Reputation: 45
I'm using the date picker component provided by Angular Material and I've encountered the following issue: if I want to type the date instead of selecting in the following format: "2019.12.20", then it only works in Chrome. I tried it on Edge and Firefox, and the date value is null if I use this format. HOWEVER if I use "-" or "/" instead of " . " so e.g "2019-12-20" then it works without any problems.
I've set my providers to:
providers: [
{ provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: 'hu' },
{ provide: DateAdapter, useClass: AppDateAdapter },
My DateAdapter is the following:
import { NativeDateAdapter } from '@angular/material';
export class AppDateAdapter extends NativeDateAdapter {
format(date: Date, displayFormat: Object): string {
if (displayFormat === 'input') {
const day = date.getDate();
const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
const year = date.getFullYear();
return `${year}.${month}.${day}`;
return date.toDateString();
export const APP_DATE_FORMATS =
parse: {
dateInput: { month: 'short', year: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' },
display: {
dateInput: 'input',
monthYearLabel: { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric' },
dateA11yLabel: { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' },
monthYearA11yLabel: { year: 'numeric', month: 'long' },
Any idea what's wrong? Please tell me if you need any more information regarding this issue.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2692
Reputation: 432
Seems that the problem is with NativeDateAdapter in Edge and IE. Try to use MomentDateAdapter instead.
So quick explanation: use MomentDateAdapter in provider as mentionned in the code below:
TS file
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {FormControl} from '@angular/forms';
import {MomentDateAdapter, MAT_MOMENT_DATE_ADAPTER_OPTIONS} from '@angular/material-moment-adapter';
import {DateAdapter, MAT_DATE_FORMATS, MAT_DATE_LOCALE} from '@angular/material/core';
import * as _moment from 'moment';
const moment = _moment;
export const MY_FORMATS = {
parse: {
dateInput: ['YYYY.MM.DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY/MM/DD', 'YYYY MM DD']
display: {
dateInput: 'YYYY MMM DD',
monthYearLabel: 'MMM YYYY',
dateA11yLabel: 'LL',
monthYearA11yLabel: 'MMMM YYYY',
/** @title Datepicker with custom formats */
selector: 'datepicker-formats-example',
templateUrl: 'datepicker-formats-example.html',
styleUrls: ['datepicker-formats-example.css'],
providers: [
{ provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: 'hu' },
provide: DateAdapter,
useClass: MomentDateAdapter,
{provide: MAT_DATE_FORMATS, useValue: MY_FORMATS},
export class DatepickerFormatsExample {
date = new FormControl(moment());
HTML file
<input matInput [matDatepicker]="dp" placeholder="Verbose datepicker" [formControl]="date">
<mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="dp"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
<mat-datepicker #dp></mat-datepicker>
In this example above, the date field accepts the following formats as input ['YYYY.MM.DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY/MM/DD', 'YYYY MM DD']
and then will display them in this format YYYY MMM DD
Upvotes: 1