Reputation: 325
I am using ui-select for autocomplete functionality and if there are no results for search criteria then i am using ui-select-no-choice to display message back to the user.
<div class="form-group">
<label class="Label">
Select details
<ui-select ng-model="configItem.details" id="details" multiple class="form-control" theme="bootstrap" title="Choose details" reset-search-input="true" close-on-select="true" spinner-enabled="true" spinner-class="ui-select-spin">
<ui-select-match placeholder="Search.." class="ui-select-match">{{$item.Name}}</ui-select-match>
<ui-select-choices class="ui-select-choices" refresh="details($" refresh-delay="0" minimum-input-length="3" repeat="detail.ID as detail in details| filter: $ | limitTo: 100">
<div ng-bind-html="detail.Name | highlight: $"></div>
No Information found
$scope.details = function (search) {
if (search.length >= 3) {
Since my dataset is huge i used minimum-input-length="4" so there wouldn't be large results but the problem i am facing is if user doesn't enter any data then ui-select-no-choice message is being displayed which is incorrect. I need to display the message if user types more than 4 character.
Here is the screenshot regarding alignment of x icon
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Views: 683
Reputation: 2027
you can make use of ng-class for hiding that as required.
It is like
<ui-select-no-choice ng-class="{ 'hide': $ < 5 }">
No Information found
Here is the demo - Hope it helps.
update:: hiding previous results when nothing is typed
<ui-select-choices repeat="color in availableColors | filter: $"
ng-class="{ 'hide': $ < 1 }">
Upvotes: 1