Reputation: 33
I have written a macro that accepts a CSV input file, updates some fields with hardcoded adjustments, and then saves the file again as a CSV.
The code for all of this works. However, the output file needs to have quotes surrounding all fields to be read properly by our proprietary GUI.
e.g. a row containing: TestStrips1, 1, 0.8, 0, -0.2
needs to be formatted as: "TestStrips1", "1", "0.8", "0", "-0.2"
Here is the portion of my code that is concerned with making this the case. Using hardcoded row/col numbers because they won't change. cellHold and newCell are DIMd as variants above, and I'm using them as a way to make the concatenation work as intended:
For i = 1 To 5
For j = 1 To 40
cellHold = NewBook.Sheets(1).Cells(j, i).Value
'NewBook.Sheets(1).Cells(j, i).NumberFormat = "@"
newCell = Chr(34) & cellHold & Chr(34)
NewBook.Sheets(1).Cells(j, i) = newCell
Next j
Next i
If Dir(fPath & "OffsetCoordinates_orig.csv") <> "" Then Kill (fPath & "OffsetCoordinates_orig.csv")
wbOrig.SaveAs Filename:=fPath & "OffsetCoordinates_orig.csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
If Dir(fPath & "OffsetCoordinates.csv") <> "" Then Kill (fPath & "OffsetCoordinates.csv")
NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=fPath & "OffsetCoordinates.csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
MsgBox ("Your Offset file has been updated successfully. Please see " & fPath & " for your new file.")
I've tried this with and without setting the numberformat to string and it doesn't seem to affect the output. Confusingly, this code produces output that actually looks correct when viewed in Excel (quotes around each cell), but when viewed with notepad++ there are actually TRIPLE quotes around each item like so:
When I look at the parent file I am trying to emulate, when viewed in Excel there are no quotes present in the cell, but in notepad++ the output is as intended with quotes around each item.
I am unclear as to whether this is a formatting issue, or if Excel is adding extra quote characters.
Mostly solved with the following code pointed to by Tim, the other answers looked useful too but this got it done first.
For i = 1 To 5
For j = 1 To 40
cellHold = NewBook.Sheets(1).Cells(j, i).Value
NewBook.Sheets(1).Cells(j, i).NumberFormat = "@" 'not necessary?
newCell = cellHold
NewBook.Sheets(1).Cells(j, i) = newCell
Debug.Print (NewBook.Sheets(1).Cells(j, i).Value)
Next j
Next i
If Dir(fpath & "OffsetCoordinates_orig.csv") <> "" Then Kill (fpath & "OffsetCoordinates_orig.csv")
wbOrig.SaveAs Filename:=fpath & "OffsetCoordinates_orig.csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
If Dir(fpath & "OffsetCoordinates.csv") <> "" Then Kill (fpath & "OffsetCoordinates.csv")
' NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=fPath & "OffsetCoordinates.csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
Call QuoteCommaExport(fpath)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox ("Your Offset file has been updated successfully. Please see " & fpath & " for your new file.")
End Sub
Sub QuoteCommaExport(fpath)
'Comments from Microsoft's solution
' Dimension all variables.
Dim DestFile As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim ColumnCount As Integer
Dim RowCount As Integer
' Prompt user for destination file name.
DestFile = fpath & "OffsetCoordinates.csv"
' Obtain next free file handle number.
FileNum = FreeFile()
' Turn error checking off.
On Error Resume Next
' Attempt to open destination file for output.
Open DestFile For Output As #FileNum
' If an error occurs report it and end.
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Cannot open filename " & DestFile
End If
' Turn error checking on.
On Error GoTo 0
' Loop for each row in selection.
For RowCount = 1 To 40
' Loop for each column in selection.
For ColumnCount = 1 To 5
' Write current cell's text to file with quotation marks.
Print #FileNum, """" & Selection.Cells(RowCount, _
ColumnCount).Text & """";
' Check if cell is in last column.
If ColumnCount = Selection.Columns.Count Then
' If so, then write a blank line.
Print #FileNum,
' Otherwise, write a comma.
Print #FileNum, ",";
End If
' Start next iteration of ColumnCount loop.
Next ColumnCount
' Start next iteration of RowCount loop.
Next RowCount
' Close destination file.
Close #FileNum
End Sub
The Microsoft provided code (seen in sub QuoteCommaExport) works mostly as intended, except that I was getting very odd behavior where the Date was being copied incorrectly into the output 'csv' file. Instead of showing up as in the source file, that cell was being copied as "#######". I realized that when I stepped through the code I was sometimes manually resizing the column with the date to fit at breakpoints (to ensure the correct date was in the cell, and it wasn't just a series of # characters). Whenever I did this, it copied the content correctly. So the code is copying the characters that are displayed rather than the content of the cell. Resizing the columns before calling the Sub fixed the behavior.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1784
Reputation: 7142
You can also use regular expression:
Sub FF()
Dim s, re, fso, txt
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Global = True: re.Pattern = "([^,$\r\n]+)"
Set txt = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Temp\1\test.csv") 'Reading
s = re.Replace(txt.ReadAll(), """$1""")
Set txt = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Temp\1\test.csv", 2) 'Updating
txt.Write s: txt.Close
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 42236
Exporting .CSV from Excel is a tricky job. The way it exports is strangely connected to your localization settings. Initially, I tried to reproduce your situation but I couldn't. Everything was exported as expected (I mean with simple quotes). Then, messing around with 'Region' localization (Additional settings: List separator, Decimal symbol, Digit grouping symbol) I could reproduce the behavior you were referring at. After that I couldn't come back to my initial setting... So, I tried to find a different reliable way of .CSV file creation. I is very fast, since everything is done in memory:
Dim arr As Variant, arr1() As Variant, i As Long, j As Long, sh As Worksheet
Set sh = NewBook.Sheets(1)
'Add quotes and input the necessary range in an array
arr = sh.Range("A1:E40").value
ReDim arr1(4, UBound(arr))
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
For j = 0 To 4
arr1(j, i - 1) = Chr(34) & arr(i, j + 1) & Chr(34)
Next i
'create .CSV comma delimited
Dim newF As String, FileNum, strRow As String
newF = "C:\YourFile.csv"
FileNum = FreeFile()
Open newF For Output As #FileNum
For i = 0 To UBound(arr) - 1
strRow = arr1(0, i) & "," & arr1(1, i) & "," & arr1(2, i) & _
arr1(3, i) & "," & arr1(4, i)
Print #FileNum, strRow
Next i
Close #FileNum
For your (example) range, it runs almost instantly...
Please take care to change newF
variable to your real needed .CSV full name.
The code can, of course, be improved to automatically determine the range to be exported if not all the time the one from your example...
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7759
You can use Powershell to add the quotes around the numbers.
Sub AddQuotesToCSV(ByVal FileName As String, Optional ByVal NewFileName As String)
Const PowershellCommand As String = "Powershell " & vbNewLine & _
"$P = Import-Csv -Path '@FileName'" & vbNewLine & _
"$P | Export-Csv -Path '@NewFileName' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8"
Dim Command As String
Command = Replace(PowershellCommand, "@FileName", FileName)
Command = Replace(Command, "@NewFileName", IIf(Len(NewFileName) > 0, NewFileName, FileName))
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec Command
End Sub
Upvotes: 2