Reputation: 37
I use Flask to create an API, but I am having trouble uploading when I create custom headers to upload to my Google Cloud Storage. Fyi, the permissions details on my server are the same as my local machine to test upload of images to GCS, admin storage and admin object storage, there are no problems on my local machine. but when I curl or test upload on my server to my Google Cloud Storage bucket, the response is always the same:
"rc": 500, "rm": "403 POST ('Request failed with status code', 403, 'Expected one of', )"
im testing in postman using custom header : upload_key=asjaisjdaozmzlaljaxxxxx
and i curl like this : url --location --request POST '' --header 'upload_key: asjaisjdaozmzlaljaxxxxx' --form 'img_file=@/home/user/image.png'
and I have confirmed with "gcloud auth list" that the login data that I use on the server is correct and the same with my local machine.
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Views: 1916
Reputation: 2477
you have a permission error, to fix it use service accounts method, it's easy and straightforward.
create a service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create \ $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME \ --display-name $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME
add permissions to your service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_NAME \ --role roles/bigtable.user \ --member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL $SA_EMAIL is the service account here. you can get it using:
SA_EMAIL=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list \ --filter="displayName:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME" \ --format='value(email)')
download the service account to a destination $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST and save it to variable $KEY
export KEY=$(gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST --iam-account $SA_EMAIL)
upload to Cloud Storage Bucket using the rest api:
curl -X POST --data-binary @[OBJECT_LOCATION] \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: [OBJECT_CONTENT_TYPE]" \ "[BUCKET_NAME]/o?uploadType=media&name=[OBJECT_NAME]"
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