Reputation: 21
Been searching for a while for this issue, now I work to select all checkboxes:
1.- When the checkbox labeled as "Seleccionar Todos" is checked, must check all current checkboxes.
2.- If the checkbox "Seleccionar todos" is checked but user unchecks any checkbox aside of "Seleccionar todos", it must deactivate select all checkbx
Tickets.vue (This file creates the table I need, here is where I need help)
<v-card class="elevation-5 pa-3">
<v-checkbox color="primary" @change="selectall()" :id="`todos`" :label="`Seleccionar Todo`" :checked="booleanValue" :val="'FALSE'" ref="todos"/>
rows-per-page-text="Filas por página"
:rows-per-page-items="[10, 20, 55, { text: 'Todas', value: -1 }]"
:no-results-text="'No se han encontrado tickets'"
<template slot="headerCell" slot-scope="props">
{{ props.header.text }}
<template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
v-for="columna in configuracion.configClientes.encabezados"
v-if="columna.value !== '$acciones'"
{{ formatearColumna( props.item, columna ) }}
<v-checkbox :val="items.FOLIO" v-model="props.items" color="primary" @change="changeCheckbox(props.item.FOLIO)"/>
<template slot="no-data">
<v-alert :value="true" color="warning" icon="warning">
{{ configuracion.mensajeVacia ? configuracion.mensajeVacia : 'No hay tickets' }}
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex';
/* mixins */
import { mixins_generales } from "../Mixins/generales";
import { formatos } from "../Mixins/formatos";
export default {
mixins: [mixins_generales, formatos],
props: {
configuracion: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {
configClientes: {
seleccionable: true,
itemKey: 'id',
editable: true,
eliminable: true,
buscable: true,
expandible: true,
labelBusqueda: 'Buscar ticket',
mensajeVacia: 'No hay tickets',
encabezados: [
{text: 'Folio', value: 'FOLIO', align: 'left'},
{text: 'Fecha', value: 'FECHA', align: 'left'},
{text: 'Hora', value: 'HORA', align: 'left'},
{text: 'Sub-Total', value: 'SUBTOTAL', align: 'left'},
{text: 'IVA', value: 'IVA', align: 'left'},
{text: 'Total', value: 'TOTAL', align: 'left'},
{text: 'Procesar', value: '$acciones', align: 'left'}
clienteSeleccionado: null,
items: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
data() {
return {
seleccion: [],
computed: {
methods: {
handleInput(e) {
console.log("handleInput in App :: ", e);
this.formattedValue = e;
onClick(props) {
if (this.configuracion.expandible) {
props.expanded = !props.expanded;
onEditar(item) {
this.$emit('editar', item);
onEliminar(item) {
this.$emit("eliminar", item);
formatearColumna(item, encabezado) {
if (item[encabezado.value]) {
if (encabezado.formato) {
if (encabezado.formato === 'moneda') {
return this.formatearMoneda(item[encabezado.value]);
return item[encabezado.value];
return 'N/A';
override_genPagination() {
const that = this.$refs.data_table;
that.genPagination = () => {
let pagination = '–';
if (that.itemsLength) {
const stop = that.itemsLength < that.pageStop || that.pageStop < 0
? that.itemsLength
: that.pageStop;
pagination = that.$scopedSlots.pageText
? that.$scopedSlots.pageText({
pageStart: that.pageStart + 1,
pageStop: stop,
itemsLength: that.itemsLength
: `${that.pageStart + 1}-${stop} de ${that.itemsLength}`;
return that.$createElement('div', {
'class': 'datatable__actions__pagination'
}, [pagination]);
cargar() {
this.MOSTRAR_LOADING('Obteniendo tickets');
const url = this.g_url + '/php/catalogos/obtenertickets.php';
.then(response => {
const respuesta =;
console.log('[Tickets](cargar)', response);
if (!this.RespuestaSinErrores(respuesta, 'Ha ocurrido un error en el servidor al obtener los tickets')) {
// actualizar el state con el catálogo y mostrar al usuario
this.MOSTRAR_SNACKBAR({texto: 'Tickets cargados', color: 'success', arriba: true, derecha: true});
this.todos = respuesta.todos;
}, error => {
let aux = 0;
this.booleanValue = false;
if(this.seleccion.length == 0)
//Array Vacio
for(var i=0;i < this.seleccion.length;i++)
if(this.seleccion[i] == item)
//Existe en array
this.seleccion.splice(this.seleccion.indexOf(item), 1);
aux = 1;
toggleAll() {
this.items.forEach((props, items) => {
this.$set(this.props.items, "value", !this.selectDeselectAll);
let istodos = document.getElementById("todos").checked;
let fol = "";
if(this.seleccion.length == 0 && istodos == false)
this.MOSTRAR_SNACKBAR({texto: 'No ha elegido tickets para facturar', color: 'error'});
return false;
if(istodos == true)
return this.todos;
return this.seleccion;
},//Fin metodos
mounted() {
created() {
if (!this.cat_clientes.consultado) {
watch: {
seleccion(valor) {
this.$emit('seleccion', valor);
I am taking as example this url & @Robin ZecKa Ferrari answer with no luck (Since his example is quite different to my code needs but its a help)
EDIT: Current approach uses Robin ZecKa Ferrari answer but it only ticks Seleccionar todos but not ALL checkboxes
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1469
Reputation: 2934
Please next time try to share a smaller code with us, try to isolate your problem.
Here I use the watch method to trigger a function each time the value change on select/deselect all button.
Take a look also to this.$set
, it's important to use it to keep data reactive. Do not mutate data directly like this.options[index].value = newValue
. More information about Reactivity in Depth
View it on CodeSandBox:
<div class="hello">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="selectDeselectAll">Select/deselect All
<li v-for="(option, index) in options" :key="'option'+index">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="options[index].value">
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data() {
return {
selectDeselectAll: false,
options: [
{ label: "option 1", value: false },
{ label: "option 2", value: false },
{ label: "option 3", value: false }
watch: {
selectDeselectAll: function(newValue) {
this.options.forEach((option, index) =>
// it's important to use $set to allow Reactivity in Depth
// See:
this.$set(this.options[index], "value", newValue)
Upvotes: 1