Reputation: 5688
In F#, I'd simply do:
> let x = Set.empty;;
val x : Set<'a> when 'a : comparison
> Set.add (2,3) x;;
val it : Set<int * int> = set [(2, 3)]
I understand that in OCaml, when using Base, I have to supply a module with comparison functions, e.g., if my element type was string
let x = Set.empty (module String);;
val x : (string, String.comparator_witness) Set.t = <abstr>
Set.add x "foo";;
- : (string, String.comparator_witness) Set.t = <abstr>
But I don't know how to construct a module that has comparison functions for the type int * int
. How do I construct/obtain such a module?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 1912
Reputation: 35280
To create an ordered data structure, like Map, Set, etc, you have to provide a comparator. In Base, a comparator is a first-class module (a module packed into a value) that provides a comparison function and a type index that witnesses this function. Wait, what? Later on that, let us first define a comparator. If you already have a module that has type
module type Comparator_parameter = sig
type t (* the carrier type *)
(* the comparison function *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(* for introspection and debugging, use `sexp_of_opaque` if not needed *)
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
then you can just provide to the Base.Comparator.Make
functor and build the comparator
module Lexicographical_order = struct
include Pair
include Base.Comparator.Make(Pair)
where the Pair
module provides the compare function,
module Pair = struct
type t = int * int [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
Now, we can use the comparator to create ordered structures, e.g.,
let empty = Set.empty (module Lexicographical_order)
If you do not want to create a separate module for the order (for example because you can't come out with a good name for it), then you can use anonymous modules, like this
let empty' = Set.empty (module struct
include Pair
include Base.Comparator.Make(Pair)
Note, that the Pair
module, passed to the Base.Comparator.Make
functor has to be bound on the global scope, otherwise, the typechecker will complain. This is all about this witness value. So what this witness is about and what it witnesses.
The semantics of any ordered data structure, like Map or Set, depends on the order function. It is an error to compare two sets which was built with different orders, e.g., if you have two sets built from the same numbers, but one with the ascending order and another with the descending order they will be treated as different sets.
Ideally, such errors should be prevented by the type checker. For that we need to encode the order, used to build the set, in the set's type. And this is what Base is doing, let's look into the empty'
val empty' : (int * int, Comparator.Make(Pair).comparator_witness) Set.t
and the empty
val empty : (Lexicographical_order.t, Lexicographical_order.comparator_witness) Set.t
Surprisingly, the compiler is able to see through the name differences (because modules have structural typing) and understand that Lexicographical_order.comparator_witness
and Comparator.Make(Pair).comparator_witness
are witnessing the same order, so we can even compare empty
and empty'
# Set.equal empty empty';;
- : bool = true
To solidify our knowledge lets build a set of pairs in the reversed order,
module Reversed_lexicographical_order = struct
include Pair
include Base.Comparator.Make(Pair_reveresed_compare)
let empty_reveresed =
Set.empty (module Reversed_lexicographical_order)
(* the same, but with the anonyumous comparator *)
let empty_reveresed' = Set.empty (module struct
include Pair
include Base.Comparator.Make(Pair_reveresed_compare)
As before, we can compare different variants of reversed sets,
# Set.equal empty_reversed empty_reveresed';;
- : bool = true
But comparing sets with different orders is prohibited by the type checker,
# Set.equal empty empty_reveresed;;
Characters 16-31:
Set.equal empty empty_reveresed;;
Error: This expression has type
Reversed_lexicographical_order.comparator_witness) Set.t
but an expression was expected of type
(Lexicographical_order.t, Lexicographical_order.comparator_witness) Set.t
Reversed_lexicographical_order.comparator_witness =
is not compatible with type
Lexicographical_order.comparator_witness =
This is what comparator witnesses are for, they prevent very nasty errors. And yes, it requires a little bit of more typing than in F# but is totally worthwhile as it provides more typing from the type checker that is now able to detect real problems.
A couple of final notes. The word "comparator" is an evolving concept in Janestreet libraries and previously it used to mean a different thing. The interfaces are also changing, like the example that @glennsl provides is a little bit outdated, and uses the Comparable.Make
module instead of the new and more versatile Base.Comparator.Make
Also, sometimes the compiler will not be able to see the equalities between comparators when types are abstracted, in that case, you will need to provide sharing constraints in your mli file. You can take the Bitvec_order library as an example. It showcases, how comparators could be used to define various orders of the same data structure and how sharing constraints could be used. The library documentation also explains various terminology and gives a history of the terminology.
And finally, if you're wondering how to enable the deriving preprocessors, then
(preprocess (pps ppx_jane))
stanza to your library/executable spec-pkg ppx_jane
or utop
) use #require "ppx_jane";;
(if require is not available, then do #use "topfind;;"
, and then repeat).Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 29126
There are examples in the documentation for Map
showing exactly this.
If you use their PPXs you can just do:
module IntPair = struct
module T = struct
type t = int * int [@@deriving sexp_of, compare]
include T
include Comparable.Make(T)
otherwise the full implementation is:
module IntPair = struct
module T = struct
type t = int * int
let compare x y =
let sexp_of_t = Tuple2.sexp_of_t Int.sexp_of_t Int.sexp_of_t
include T
include Comparable.Make(T)
Then you can create an empty set using this module:
let int_pair_set = Set.empty (module IntPair)
Upvotes: 5