Reputation: 7515
I want to align the radio buttons horizontally. By default django forms displays in vertical format.
feature_type = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices = formfields.FeatureType, widget = forms.RadioSelect)
Is there any special parameter that we can pass for radio buttons alignment?
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 17
Views: 24878
Reputation: 21
In for your field make widget with attr class="inline"
widgets ='your_name': forms.RadioSelect(choices=your_CHOICES,attrs={"class": "inline"})
In CSS make this class inline-block
.inline div{
display: inline-block;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1
I had to figure this out for a CMS I manage. Some of the answers here are close, but aren't completely right. You need to provide the class
in the attrs
parameter, as at least one other response has mentioned, but you should provide inline li
. If you provide style
, then the style will get applied to the the input
element, instead of the li
I couldn't find anything in their documentation that lists the available CSS classes for their components, so I discovered this by using DevTools in Firefox to look at the available styles, and then finding inline li
in their forms.css
This solution makes it possible change the alignment without needing to mess with templates or making my own CSS file.
from django import forms
from .models import MyModel
MyForm = forms.modelform_factory(
widgets={"field_name": forms.RadioSelect(attrs={"class": "inline li"})},
To figure out what other classes are available so you can more conveniently modify the the layout of various form elements, run python collectstatic
(make sure STATIC_ROOT
is defined), and you can find forms.css
under STATIC_ROOT/static/admin/css
In this particular repo, I have STATIC_ROOT
set to ./lib
in my
$ python collectstatic
1408 static files copied to './lib/static'.
$ ls -1 lib/static/admin/css/
Once I actually got it displaying horizontally with a clean solution, I also wanted to hide the blank option from the list of choices, so ended up creating my own CSS file to do that, since the documentation for that was easy to find
/* BASE_DIR/static/css/my_customizations.css */
#id_field_name li:has(input[value='']) {
visibility: hidden;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 0;
from django import forms
from .models import MyModel
class MyForm(
widgets={"field_name": forms.RadioSelect(attrs={"class": "inline li"})},
class Media:
css = {"all": ("css/my_customizations.css",)}
(Though, as of January 2023, :has
is not yet supported by Firefox, but will hopefully be supported sometime this year)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51
I don't know why people suggest so difficult decisions, that don'ts work for my Django 4.1 xD. Solution:
{% for choice in form.feature_type %}
{{ choice }}
{% endfor %}
# Also you can use:
{{ choice.tag }}
{{ choice.choice_label }}
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1118
Adding this for those using django-crispy-forms
and rendering fields with |as_crispy_field
. None of the solutions above worked for me, but this did:
Assuming you have something like this in your form:
class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ['your_field_name']
your_field_name = forms.ChoiceField(widget=forms.RadioSelect(), choices=YOUR_CHOICE_LIST)
...and this in your template:
<div class="row g-3">
<div class="col-md-12">
{{ form.your_field_name|as_crispy_field }}
The following CSS does the trick:
#div_id_your_field_name div {
width: 100%;
} /* Renders the radio buttons inline and spreads across your div */
#div_id_your_field_name .form-check-label {
margin-left: 10px;
} /* puts a bit of space between the radio and label */
#div_id_your_field_name .form-label {
display: none;
} /* Optional, if you want to suppress the default label for some reason */
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
You can use this approach. In my opinion, it is the simplest
class YourAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = models.YourModel
widgets = {
"your_field": forms.RadioSelect(attrs={"class": "inline"}),
or just define your field something like this
your_field = forms.ChoiceField(
widget=forms.RadioSelect(attrs={"class": "inline"}),
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 786
as renerer raise this error for me:
AttributeError: type object 'RadioSelect' has no attribute 'renderer'
I come up with this code:
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{% for question in form %}
<p>{{ question.label }}: </p>
{% for choice in question %}
{{ choice }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<button type="submit">
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 970
There is actually no need to override the widget, template or anything else in admin. At least since 2008 (see forms.css), the easiest way is to pass a class attribute inline
: attrs={'class': 'inline'}
In a custom form, it may look like:
field = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(('1', 'one'), ('2', 'two')),
widget=forms.RadioSelect(attrs={'class': 'inline'}))
… and it works the very same for checkboxes:
field = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=(('1', 'one'), ('2', 'two')),
widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(attrs={'class': 'inline'}))
And it should be the very same for formfield overrides, either via ModelAdmin formfield_overrides
or formfield_for_*
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 179
I've come up with an alternative solution. If you are using bootstrap to render your forms, you can add the .form-check-inline class to the input and the field will display horizontally. Listed below is code that shows what I'm describing. I hope this helps someone from reinventing the wheel. Thanks for reading. Take care and have a good day.
feature_type = forms.MultipleChoiceField(
widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(attrs={'class': 'form-check-inline'})
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1524
On my Django 2.2.6 above solutions did not worked well, so I post my solution after many tries and following the breadcrumbs until the django forms widget templates used.
I had to override 2 templates, and heritage my own widget class and then point it.
The modified default django templates have been:
Now they are:
{% if widget.wrap_label %}<label{% if %} for="{{ }}"{% endif %} class="radio-inline">{% endif %}{% include "django/forms/widgets/input.html" %}{% if widget.wrap_label %} {{ widget.label }}</label>{% endif %}
{% with %}<ul{% if id %} id="{{ id }}"{% endif %}{% if widget.attrs.class %} class="{{ widget.attrs.class }}"{% endif %}>{% for group, options, index in widget.optgroups %}{% if group %}
<li>{{ group }}
<ul{% if id %} id="{{ id }}_{{ index }}"{% endif %}>{% endif %}{% for option in options %}
{% include option.template_name with widget=option %}{% endfor %}{% if group %}
</ul></li>{% endif %}{% endfor %}
</ul>{% endwith %}
at labels, which in default Django had nothingThen you need to create your own widget class:
from django.forms import RadioSelect
class HorizontalRadioSelect(RadioSelect):
template_name = 'admin/horizontal_radios.html'
option_template_name = 'admin/horizontal_inputs.html'
And finally, in my case, I pointed to it overriding formfield_overrides
class attribute in my admin. But you can do this in your models too I think:
formfield_overrides = {
models.BooleanField: {'widget': HorizontalRadioSelect(choices=[(True, "Yes"), (False, "No"), (None, "Unknown")],)},
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 61
Another way out is to changing the style of ul->li list to display:inline-block. You can do something like that
ul#youelementId li{
display: inline-block;
hope this would help next reader.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1893
According to the Django docs 'attrs' is a dictionary containing HTML attributes to be set on the rendered widget.
With that in mind a simple form based solution would be something like the following:
feature_type = forms.TypedChoiceField(
choices = formfields.FeatureType,
widget = forms.RadioSelect(attrs={
'style': 'display: inline-block'
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4453
Modified forms.RadioSelect:
class HorizontalRadioSelect(forms.RadioSelect):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
css_style = 'style="display: inline-block; margin-right: 10px;"'
self.renderer.inner_html = '<li ' + css_style + '>{choice_value}{sub_widgets}</li>'
Working with on the Python 3.4 with the standart admin of the Django 1.10
and the Django-Suit( (it use Bootstrap`s 2 styles)
Not tested for the Django-grappelli, yet.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 87095
Thats the behavior of the RadioField
. If you want it rendered horizontally, create a horizontal renderer, like something as follows:
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
class HorizontalRadioRenderer(forms.RadioSelect.renderer):
def render(self):
return mark_safe(u'\n'.join([u'%s\n' % w for w in self]))
class ApprovalForm(forms.Form):
approval = forms.ChoiceField(choices=APPROVAL_CHOICES,
Upvotes: 20