Reputation: 158
So I am fairly new to the topic of webscraping. I am trying to find all the hyperlinks that the html code of the following page contains:
So this is what I tried:
url <- ""
webpage <- read_html(url)
html_attr(html_nodes(webpage, "a"), "href")
The result only contains like 6 links but just by viewing the page you can see that there are a lot more of hyperlinks.
For example the code behind the first image has something like: <a href="/leche-entera-sixpack-en-bolsa-x-11-litros-cu-807650/p" class="vtex-product-summary-2-x-clearLink h-100 flex flex-column">
What am I doing wrong?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 916
Reputation: 84465
The data, including the urls, are returned dynamically from a GraphQL query you can observe in the network tab when clicking Mostrar más on the page. This is why the content is not present in your initial query - it has not yet been requested.
XHR for the product info
The relevant XHR in the network tab of dev tools:
The actual query params of the url query string:
You can do away with most of the request info. What you do need is the extensions
param. More specifically, you need to provide the sha256Hash
and the base64 encoded string value associated with the variables
key in the persistedQuery
The SHA256 Hash
The appropriate hash can be extracted from at least one of the js files which essentially governs the set up. An example file you can use is:[email protected],OrderFormContext,Mutations,Queries,PWAContext&[email protected],common,11,3,SearchBar&[email protected],common,useResponsiveValues&[email protected],common,0,Dots,Slide,Slider,SliderContainer&[email protected],common,0,1,3,4&workspace=master
The query hash can be regex'd from the response text of an xhr request to this uri. The regex is explained here and the first match is sufficient:
To apply in R, with stringr
, you will need some extra escapes in e.g. \s
becomes \\s
The Base64 encoded product query
The base64 encoded string you can generate yourself with the appropriate library e.g. it seems there is a base64encode
R function in caTools
The encoded string looks like (depending on page/result batch):
The from
and to
params are the offsets for the results batches of products which come in batches of twenty. So, you can write functions which return the appropriate sha256 hash and send a subsequent request for product info where you base64 encode, with the appropriate library, the string above and alter the from
and to
as required. Potentially others as well (have a play!).
The xhr response:
The response is json so you might need a json library (e.g. jsonlite) to handle the result (UPDATE: Seems you don't with R and httr
). You can extract the links from a list of dictionaries nested within result['data']['products']
, as per Python example, where result
is the json object retrieved from the xhr with from
and to params
Examples using R and Python are shown below (N.B. I am less familiar with R). The above has been kept fairly language agnostic.
Bear in mind, whilst I am extracting the urls, the json returned has a lot more info including product title, price, image info etc.
Example output:
R (a quick first go):
get_links <- function(sha, start, end){
string = paste0('{"withFacets":false,"hideUnavailableItems":false,"skusFilter":"ALL_AVAILABLE","query":"148","map":"productClusterIds","orderBy":"OrderByTopSaleDESC","from":' , start , ',"to":' , end , '}')
base64encoded <- caTools::base64encode(string)
params = list(
'extensions' = paste0('{"persistedQuery":{"version":1,"sha256Hash":"' , sha , '","sender":"[email protected]","provider":"[email protected]"},"variables":"' , base64encoded , '"}')
product_info <- content(httr::GET(url = '', query = params))$data$products
links <- map(product_info, ~{
.x %>% .$link
start <- '0'
end <- '19'
sha <- httr::GET('[email protected],OrderFormContext,Mutations,Queries,PWAContext&[email protected],common,11,3,SearchBar&[email protected],common,useResponsiveValues&[email protected],common,0,Dots,Slide,Slider,SliderContainer&[email protected],common,0,1,3,4&workspace=master') %>%
content(., as = "text")%>% str_match(.,'query\\s+productSearch.*?hash:\\s+"(.*?)"')%>% .[[2]]
links <- get_links(sha, start, end)
import requests, base64, re, json
def get_sha():
r = requests.get('[email protected],OrderFormContext,Mutations,Queries,PWAContext&[email protected],common,11,3,SearchBar&[email protected],common,useResponsiveValues&[email protected],common,0,Dots,Slide,Slider,SliderContainer&[email protected],common,0,1,3,4&workspace=master')
p = re.compile(r'query\s+productSearch.*?hash:\s+"(.*?)"') #
sha = p.findall(r.text)[0]
return sha
def get_json(sha, start, end):
#these 'from' and 'to' values correspond with page # as pages cover batches of 20 e.g. start 20 end 39
string = '{"withFacets":false,"hideUnavailableItems":false,"skusFilter":"ALL_AVAILABLE","query":"148","map":"productClusterIds","orderBy":"OrderByTopSaleDESC","from":' + start + ',"to":' + end + '}'
base64encoded = base64.b64encode(string.encode('utf-8')).decode()
params = (('extensions', '{"persistedQuery":{"sha256Hash":"' + sha + '","sender":"[email protected]","provider":"[email protected]"},"variables":"' + base64encoded + '"}'),)
r = requests.get('',params=params)
return r.json()
def get_links(sha, start, end):
result = get_json(sha, start, end)
links = [i['link'] for i in result['data']['products']]
return links
sha = get_sha()
links = get_links(sha, '0', '19')
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1488
You won't be able to get the a
tags you're after because that part of the website is not visible to html/xml parsers. This is because it's a dynamic part of the website that changes if you choose another part of the website; the only 'static' part of the website is the top header, which is why you only got 6 a
tags: the six a
tags from the header.
For this, we need to mimic the behavior of a browser (firefox, chrome, etc...), go into the website (note that we're not entering the website as an html/xml parser but as a 'user' through a browser) and read the html/xml source code from there.
For this we'll need the R package RSelenium
. Make sure you install it correctly together with docker
, as none of the code below can work without it.
After you install RSelenium
and docker
, run docker run -d -p 4445:4444 selenium/standalone-firefox:2.53.1
from your terminal (if on Linux, you can run this the terminal; if on Windows you'll have to download a docker terminal, run it there). After that you're all set to reproduce the code below.
We need to access the 5th div
tag from the image below:
As you can see, this 5th div
tag has three dots (...
) inside, denoting that there's code inside: this is precisely where all of the bottom part of the website is (including the a
tags that you're after). If we tried to access this 5th tag using rvest
or xml2
, we won't find anything:
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
lnk <- ""
# Note how the 5th div element is empty and it should contain the lower
# part of the website
lnk %>%
read_html() %>%
xml_find_all("//div[@class='flex flex-grow-1 w-100 flex-column']") %>%
#> {xml_nodeset (6)}
#> [1] <div class=""></div>\n
#> [2] <div class=""></div>\n
#> [3] <div class=""></div>\n
#> [4] <div class=""></div>\n
#> [5] <div class=""></div>\n
#> [6] <div class=""></div>
Note how the 5th div
tag doesn't have any code inside. A simple html/xml parser won't catch it.
We need to use RSelenium
. After you've installed everything correctly, we need to setup a 'remote driver', open it and navigate to the website. All of these steps are just to make sure that we're coming into the website as a 'normal' user from a browser. This will make sure that we can access the rendered code that we actually see when we enter the website. Below are the detailed steps from entering the website and constructing the links.
# Make sure you install docker correctly:
# After installing docker and before running the code, make sure you run
# the rselenium docker image: docker run -d -p 4445:4444 selenium/standalone-firefox:2.53.1
# Now, set up your remote driver
remDr <- remoteDriver(
remoteServerAddr = "localhost",
port = 4445L,
browserName = "firefox"
# Initiate the driver
remDr$open(silent = TRUE)
# Navigate to the website
prod_links <-
# Get the html source code
remDr$getPageSource()[[1]] %>%
read_html() %>%
# Find all a tags which have a certain class
# I searched for this tag manually on the website code and saw that all products
# had an a tag that shared the same class
xml_find_all("//a[@class='vtex-product-summary-2-x-clearLink h-100 flex flex-column']") %>%
# Extract the href attribute
xml_attr("href") %>%
paste0("", .)
#> [1] ""
#> [2] ""
#> [3] ""
#> [4] ""
#> [5] ""
#> [6] ""
#> [7] ""
#> [8] ""
#> [9] ""
#> [10] ""
#> [11] ""
#> [12] ""
#> [13] ""
#> [14] ""
#> [15] ""
#> [16] ""
#> [17] ""
#> [18] ""
#> [19] ""
#> [20] ""
Hope this answers your questions
Upvotes: 1