Reputation: 20118
I'm trying to find the Country lat, long to visualize the Country in the world map on Power BI.
Please suggest me the procedure to find lat, long on PowerBI or any APIs available from PowerBI tool.
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Views: 4813
Reputation: 20118
First, we have to use any API service to get lat-long
Create bingmapsportal account
Here I'm using Microsoft bing maps API services Go to BingMapsPortal account to SignUP account if you already don’t have
After SingUp we have login it will redirect to dashboard
Generate key Once we reached dashboard page we have to generate key to use restful api services
Once keys is ready then refer the document to find the api to get the lat and long based on given country
We use below give url to get lat and long in xml format
Use virtualearth API service to get lat and long of the location
Once data is available then we have to convert that into tabular form
Create Invoke Custom function
If we need to get multiple countries' dashboard then we have to write custom invoke functions such as given below and save.
= (location) =>
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents(""&location&")?o=xml&key=AjvYaTSLr8dsu4eqeDt0OigOZ_xuTkdVMUQCDMc0gcDPmj2m57iWiwasSDZSCoNG")),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Copyright", type text}, {"BrandLogoUri", type text}, {"StatusCode", Int64.Type}, {"StatusDescription", type text}, {"AuthenticationResultCode", type text}, {"TraceId", type text}}),
ResourceSets = #"Changed Type"{0}[ResourceSets],
ResourceSet = ResourceSets{0}[ResourceSet],
#"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(ResourceSet,{{"EstimatedTotal", Int64.Type}}),
Resources = #"Changed Type1"{0}[Resources],
#"Expanded Location" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Resources, "Location", {"Name", "Point", "BoundingBox", "EntityType", "Address", "Confidence", "MatchCode", "GeocodePoint"}, {"Location.Name", "Location.Point", "Location.BoundingBox", "Location.EntityType", "Location.Address", "Location.Confidence", "Location.MatchCode", "Location.GeocodePoint"}),
#"Location Point" = #"Expanded Location"{0}[Location.Point],
#"Changed Type2" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Location Point",{{"Latitude", type number}, {"Longitude", type number}})
#"Changed Type2"
Use lat long to visualize maps Use that custom invoke function to get multiple lat long by creating new custom column in table
Later we have to convert embedded table data to column data
To show Country and count legend without mouse over we have created custom legend column Using the below query
State Count COLUMN = 'Table'[State]&" - "&CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[Count]), ALLEXCEPT('Table', 'Table'[State]))
Once data is ready on the table then we have to drag and drop the proper value on location, legend, values.
Upvotes: 1