Reputation: 768
I'm trying to get a simple Hello world program in NASM to run. I want to print to the console without using C-Libraries, interfacing directly with WinAPI.
I am using the Visual Studio provided LINK.EXE for linking.
Here's my code so far:
section .data
message: db 'Hello world!',10 ; 'Hello world!' plus a linefeed character
messageLen: db $-message ; Length of the 'Hello world!' string
global _start
extern GetStdHandle
extern WriteConsoleW
extern ExitProcess
section .text
; DWORD bytes;
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, byte 8
; hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
mov ecx, -11
call GetStdHandle
; WriteFile(hstdOut, message, length(message), &bytes, 0);
mov rcx, rax
mov rdx, message
mov r8, messageLen
lea r9, [rsp-4]
push 0
call WriteConsoleW
; ExitProcess(0)
mov rcx, 0
call ExitProcess
Which I assemble and link like this:
nasm -f win64 .\ASM.ASM
link /entry:_start /nodefaultlib /subsystem:console .\ASM.obj "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.18362.0\um\x64\kernel32.lib" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.18362.0\um\x64\user32.lib"
However when I run the resulting .exe file, I get nothing.
Some things I tried so far are
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: Fixed calling convention
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1989
Reputation: 47573
There are three problems with your revised code. The first is:
message: db 'Hello world!',10 ; 'Hello world!' plus a linefeed character
messageLen: db $-message ; Length of the 'Hello world!' string
You defined messageLen
to be a byte containing the length of the message and storing that value at the address of messageLen
. You then do this:
mov r8, messageLen
That would move the address of label messageLen
to r8. What you really should have done is define messageLen
as an assembly time constant like this:
messageLen equ $-message ; Length of the 'Hello world!' string
The second problem is that you define the the string as a sequence of single byte characters:
message: db 'Hello world!',10 ; 'Hello world!' plus a linefeed character
There is nothing wrong with this, but to print them out you need to use the Ansi version of the function WriteConsole
which is WriteConsoleA
. Using WriteConsoleW
printed the string as Unicode (UTF-16 on Windows 2000 and later, UTS-2 on NT4 and earlier versions of Windows).
The third problem is with regards to a mandatory 32 bytes of shadow space before the stack based parameter(s) are placed on the stack before making a function call. You also need to make sure the stack (RSP) is a 16-byte aligned value at the point of making a function call. These requirement can be found in the Microsoft 64-bit calling convention.
Code that would take this into account would look like this:
section .data
message: db 'Hello world!',10 ; 'Hello world!' plus a linefeed character
messageLen equ $-message ; Length of the 'Hello world!' string
global _start
extern GetStdHandle
extern WriteConsoleA
extern ExitProcess
section .text
; At _start the stack is 8 bytes misaligned because there is a return
; address to the MSVCRT runtime library on the stack.
; 8 bytes of temporary storage for `bytes`.
; allocate 32 bytes of stack for shadow space.
; 8 bytes for the 5th parameter of WriteConsole.
; An additional 8 bytes for padding to make RSP 16 byte aligned.
sub rsp, 8+8+8+32
; At this point RSP is aligned on a 16 byte boundary and all necessary
; space has been allocated.
; hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
mov ecx, -11
call GetStdHandle
; WriteFile(hstdOut, message, length(message), &bytes, 0);
mov rcx, rax
mov rdx, message
mov r8, messageLen
lea r9, [rsp-16] ; Address for `bytes`
; RSP-17 through RSP-48 are the 32 bytes of shadow space
mov qword [rsp-56], 0 ; First stack parameter of WriteConsoleA function
call WriteConsoleA
; ExitProcess(0)
; mov rcx, 0
; call ExitProcess
; alternatively you can exit by setting RAX to 0
; and doing a ret
add rsp, 8+8+32+8 ; Restore the stack pointer.
xor eax, eax ; RAX = return value = 0
Upvotes: 5