

SQL SERVER generate data using Regex pattern

I would like to generate the data by given regex pattern in SQL Server. Is there any possibility to do? Say, I have pattern as below and I would like to generate data as follow:

The idea behind the concept is SQL STATIC DATA MASKING (which was removed in current feature). Our client wants to mask the production data in test database. We don't have SQL STATIC DATA MASKING feature with sql now but we have patterns to mask the column, so what I am thinking is, with these pattern we can run the update query.

SELECT "(\d){7}" AS RandonNumber, "(\W){5}" AS RandomString FROM tbl

Output Should be

  |  RandonNumber | RandomString |
  |  7894562      | AHJIL        |
  |  9632587      | ZLOKP        |
  |  4561238      | UJIOK        |

Apart from this regular pattern, I have some customized pattern like Test_Product_(\d){1,4}, which should give result as below:


Complete Patterns which I am going to use for masking

Other Patterns                Samples
(\l){30}                      ahukoklijfahukokponmahukoahuko
(\d){7}                       7895623
(\W){5}                       ABCDEF
Test_Product_(\d){1,4}        Test_Product_007
0\.(\d){2}                    0.59

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Views: 2239

Answers (2)


Reputation: 3300

I'm not convinced you need a Regex for this. Why not just use a "scrub script" and take advantage of the newid() function to generate a bunch of random data. It looks like you'll need to write such a script anyway, Regex or not, and this has the benefit of being very simple.

Let's say you start with the following data:

create table tbl (PersonalId int, Name varchar(max))

insert into tbl select 300300, 'Michael'
insert into tbl select 554455, 'Tim'
insert into tbl select 228899, 'John'

select * from tbl

enter image description here

Then run your script:

update tbl set PersonalId = cast(rand(checksum(newid())) * 1000000 as int)
update tbl set Name = left(convert(varchar(255), newid()), 6)

select * from tbl

enter image description here

Upvotes: 1

Zohar Peled
Zohar Peled

Reputation: 82504

Well, I can give you a solution that is not based on regular expressions, but on a set of parameters - but it contains a complete set of all your requirements.
I've based this solution on a user-defined function I've written to generate random strings (You can read my blog post about it here) - I've just changed it so that it could generate the mask you wanted based on the following conditions:

  • The mask has an optional prefix.
  • The mask has an optional suffix.
  • The mask has a variable-length random string.
  • The random string can contain either lower-case letters, upper-case letters, digits, or any combination of the above.

I've decided these set of rules based on your update to the question, containing your desired masks:

(\d){7}                       7895623
(\W){5}                       ABCDEF
Test_Product_(\d){1,4}        Test_Product_007
0\.(\d){2}                    0.59

And now, for the code:
Since I'm using a user-defined function, I can't use inside it the NewId() built in function - so we first need to create a view to generate the guid for us:

CREATE VIEW GuidGenerator
    SELECT Newid() As NewGuid;

In the function, we're going to use that view to generate a NewID() as the base of all randomness.

The function itself is a lot more cumbersome then the random string generator I've started from:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.MaskGenerator
    -- use null or an empty string for no prefix
    @Prefix nvarchar(4000), 
    -- use null or an empty string for no suffix
    @suffix nvarchar(4000), 
    -- the minimum length of the random part
    @MinLength int, 
    -- the maximum length of the random part
    @MaxLength int, 
    -- the maximum number of rows to return. Note: up to 1,000,000 rows
    @Count int, 
    -- 1, 2 and 4 stands for lower-case, upper-case and digits. 
    -- a bitwise combination of these values can be used to generate all possible combinations:
    -- 3: lower and upper, 5: lower and digis, 6: upper and digits, 7: lower, upper nad digits
    @CharType tinyint 
-- An inline tally table with 1,000,000 rows
WITH E1(N) AS (SELECT N FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)) V(N)),   -- 10
     E2(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E1 a, E1 b), --100
     E3(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E2 a, E2 b), --10,000
     Tally(N) AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY @@SPID) FROM E3 a, E2 b) --1,000,000

        n As Number, 
        CONCAT(@Prefix, (
        SELECT  TOP (Length) 
                -- choose what char combination to use for the random part
                CASE @CharType 
                    WHEN 1 THEN Lower
                    WHEN 2 THEN Upper
                    WHEN 3 THEN IIF(Rnd % 2 = 0, Lower, Upper)
                    WHEN 4 THEN Digit
                    WHEN 5 THEN IIF(Rnd % 2 = 0, Lower, Digit)
                    WHEN 6 THEN IIF(Rnd % 2 = 0, Upper, Digit)
                    WHEN 7 THEN 
                        CASE Rnd % 3
                            WHEN 0 THEN Lower
                            WHEN 1 THEN Upper
                            ELSE Digit
        FROM Tally As t0  
        -- create a random number from the guid using the GuidGenerator view
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT Abs(Checksum(NewGuid)) As Rnd FROM GuidGenerator) As rand
            -- generate a random lower-case char, upper-case char and digit
            SELECT  CHAR(97 + Rnd % 26) As Lower, -- Random lower case letter
                    CHAR(65 + Rnd % 26) As Upper,-- Random upper case letter
                    CHAR(48 + Rnd % 10) As Digit -- Random digit
        ) As Chars
        WHERE  t0.n <> -t1.n -- Needed for the subquery to get re-evaluated for each row
        FOR XML PATH('') 
        ), @Suffix) As RandomString
FROM Tally As t1
    -- Select a random length between @MinLength and @MaxLength (inclusive)
    SELECT TOP 1 n As Length
    FROM Tally As t2
    CROSS JOIN GuidGenerator 
    WHERE t2.n >= @MinLength
    AND t2.n <= @MaxLength
    AND t2.n <> t1.n
    ORDER BY NewGuid
) As Lengths;

And finally, Test cases:

(\l){30} - ahukoklijfahukokponmahukoahuko

SELECT RandomString FROM dbo.MaskGenerator(null, null, 30, 30, 2, 1); 


1, eyrutkzdugogyhxutcmcmplvzofser
2, juuyvtzsvmmcdkngnzipvsepviepsp

(\d){7} - 7895623

SELECT RandomString FROM dbo.MaskGenerator(null, null, 7, 7, 2, 4); 


1, 8744412
2, 2275313

(\W){5} - ABCDE

SELECT RandomString FROM dbo.MaskGenerator(null, null, 5, 5, 2, 2); 



Test_Product_(\d){1,4} - Test_Product_007

SELECT RandomString FROM dbo.MaskGenerator('Test_Product_', null, 1, 4, 2, 4); 


1, Test_Product_933
2, Test_Product_7

0\.(\d){2} - 0.59

SELECT RandomString FROM dbo.MaskGenerator('0.', null, 2, 2, 2, 4); 


1, 0.68
2, 0.70

https://www\.(\l){10}\.com -

SELECT RandomString FROM dbo.MaskGenerator('https://www.', '.com', 10, 10, 2, 1); 



Here's how you use it to mask the content of a table:

DECLARE @Count int = 10; 

SELECT  CAST(IntVal.RandomString As Int) As IntColumn, 
        UpVal.RandomString as UpperCaseValue, 
        LowVal.RandomString as LowerCaseValue, 
        MixVal.RandomString as MixedValue,
        WithPrefix.RandomString As PrefixedValue
FROM dbo.MaskGenerator(null, null, 3, 7, @Count, 4) As IntVal
JOIN dbo.MaskGenerator(null, null, 10, 10, @Count, 1) As LowVal
    ON IntVal.Number = LowVal.Number
JOIN dbo.MaskGenerator(null, null, 5, 10, @Count, 2) As UpVal
    ON IntVal.Number = UpVal.Number
JOIN dbo.MaskGenerator(null, null, 10, 20, @Count, 7) As MixVal
    ON IntVal.Number = MixVal.Number
JOIN dbo.MaskGenerator('Test ', null, 1, 4, @Count, 4) As WithPrefix
    ON IntVal.Number = WithPrefix.Number


IntColumn   UpperCaseValue  LowerCaseValue  MixedValue              PrefixedValue
674         CCNVSDI         esjyyesesv      O2FAC7bfwg2Be5a91Q0     Test 4935
30732       UJKSL           jktisddbnq      7o8B91Sg1qrIZSvG3AcL    Test 0
4669472     HDLJNBWPJ       qgtfkjdyku      xUoLAZ4pAnpn            Test 8
26347       DNAKERR         vlehbnampb      NBv08yJdKb75ybhaFqED    Test 91
6084965     LJPMZMEU        ccigzyfwnf      MPxQ2t8jjmv0IT45yVcR    Test 4
6619851     FEHKGHTUW       wswuefehsp      40n7Ttg7H5YtVPF         Test 848
781         LRWKVDUV        bywoxqizju      UxIp2O4Jb82Ts           Test 6268
52237       XXNPBL          beqxrgstdo      Uf9j7tCB4W2             Test 43
876150      ZDRABW          fvvinypvqa      uo8zfRx07s6d0EP         Test 7

Note that this is a fast process - generating 1000 rows with 5 columns took less than half a second on average in tests I've made.

Upvotes: 2

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