Reputation: 21
I'm trying to make a prolog function (I know it's not a function but I can't recall it's name) that given a list and a number N returns a list with the elements that repeat at least N times.
xpto(['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'], Out, 3) should return Out = ['a']
xpto(['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'], Out, 2) should return Out = ['a', 'b']
I currently have:
xpto([], _, _).
xpto([H | L], O, Num) :-
count(H, [H | L], N),
N = Num,
xpto(L, [H | O], Num).
xpto([H | L], O, Num) :-
count(H, [H | L], N),
N \= Num,
xpto(L, O, Num).
where in count(A, L, N) N is the number of times A repeats in L, however it doesn't work. I'm pretty sure my algorithm works on paper.
Any help is appreciated :)
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Views: 1802
Reputation: 18726
If your Prolog system supports clpfd, you could use the following implementation of
. The implementation preserves logical-purity!
Let's implement xpto/3
based on
, the meta-predicates
, and on (#=<)/3
. (#=<)/3
is a reified version of the constraint (#=</2)
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
xpto(Xs,Ys,N) :-
tfilter(N+\ (_-V)^(N #=< V),Css0,Css1),
maplist(\ (K-_)^K^true,Css1,Ys).
Let's run the queries you gave in your questions:
?- xpto([a,a,a,b,b,c],Out,3). Out = [a]. % succeeds deterministically ?- xpto([a,a,a,b,b,c],Out,2). Out = [a,b]. % succeeds deterministically
As the code used in this implementation is monotone, we can ask quite general queries and still get logically sound answers:
?- xpto([a,a,a,b,b,c],Out,N).
Out = [], N in 4..sup ;
Out = [a], N = 3 ;
Out = [a,b], N = 2 ;
Out = [a,b,c], N in inf..1 .
Now what do the answers look like if the first argument contains variables?
?- Xs = [_,_],xpto(Xs,Out,N).
Xs = [_A,_A], Out = [], N in 3..sup ;
Xs = [_A,_A], Out = [_A], N in inf..2 ;
Xs = [_A,_B], Out = [], N in 2..sup, dif(_A,_B) ;
Xs = [_A,_B], Out = [_A, _B], N in inf..1, dif(_A,_B) .
Upvotes: 3
Consider instead:
xpto(L, O, Num) :-
% check Num is indeed a valid number
number(Num), Num >= 0,
% build element occurrence list EO
elem_occ(L, EO),
% extract all occurrences which occur at least C times
findall(E, (member(E-Num0, EO), Num0 >= Num), O).
% computes occurrences O of elements E in a list as E-O
elem_occ([], []).
elem_occ([E|Es], [E-O|EOs]) :-
filter([E|Es], E, ML, NL),
length(ML, O),
elem_occ(NL, EOs).
% filters occurrences of E from the input list and returns the remainder
filter([], _, [], []).
filter([E|Es], E, [E|Ms], Ns) :-
!, filter(Es, E, Ms, Ns).
filter([E|Es], E0, Ms, [E|Ns]) :-
filter(Es, E0, Ms, Ns).
Verifying with your examples:
?- xpto(['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'], Out, 3).
Out = [a].
?- xpto(['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'], Out, 2).
Out = [a, b].
This solution is likely to work on most variants of Prolog (SWI, GNU, SICStus, YAP).
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