Patrick Maynard
Patrick Maynard

Reputation: 314

Improve the efficiency of this search to check if any two numbers in this list sum to another?

I'm trying to find the most efficient way to check if any two numbers in this list sum to another one in the list using Python. I have decided to add some context to make this more clear and possibly easier to optimize. Here is my code:

import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from collections import deque

def gen_prim_pyth_trips(limit=None):
    u = np.mat(' 1  2  2; -2 -1 -2; 2 2 3')
    a = np.mat(' 1  2  2;  2  1  2; 2 2 3')
    d = np.mat('-1 -2 -2;  2  1  2; 2 2 3')
    uad = np.array([u, a, d])
    m = np.array([3, 4, 5])
    while m.size:
        m = m.reshape(-1, 3)
        if limit:
            m = m[m[:, 2] <= limit]
        yield from m
        m =, uad)

def find_target(values, target):

    dq = deque(sorted([(val, idx) for idx, val in enumerate(values)]))

    while True:
        if len(dq) < 2:
            return -1

        s =  dq[0][0] + dq[-1][0]

        if s > target:
        elif s < target:
    return dq[0], dq[-1]

ratioList = []

MAX_NUM = 500000

for i in list(gen_prim_pyth_trips(MAX_NUM)):
    if find_target(ratioList, (i[0]*i[1])/i[2]**2) != -1:
        print(find_target(ratioList, (i[0]*i[1])/i[2]**2))

The gen_prim_pyth_trips() function is from here. The "slow" part comes after the triples have been generated. find_target came from here.

It currently works fine but I am trying to find a way to make this faster or find a completely new way that is faster.

In the comments people have said that this is a variant of the 3SUM problem which according to the Wikipedia page can be done in O(n^2), where n is the number of numbers (i.e., my number of ratios). I have yet to find a way to implement this in general and in Python.

Any speedup at all would be helpful; it does not have to be just a better algorithm (libraries etc.). I believe this is currently slightly better than O(n^3) at the moment?

Additionally for MAX_NUM = 100,000, it is not too bad (about 4 minutes) but for 500,000 it is very bad (hasn't stopped running yet).

Ultimately I'd like to do MAX_NUM = 1,000,000 or possibly more.


I'd like to see a faster algorithm like O(n^2), or a major speed increase.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 649

Answers (3)

Stefan Pochmann
Stefan Pochmann

Reputation: 28596

Hundreds of times faster than yours and without your floating point issues.
Thousands of times faster than kaya3's O(n²) solution.
I ran it until MAX_NUM = 4,000,000 and found no results. Took about 12 minutes.

Exploit the special numbers.

This is not just an ordinary 3SUM. The numbers are special and we can exploit it. They have the form ab/c², where (a,b,c) is a primitive Pythagorean triple.

So let's say we have a number x=ab/c² and we want to find two other such numbers that add up to x:

x = \frac{ab}{c^2} =\frac{de}{f^2} + \frac{gh}{i^2} = \frac{dei^2+ghf^2}{(fi)^2}

After canceling, the denominators c² and (fi)² become c²/k and (fi)²/m (for some integers k and m) and we have c²/k = (fi)²/m. Let p be the largest prime factor of c²/k. Then p also divides (fi)²/m and thus f or i. So at least one of the numbers de/f² and gh/i² has a denominator divisible by p. Let's call that one y, and the other one z.

So for a certain x, how do we find fitting y and z? We don't have to try all numbers for y and z. For y we only try those whose denominator is divisible by p. And for z? We compute it as x-y and check whether we have that number (in a hashset).

How much does it help? I had my solution count how many y-candidates there are if you naively try all (smaller than x) numbers and how many y-candidates there are with my way and how much less that is:

  MAX_NUM         naive           mine      % less
   10,000         1,268,028        17,686   98.61
  100,000       126,699,321       725,147   99.43
  500,000     3,166,607,571     9,926,863   99.69
1,000,000    12,662,531,091    30,842,188   99.76
2,000,000    50,663,652,040    96,536,552   99.81
4,000,000   202,640,284,036   303,159,038   99.85


The above description in code form:

h = hashset(numbers)
for x in the numbers:
    p = the largest prime factor in the denominator of x
    for y in the numbers whose denominator is divisible by p:
      z = x - y
      if z is in h:
        output (x, y, z)


Times in seconds for various MAX_NUM and their resulting n:

         MAX_NUM:    10,000   100,000   500,000  1,000,000  2,000,000  4,000,000
            => n:     1,593    15,919    79,582    159,139    318,320    636,617
Original solution       1.6     222.3         -          -          -          -
My solution             0.05      1.6      22.1       71.0      228.0      735.5
kaya3's solution       29.1    2927.1         -          -          -          -


This is O(n²), and maybe actually better. I don't understand the nature of the numbers well enough to reason about them, but the above benchmarks do make it look substantially better than O(n²). For quadratic runtime, going from n=318,320 to n=636,617 you'd expect a runtime increase of factor (636,617/318,320)² ≈ 4.00, but the actual increase is only 735.5/228.0 ≈ 3.23.

I didn't run yours for all sizes, but since you grow at least quadratically, at MAX_NUM=4,000,000 your solution would take at least 222.3 * (636,617/15,919)² = 355,520 seconds, which is 483 times slower than mine. Likewise, kaya3's would be about 6365 times slower than mine.

Lose time with this one weird trick

Python's Fraction class is neat, but it's also slow. Especially its hashing. Converting to tuple and hashing that tuple is about 34 times faster:

>set SETUP="import fractions; f = fractions.Fraction(31459, 271828)"

>python -m timeit -s %SETUP% -n 100000 "hash(f)"
100000 loops, best of 5: 19.8 usec per loop

>python -m timeit -s %SETUP% -n 100000 "hash((f.numerator, f.denominator))"
100000 loops, best of 5: 581 nsec per loop

Its code says:

[...] this method is expensive [...] In order to make sure that the hash of a Fraction agrees with the hash of a numerically equal integer, float or Decimal instance, we follow the rules for numeric hashes outlined in the documentation.

Other operations are also somewhat slow, so I don't use Fraction other than for output. I use (numerator, denominator) tuples instead.

The solution code

from math import gcd

def solve_stefan(triples):

    # Prime factorization stuff
    largest_prime_factor = [0] * (MAX_NUM + 1)
    for i in range(2, MAX_NUM+1):
        if not largest_prime_factor[i]:
            for m in range(i, MAX_NUM+1, i):
                largest_prime_factor[m] = i
    def prime_factors(k):
        while k > 1:
            p = largest_prime_factor[k]
            yield p
            while k % p == 0:
                k //= p

    # Lightweight fractions, represented as tuple (numerator, denominator)
    def frac(num, den):
        g = gcd(num, den)
        return num // g, den // g
    def sub(frac1, frac2):
        a, b = frac1
        c, d = frac2
        return frac(a*d - b*c, b*d)
    class Key:
        def __init__(self, triple):
            a, b, c = map(int, triple)
            self.frac = frac(a*b, c*c)
        def __lt__(self, other):
            a, b = self.frac
            c, d = other.frac
            return a*d < b*c

    # The search. See notes under the code.
    seen = set()
    supers = [[] for _ in range(MAX_NUM + 1)]
    for triple in sorted(triples, key=Key):
        a, b, c = map(int, triple)
        x = frac(a*b, c*c)
        denominator_primes = [p for p in prime_factors(c) if x[1] % p == 0]
        for y in supers[denominator_primes[0]]:
            z = sub(x, y)
            if z in seen:
                yield tuple(sorted(Fraction(*frac) for frac in (x, y, z)))
        for p in denominator_primes:


  • I go through the triples in increasing fraction value, i.e., increasing x value.
  • My denominator_primes is the list of prime factors of x's denominator. Remember that's c²/k, so its prime factors must also be prime factors of c. But k might've cancelled some, so I go through the prime factors of c and check whether they divide the denominator. Why so "complicated" instead of just looking up prime factors of c²/k? Because that can be prohibitively large.
  • denominator_primes is descending, so that p is simply denominator_primes[0]. Btw, why use the largest? Because larger means rarer means fewer y-candidates means faster.
  • supers[p] lists the numbers whose denominator is divisible by p. It's used to get the y-candidates.
  • When I'm done with x, I use denominator_primes to put x into the supers lists, so it can then be the y for future x values.
  • I build the seen and supers during the loop (instead of before) to keep them small. After all, for x=y+z with positive numbers, y and z must be smaller than x, so looking for larger ones would be wasteful.


How do you verify your results if there aren't any? As far as I know, none of our solutions have found any. So there's nothing to compare, other than the nothingness, which is not exactly convincing. Well, my solution doesn't depend on the Pythagoreanness, so I created a set of just primitive triples and checked my solution's results for that. It computed the same 25,336 results as a reference implementation:

def solve_reference(triples):
    fractions = {Fraction(int(a) * int(b), int(c)**2)
                 for a, b, c in triples}
    for x, y in combinations_with_replacement(sorted(fractions), 2):
        z = x + y
        if z in fractions:
            yield x, y, z

MAX_NUM = 25
def triples():
    return list((a, b, c)
                for a, b, c in combinations(range(MIN_NUM, MAX_NUM+1), 3)
                if gcd(a, gcd(b, c)) == 1)
print(len(triples()), 'input triples')
expect = set(solve_reference(triples()))
print(len(expect), 'results')
output = set(solve_stefan(triples()))
print('output is', ('wrong', 'correct')[output == expect])


1741 input triples
25336 results
output is correct

Upvotes: 6

Stefan Pochmann
Stefan Pochmann

Reputation: 28596

I'd like to see a faster algorithm like O(n^2)

Do ratioList.sort() after your ratioList.append(...) and tadaa... you have O(n^2).

You're already O(n^2 log n) and the log just comes from resorting from scratch all the time.

With this, your runtime for MAX_NUM = 100,000 shrinks from 222 seconds to 116 seconds on my PC.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 51034

You mention the naive algorithm being O(n³), but the O(n²) algorithm is also very simple if you can use a hashtable, such as a Python set:

MAX_NUM = 500000

from fractions import Fraction
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement

def solve(numbers):
    for a, b in combinations_with_replacement(numbers, 2):
        c = a + b
        if c in numbers:
            yield (a, b, c)

ratio_set = {
    Fraction(int(p) * int(q), int(r) ** 2)
    for p, q, r in gen_prim_pyth_trips(MAX_NUM)

for a, b, c in solve(ratio_set):
    print(a, '+', b, '=', c)

This uses the Fraction class, so that there is no funny business about floating point arithmetic being inexact, and so that + and == are done in constant time assuming your numbers are bounded. In that case, the the running time is O(n²) because:

  • Inserting into a hashtable takes O(1) time, so building the set is O(n) time.
  • The for a, b in ... loop iterates over O(n²) pairs, and each set membership test is O(1).

The space complexity is O(n) for the set.

If we account for the cost of arithmetic and comparisons, the running time is O(n² log MAX_NUM) where MAX_NUM is the maximum absolute value of the integers, since + and == on Python's arbitrarily-large integers takes logarithmic time.

Can we do better than this? As you identified in the question, this problem is a variant of the well-studied 3SUM problem, sometimes referred to as 3SUM' (three-sum prime). The standard 3SUM problem asks for a + b + c = 0. The 3SUM' problem asks for a + b = c.

It is known to have the same difficulty, i.e. if there is an algorithm which solves 3SUM in a certain asymptotic time then there is an algorithm which solves 3SUM' in the same asymptotic time, and vice versa. (See these lecture notes by Adler, Gurram & Lincoln for a reference.)

According to Wikipedia, the best known algorithm for 3SUM is due to Timothy M. Chan (2018):

We present an algorithm that solves the 3SUM problem for n real numbers in O((n² / log² n)(log log n)^O(1)) time, improving previous solutions by about a logarithmic factor.

The complexity O((n² / log² n)(log log n)^O(1)) is less than O(n²), but not by much, and the gain might be nullified by the constant factor for inputs of any practical size. It's an open problem whether there is any algorithm solving 3SUM in O(nᶜ) time for c < 2. I think these complexities are derived assuming constant-time arithmetic and comparisons on numbers.

Upvotes: 4

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