Reputation: 168
I'm hitting a confusing error while trying to run the lme4::allFit()
using some built-in parallelization. I fit an initial model m0
, which uses a larger dataframe ckDF
(n = 265,623 rows) to model a binary response to a number of categorical and continuous predictors in a logistic framework with a random intercept for year.
I'm interested in determining whether different optimizers yield different results, following some recommendations I've found online (e.g. by @BenBolker here). My data is fairly large and takes ~20 minutes to run usually, so I'm hoping to use the parallel
and ncpus
parameters of allFit()
to speed it up a bit. Here's my relevant code:
m0 <- glmer(returned ~ 1 + barge + site + barge:site +
(run + rearType + basin)^2 +
(tdg + temp + holdingTime)^2 +
data = ckDF, family = 'binomial',
control = glmerControl(optimizer='bobyqa',
optCtrl = list(maxfun = 1e5)))
af1 <- allFit(m0, parallel = 'multicore', ncpus = detectCores())
Upon doing this, I encounter the following error:
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : 7 nodes produced errors; first error: no applicable method for 'isGLMM' applied to an object of class "list"
Any ideas? It seems to me that when it constructs a bunch of nodes, somehow some of them don't import the lme4
package and thus do not recognize isGLMM()
; but I don't know why allFit()
would do this, since it's from lme4()
. I tried looking under the hood and altering the function for my own allFit()
package, but ran into other errors.
Any help would be appreciated. R Version: 3.6.1; lme4 Version: 1.1-21; platform: Windows 10 64-bit
Upvotes: 2
Views: 238
Reputation: 168
Thanks to @user20650 & @Ben Bolker for the tips in comments above -- it worked and I was able to get allFit()
to run as expected, by ensuring I use parallel = "snow"
in my function call since I'm running in Windows. Just posting the edited code here for anyone else who finds this useful:
require(lme4); require(snow)
# Define initial model (switched to defaults here)
m0 <- glmer(returned ~ 1 + barge + site + barge:site +
(run + rearType + basin)^2 +
(tdg + temp + holdingTime)^2 +
data = ckDF, family = 'binomial')
# Set up cluster for running allFit()
optCls <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1, type = "SOCK")
clusterExport(optCls, "ckDF")
# Use allFit() to look at differences in optimizers
system.time(af1 <- allFit(m0, parallel = 'snow',
ncpus = detectCores()-1, cl=optCls))
Ended up taking ~40 minutes using 11 cores on my machine.
Upvotes: 2