Reputation: 4790
I want to calculate the time spent per SeqID for each user. I have a dataframe like this.
However, the time is split between two actions for every user, Action_A and Action_B.
The total time per user, per seqID would be sum across all such pairs
For first user, it is 5 + 3 [(2019-12-10 10:00:00 - 2019-12-10 10:05:00) + (2019-12-10 10:20:00 - 2019-12-10 10:23:00)]
So first user has ideally spent 8 mins
for SeqID 1 (and not 23 mins
Similarly user 2 has spent 1 + 5 = 6 mins
How can I calculate this using pyspark?
data = [(("ID1", 15, "2019-12-10 10:00:00", "Action_A")),
(("ID1", 15, "2019-12-10 10:05:00", "Action_B")),
(("ID1", 15, "2019-12-10 10:20:00", "Action_A")),
(("ID1", 15, "2019-12-10 10:23:00", "Action_B")),
(("ID2", 23, "2019-12-10 11:10:00", "Action_A")),
(("ID2", 23, "2019-12-10 11:11:00", "Action_B")),
(("ID2", 23, "2019-12-10 11:30:00", "Action_A")),
(("ID2", 23, "2019-12-10 11:35:00", "Action_B"))]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["ID", "SeqID", "Timestamp", "Action"])
| ID|SeqID| Timestamp| Action|
|ID1| 15|2019-12-10 10:00:00|Action_A|
|ID1| 15|2019-12-10 10:05:00|Action_B|
|ID1| 15|2019-12-10 10:20:00|Action_A|
|ID1| 15|2019-12-10 10:23:00|Action_B|
|ID2| 23|2019-12-10 11:10:00|Action_A|
|ID2| 23|2019-12-10 11:11:00|Action_B|
|ID2| 23|2019-12-10 11:30:00|Action_A|
|ID2| 23|2019-12-10 11:35:00|Action_B|
Once I have the data for each pair, I can sum across the group (ID, SeqID)
Expected output (could be seconds also)
| ID|SeqID|Dur_Mins|
|ID1| 15| 8|
|ID2| 23| 6|
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5503
Reputation: 1
Another possible solution using Window Functions
spark = SparkSession.Builder().master("local[3]").appName("TestApp").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
data = [(("ID1", 15, "2019-12-10 10:00:00", "Action_A")),
(("ID1", 15, "2019-12-10 10:05:00", "Action_B")),
(("ID1", 15, "2019-12-10 10:20:00", "Action_A")),
(("ID1", 15, "2019-12-10 10:23:00", "Action_B")),
(("ID2", 23, "2019-12-10 11:10:00", "Action_A")),
(("ID2", 23, "2019-12-10 11:11:00", "Action_B")),
(("ID2", 23, "2019-12-10 11:30:00", "Action_A")),
(("ID2", 23, "2019-12-10 11:35:00", "Action_B"))]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["ID", "SeqID", "Timestamp", "Action"])
df = spark.sql("select *, lead(Timestamp,1) over (partition by ID,SeqID order by Timestamp) Next_Timestamp from tmpTbl")
updated_df = df.filter("Action != 'Action_B'")
final_df = updated_df.withColumn("diff", (F.unix_timestamp('Next_Timestamp') - F.unix_timestamp('Timestamp'))/F.lit(60))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6644
A possible (might be complicated as well) way to do it with flatMapValues
and rdd
Using your data
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["id", "seq_id", "ts", "action"]). \
withColumn('ts', func.col('ts').cast('timestamp'))
# func to calculate the duration | applied on each row
def getDur(groupedrows):
res = []
for row in groupedrows:
if row.action == 'Action_A':
frst_ts = row.ts
dur = 0
elif row.action == 'Action_B':
dur = (row.ts - frst_ts).total_seconds()
res.append([val for val in row] + [float(dur)])
return res
# run the rules on the base df | row by row
# grouped on ID, SeqID - sorted on timestamp
dur_rdd = df.rdd. \
groupBy(lambda k: (, k.seq_id)). \
flatMapValues(lambda r: getDur(sorted(r, key=lambda ok: ok.ts))). \
# specify final schema
dur_schema = df.schema. \
add('dur', 'float')
# convert to DataFrame
dur_sdf = spark.createDataFrame(dur_rdd, dur_schema)
dur_sdf.orderBy('id', 'seq_id', 'ts').show()
| id|seq_id| ts| action| dur|
|ID1| 15|2019-12-10 10:00:00|Action_A| 0.0|
|ID1| 15|2019-12-10 10:05:00|Action_B|300.0|
|ID1| 15|2019-12-10 10:20:00|Action_A| 0.0|
|ID1| 15|2019-12-10 10:23:00|Action_B|180.0|
|ID2| 23|2019-12-10 11:10:00|Action_A| 0.0|
|ID2| 23|2019-12-10 11:11:00|Action_B| 60.0|
|ID2| 23|2019-12-10 11:30:00|Action_A| 0.0|
|ID2| 23|2019-12-10 11:35:00|Action_B|300.0|
# Your required data
dur_sdf.groupBy('id', 'seq_id'). \
agg((func.sum('dur') / func.lit(60)).alias('dur_mins')). \
| id|seq_id|dur_mins|
|ID1| 15| 8.0|
|ID2| 23| 6.0|
This fits the data you've described, but check if it fits your all your cases.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 32660
Here is a possible solution using Higher-Order Functions (Spark >=2.4):
transform_expr = "transform(ts_array, (x,i) -> (unix_timestamp(ts_array[i+1]) - unix_timestamp(x))/60 * ((i+1)%2))"
df.groupBy("ID", "SeqID").agg(array_sort(collect_list(col("Timestamp"))).alias("ts_array")) \
.withColumn("transformed_ts_array", expr(transform_expr)) \
.withColumn("Dur_Mins", expr("aggregate(transformed_ts_array, 0D, (acc, x) -> acc + coalesce(x, 0D))")) \
.drop("transformed_ts_array", "ts_array") \
, SeqID
and sort them in ascending order(x, i) => Double
. Where x
is the actual element and i
its index. For each timestamp in the array, we calculate the diff with the next timestamp. And we multiply by (i+1)%2
in order to have only the diff as pairs 2 per 2 (first with the second, third with the fourth, ...) as there are always 2 actions. Output:
|ID |SeqID|Dur_Mins|
|ID1|15 |8.0 |
|ID2|23 |6.0 |
Upvotes: 4