Reputation: 117
I'm trying to write a client-side JS script that will fetch images from my gDrive to display on a website using a service account. I created the service account and added and enabled the google Drive API for the project. But when I run the script, I'm getting a 403 error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup. I think it has to do with permissions or scopes maybe? I've looked at several other stack overflows and can't seem to figure it out.
Getting a 403 - Forbidden for Google Service Account
Google Drive service account returns 403 usageLimits
Some of them mention adding roles or scopes, but I can't figure out how to add them or which ones I need to add. Is a GSuite account mandatory? It sounds like I would need to go into the GSuite admin console to add the scopes? I would like to not have to sign up for an account, as it's not free. Any help would be appreciated. My code looks like the following:
function gDrive() {
function init(callback) {
authorizeClient(getJWT()).then(function(token) {
loadClient(token, callback);
/* Retrieve a signed JWT */
function getJWT() {
// Prepare header, payload, and key
let oHeader = {
"alg": "RS256",
"typ": "JWT"
let sHeader = JSON.stringify(oHeader);
let oPayload = {
"aud": "",
"iat": KJUR.jws.IntDate.getNow(),
"exp": KJUR.jws.IntDate.get("now + 1hour"),
"scope": ""
let sPayload = JSON.stringify(oPayload);
let privKey = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----BLAH BLAH BLAH\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
// Sign JWT
return signedJWS = KJUR.jws.JWS.sign(null, sHeader, sPayload, privKey);
/* Http POST to Google Auth api */
function authorizeClient(JWS) {
// Request access token
const url = "";
let encodedData = "";
let encodedDataPairs = [];
encodedDataPairs.push(encodeURIComponent("grant_type") + '=' + encodeURIComponent("urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"));
encodedDataPairs.push(encodeURIComponent("assertion") + '=' + encodeURIComponent(JWS));
encodedData = encodedDataPairs.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
const params = {
headers: {"content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
body: encodedData,
method: "POST"
return fetch(url, params).then(accessTokenSucces).then(returnToken).catch(accessTokenFailed);
function accessTokenSucces(data) {
console.log("Retrieved access token");
return data.json();
function returnToken(resp) {
return resp.access_token;
function accessTokenFailed(error) {
console.log("Requesting access token failed: " + error);
function loadClient(accessToken, callback) {
gapi.load('client', function() {
console.log("loading client");
console.log("set access token");
return gapi.client.load("").then(clientLoadSuccessful).then(callback).catch(clientLoadFailed);
function clientLoadSuccessful() {
console.log("Client loaded");
return Promise.resolve();
function clientLoadFailed(error) {
console.log("Loading Client failed: " + error);
return Promise.reject();
function fetchAllImages(fileName, chapter, callback) {
console.log("fetching images");
let initialRequest ={"q": "mimeType contains \"image\" and name contains '"
+ fileName + "_ch" + chapter + "'"});
retrievePageOfFiles(initialRequest, [], fileName, chapter);
function retrievePageOfFiles(request, result) {
request.execute(function(resp) {
result = result.concat(resp.files);
let nextPageToken = resp.nextPageToken;
if (nextPageToken) {
request ={
"pageToken": nextPageToken,
"q": "mimeType contains \"image\" and name contains '" + fileName + "_ch" + chapter + "'"
retrievePageOfFiles(request, result);
} else {
console.log("Images retrieved");
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("Could not retrieve images: " + err);
return {
init: init,
fetchAllImages: fetchAllImages
function runApp() {
console.log("Running App");
gDrive().fetchAllImages("FILENAME", "1", imageCallback);
function imageCallback(data) {
console.log("Images Retrieved!");
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1680
Reputation: 201713
Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.
occurs.If my understanding is correct, how about this modification? I think that the access token retrieved with your script can be used. So please modify your script as follows.
gapi.client.setToken({access_token: accessToken});
If this was not the direct solution of your issue, I apologize.
Upvotes: 1