I created a Web API project based on an ASP.NET Core 3.1 framework. Later, I decided to deploy it on a Linux instead of a Windows VPS. Before I deploy the app on a Linux VPS, I want to be able to run in a docker container locally using Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 7.
I installed docker toolbox for windows on my machine along with Oracle VM VirtualBox.
Since my project was not created with Docker support, I right-clicked on my project >> Add >> "Add Docker" Support which created the Dockerfile
Now when I try to build/debug my app on Visual Studio, I get the following error
Error CTC1003 Visual Studio container tools require Docker to be running. ProjectName C:\Users\MyUsername\.nuget\packages\\1.9.10\build\Container.targets 198
I started Docker by clicking on "Docker Quickstart Terminal". I am also able to verify that the default
virtual-box is running. Also, I added the "C_Drive" as a shared folder on the default VM.
How can I correctly start/debug my solution with docker?
Here the content of my Dockerfile
FROM AS base
FROM AS build
COPY ["ProjectName/ProjectName.csproj", "ProjectName/"]
RUN dotnet restore "ProjectName/ProjectName.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/ProjectName"
RUN dotnet build "ProjectName.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "ProjectName.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "ProjectName.dll"]
I also tried to add docker-compose
support by right-clicking on my project >> Add >> Add Container Orchestraintor Support which docker-compose
When I run the app with Docker Composer
the app runs Visual Studio turns orange for debugging state" and immediately stops. The following is what I get in the Debug window
You may only use the Microsoft .NET Core Debugger (vsdbg) with
Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac software
to help you develop and test your applications.
It was not possible to find any installed .NET Core SDKs
Did you mean to run .NET Core SDK commands? Install a .NET Core SDK from:
The target process exited without raising a CoreCLR started event. Ensure that the target process is configured to use .NET Core. This may be expected if the target process did not run on .NET Core.
The program 'dotnet' has exited with code 145 (0x91).
Updated 1
Here is what Visual Studio prints under the "Build" output
1>------ Build started: Project: MyProject, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>MyProject -> C:\MyProjects\MyProject\MyProject\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\MyProject.dll
1>docker run -dt -v "C:\Users\MyUsername\vsdbg\vs2017u5:/remote_debugger:rw" -v "C:\MyProjects\MyProject\MyProject:/app" -v "C:\MyProjects\MyProject:/src" -v "C:\Users\MyUsername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets:/root/.microsoft/usersecrets:ro" -v "C:\Users\MyUsername\AppData\Roaming\ASP.NET\Https:/root/.aspnet/https:ro" -v "C:\Users\MyUsername\.nuget\packages\:/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -v "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder:/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages" -e "DOTNET_USE_POLLING_FILE_WATCHER=1" -e "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development" -e "ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://+:443;http://+:80" -e "NUGET_PACKAGES=/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -e "NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES=/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages;/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -P --name MyProject --entrypoint tail myproject:dev -f /dev/null
1>docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: /root/.nuget/fallbackpackages.
1>See 'docker run --help'.
1>C:\Users\MyUsername\.nuget\packages\\1.9.10\build\Container.targets(198,5): error CTC1003: Visual Studio container tools require Docker to be running.
1>Done building project "MyProject.csproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Here is what VS prints under the "Container Tools" output
========== Checking for Container Prerequisites ==========
Verifying that Docker Desktop is installed...
Docker Desktop is installed.
========== Verifying that Docker Desktop is running... ==========
Verifying that Docker Desktop is running...
Visual Studio container tools require Docker to be running.
Docker Desktop is not running.
========== Finished ==========
Updated 2
As per Wiebe Tijsma
answer below, I updated my docker-composer.yml
file to the following
version: '3.4'
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}myproject
context: .
dockerfile: MyProject/Dockerfile
- photos:/app/Storage
The build now seems to run fine, but the run fails. When running the app using docker-composer
, Visual studio throws this error
Launching failed because directory '/remote_debugger' in the container is empty. This might be caused by Shared Drives credentials used by Docker Desktop being out of date. Try resetting the credentials in the Shared Drives page of the Docker Desktop Settings and then restart Docker
Here is the most recent build output from Visual Studio
1>------ Build started: Project: MyProject, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>MyProject -> C:\MyProjects\MyProject\MyProject\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\MyProject.dll
2>------ Build started: Project: docker-compose, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
2>docker-compose -f "C:\MyProjects\MyProject\docker-compose.yml" -f "C:\MyProjects\MyProject\docker-compose.override.yml" -f "C:\MyProjects\MyProject\obj\Docker\docker-compose.vs.debug.g.yml" -p dockercompose15694150546677200279 --no-ansi up -d
2>Creating network "dockercompose15694150546677200279_default" with the default driver
2>Creating MyProject ...
2>Creating MyProject ... done
========== Build: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Upvotes: 9
Views: 11498
Reputation: 10267
In my case, the error occurred because I also mapped a volume to /app, which caused the entrypoint + all dotnet published files to be unavailable (beginners mistake :)).
container_name: myapp
image: watch/myapp
- ./testdata/:/app #<-- wrong
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 121
You can run docker-compose
and start your project like so:
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}orderservice
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile`
Here is the location of docker-composer
Upvotes: 1