some weird details of implicit resolution (we couldn't define combine as a val, for example) that I personally don't really like.

Using Kittens's sequence

Lastly you could use the Kittens library, which supports sequencing and traversing hlists:

scala> import cats.instances.all._, cats.sequence._
import cats.instances.all._
import cats.sequence._

scala> good.sequence
res4: scala.util.Either[String,Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Right(123 :: abc :: HNil)

scala> bad.sequence
res5: scala.util.Either[String,Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Left(error 1)

Note that this doesn't accumulate errors, though.

If you wanted the most complete possible Typelevel experience I guess you could add a parSequence operation to Kittens that would accumulate errors for an hlist of eithers via the Parallel instance mapping them to Validated (see my blog post here for more detail about how this works). Kittens doesn't currently include this, though.

Update: parallel sequencing

If you want parSequence, it's not actually that much of a nightmare to write it yourself:

import shapeless.HList, shapeless.poly.~>, shapeless.ops.hlist.{Comapped, NatTRel}
import cats.Parallel, cats.instances.all._, cats.sequence.Sequencer

def parSequence[L <: HList, M[_], P[_], PL <: HList, Out](l: L)(implicit
  cmp: Comapped[L, M],
  par: Parallel.Aux[M, P],
  ntr: NatTRel[L, M, PL, P],
  seq: Sequencer.Aux[PL, P, Out]
): M[Out] = {
  val nt = new (M ~> P) {
    def apply[A](a: M[A]): P[A] = par.parallel(a)

  par.sequential(seq(, l)))

And then:

scala> parSequence(good)
res0: Either[String,Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Right(123 :: abc :: HNil)

scala> parSequence(bad)
res1: Either[String,Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Left(error 1error 2)

Note that this does accumulate errors, but by concatenating the strings. The Cats-idiomatic way to accumulate errors in a list would look like this:

scala> import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.syntax.all._

scala> val good = 123.rightNel[String] :: "abc".rightNel[String] :: HNil
good: Either[[String],Int] :: Either[[String],String] :: shapeless.HNil = Right(123) :: Right(abc) :: HNil

scala> val bad = "error 1".leftNel[String] :: "error 2".leftNel[Int] :: HNil
bad: Either[[String],String] :: Either[[String],Int] :: shapeless.HNil = Left(NonEmptyList(error 1)) :: Left(NonEmptyList(error 2)) :: HNil

scala> parSequence(good)
res3: Either[[String],Int :: String :: shapeless.HNil] = Right(123 :: abc :: HNil)

scala> parSequence(bad)
res4: Either[[String],String :: Int :: shapeless.HNil] = Left(NonEmptyList(error 1, error 2))

It'd probably be worth opening a PR to add something like this to Kittens.

Upvotes: 6

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