Reputation: 300
I'm trying to reveal the arrow of an svg by animating the stroke-dash property of a circle on top, using masks. The code below shows it in action, but for some reason there are many dashes, there should only be one dash with space around it that's going from 0 to 100 stroke-dash length.. Can someone show me what i'm missing to just have one dash going from 0 - 100 length?
<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 526.04 526.04">
.cls-1 {
fill: #2b2b2a;
.circular-chart {
position: absolute;
max-width: 50%;
.circle {
stroke: #D8D9DB;
fill: none;
stroke-width: 50.8;
stroke-linecap: round;
animation: progress 3s infinite;
@keyframes progress {
0% {
stroke-dasharray: 0 100;
99% {
stroke-dasharray: 100 0;
<mask id="theMask">
<path class="circle" stroke-dasharray="0, 100" d="M253.47 119.78
a 143.24 143.24 0 0 1 0 286.48
a 143.24 143.24 0 0 1 0 -286.48" />
<g mask="url(#theMask)">
<path id="arrow" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-5" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-4" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-3" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-2" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-1" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1" d="M293.57,381.07c-3.94,0-6.05,2.61-6.88,5.67h13.05c-.05-3.83-3.33-5.67-6.17-5.67"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
Upvotes: 1
Views: 891
Reputation: 14545
If I understand correctly, you want to make an arrow animation along with a growing line from zero to maximum length.
To implement this idea, you can combine two animations:
<!-- Circle drawing animation from zero to 100% -->
values="0 1508; 1508 0"
fill="freeze" />
Animation starts after clicking on the SVG
<svg id="svg1" xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink="" data-name="Layer 1" width="50%" height="50%" viewBox="0 0 526 526" version="1.1" style="border:1px solid gray">
.cls-1 {
fill: #2b2b2a;
.circle {
fill: none;
stroke: #2B2B2A;
stroke-width: 26;
stroke-linecap: round;
stroke-dasharray: 0,1508;
.circle_trace {
fill: none;
stroke: #EDEDED;
stroke-width: 26;
<g id="logo">
<path class="cls-1" d="M293.6 381.1c-3.9 0-6 2.6-6.9 5.7h13.1c0-3.8-3.3-5.7-6.2-5.7" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M329.7 284.2c9.8 0 16.6-6.2 16.6-12.6 0-4.5-4-10-14.9-10-9.1 0-17.7 3.7-24.1 7.5 3.3 9.8 12.3 15.2 22.5 15.2" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M319.1 394.9c0 2.3 1.8 3.8 4.9 3.8a10.9 10.9 0 0 0 7.3-3V393a10.1 10.1 0 0 0-6.3-1.9c-4.4 0-6 1.7-6 3.8" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M286.7 346.5c4.6 0 7.3-3.9 7.3-8.4s-2.7-8.2-7.3-8.2-7.1 3.7-7.1 8.2 2.6 8.4 7.1 8.4" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M255.2 223.2H271v73h-17.6v-56.4l-16.8 7.3L232.9 233Zm31.5 100.5c8.8 0 14.8 6.3 14.8 14.3s-6 14.5-14.8 14.5S272 346.1 272 338.1s6-14.3 14.7-14.3m45.1-103c13 0 23 4.2 28.3 6.6l-7.8 12.2A48.4 48.4 0 0 0 332 235.2c-13.4 0-25.3 8.5-26.2 23.5 6.9-5.4 16.2-10.4 28-10.4 19.9 0 29.9 12 29.9 23.4 0 15.2-14 27-33.9 27-20.7 0-40.6-12.8-40.6-37.6 0-25.3 20.3-40.2 42.5-40.2M363.1 383.7a12.9 12.9 0 0 0-3.7-0.8c-1.9 0-3.2 1.5-4.7 3.4v17.5h-7.4V384.3a41.6 41.6 0 0 0-0.8-7.7h6.8a40.4 40.4 0 0 1 0.6 4.1c1.7-2.8 3.6-4.9 7.1-4.9a7.7 7.7 0 0 1 4.2 1.1Zm-21.7-59h6.8a37.6 37.6 0 0 1 0.6 4.1c1.7-2.8 3.6-4.9 7.1-4.9a7.7 7.7 0 0 1 4.2 1.1l-2.1 6.8a12.8 12.8 0 0 0-3.7-0.8c-1.9 0-3.2 1.5-4.7 3.4v17.5h-7.4V332.3a41.5 41.5 0 0 0-0.8-7.7m-9 79.2a23.6 23.6 0 0 1-0.7-3.1 11.8 11.8 0 0 1-9.1 3.8c-6.5 0-10.7-3.9-10.7-9.2 0-5 4.3-9 11.9-9a12.8 12.8 0 0 1 7.8 2.2v-2.7c0-2.8-2.4-4.1-5.7-4.1a24.6 24.6 0 0 0-9.8 2.6l-2.3-5.5a30.6 30.6 0 0 1 12.7-2.9c6.2 0 12.5 2.1 12.5 8.2v14.5a17.4 17.4 0 0 0 0.8 5.3ZM307.9 342.9V324.6h7.4v18c0 2.1 1.8 3.8 4.5 3.8s4.7-1.7 6.2-3.5V324.6h7.4v19.5a40.9 40.9 0 0 0 0.7 7.7h-6.9c-0.2-0.9-0.3-2.4-0.3-3.5a11.6 11.6 0 0 1-9.1 4.4 9.6 9.6 0 0 1-9.9-9.8m-0.6 49.2H286.7a7.4 7.4 0 0 0 7.8 6.6 14.8 14.8 0 0 0 8.3-2.8l3.5 4.7a22.2 22.2 0 0 1-12.8 4c-9.2 0-14.2-6.5-14.2-14.2 0-8.2 6-14.7 14.4-14.7 6.6 0 13.6 4 13.6 14 0 0.4 0 1-0.1 2.3m-52.1-68.3c6.2 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 9.8v18.2h-7.4V333.8c0-2-1.9-3.8-4.6-3.8s-4.9 1.8-6.2 3.5v18.2H240v-38.9h7.4v14.6a11.2 11.2 0 0 1 7.8-3.7m12.1 80h-7l-4.7-16.6h-0.3l-4.8 16.6h-7l-8.6-27.1h7.8L246.9 394h0.3l4.9-17.3h6.7L263.8 394h0.3l4.2-17.3h7.6Zm-125.4-104A158.1 158.1 0 1 0 300 141.7a158.1 158.1 0 0 0-158 158.1" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<!-- Circle trace -->
<path class="circle_trace" d="M502.7 262.8A239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 503.1 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 23.6 262.8 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 22.5 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 502.7 262.8Z"/>
<!-- Circle -->
<path id="circ" class="circle" d="M502.7 262.8A239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 503.1 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 23.6 262.8 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 22.5 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 502.7 262.8Z">
<!-- Circle drawing animation from zero to 100% -->
values="0 1508; 1508 0"
fill="freeze" />
<mpath xlink:href="#circ"/>
<svg id="svg1" xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink="" data-name="Layer 1" width="50%" height="50%" viewBox="0 0 526 526" version="1.1" style="border:1px solid gray">
.cls-1 {
fill: #2b2b2a;
.circle {
fill: none;
stroke: #2B2B2A;
stroke-width: 26;
stroke-dasharray: 0,1508;
.circle_trace {
fill: none;
stroke: #EDEDED;
stroke-width: 26;
<g id="logo">
<path class="cls-1" d="M293.6 381.1c-3.9 0-6 2.6-6.9 5.7h13.1c0-3.8-3.3-5.7-6.2-5.7" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M329.7 284.2c9.8 0 16.6-6.2 16.6-12.6 0-4.5-4-10-14.9-10-9.1 0-17.7 3.7-24.1 7.5 3.3 9.8 12.3 15.2 22.5 15.2" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M319.1 394.9c0 2.3 1.8 3.8 4.9 3.8a10.9 10.9 0 0 0 7.3-3V393a10.1 10.1 0 0 0-6.3-1.9c-4.4 0-6 1.7-6 3.8" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M286.7 346.5c4.6 0 7.3-3.9 7.3-8.4s-2.7-8.2-7.3-8.2-7.1 3.7-7.1 8.2 2.6 8.4 7.1 8.4" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M255.2 223.2H271v73h-17.6v-56.4l-16.8 7.3L232.9 233Zm31.5 100.5c8.8 0 14.8 6.3 14.8 14.3s-6 14.5-14.8 14.5S272 346.1 272 338.1s6-14.3 14.7-14.3m45.1-103c13 0 23 4.2 28.3 6.6l-7.8 12.2A48.4 48.4 0 0 0 332 235.2c-13.4 0-25.3 8.5-26.2 23.5 6.9-5.4 16.2-10.4 28-10.4 19.9 0 29.9 12 29.9 23.4 0 15.2-14 27-33.9 27-20.7 0-40.6-12.8-40.6-37.6 0-25.3 20.3-40.2 42.5-40.2M363.1 383.7a12.9 12.9 0 0 0-3.7-0.8c-1.9 0-3.2 1.5-4.7 3.4v17.5h-7.4V384.3a41.6 41.6 0 0 0-0.8-7.7h6.8a40.4 40.4 0 0 1 0.6 4.1c1.7-2.8 3.6-4.9 7.1-4.9a7.7 7.7 0 0 1 4.2 1.1Zm-21.7-59h6.8a37.6 37.6 0 0 1 0.6 4.1c1.7-2.8 3.6-4.9 7.1-4.9a7.7 7.7 0 0 1 4.2 1.1l-2.1 6.8a12.8 12.8 0 0 0-3.7-0.8c-1.9 0-3.2 1.5-4.7 3.4v17.5h-7.4V332.3a41.5 41.5 0 0 0-0.8-7.7m-9 79.2a23.6 23.6 0 0 1-0.7-3.1 11.8 11.8 0 0 1-9.1 3.8c-6.5 0-10.7-3.9-10.7-9.2 0-5 4.3-9 11.9-9a12.8 12.8 0 0 1 7.8 2.2v-2.7c0-2.8-2.4-4.1-5.7-4.1a24.6 24.6 0 0 0-9.8 2.6l-2.3-5.5a30.6 30.6 0 0 1 12.7-2.9c6.2 0 12.5 2.1 12.5 8.2v14.5a17.4 17.4 0 0 0 0.8 5.3ZM307.9 342.9V324.6h7.4v18c0 2.1 1.8 3.8 4.5 3.8s4.7-1.7 6.2-3.5V324.6h7.4v19.5a40.9 40.9 0 0 0 0.7 7.7h-6.9c-0.2-0.9-0.3-2.4-0.3-3.5a11.6 11.6 0 0 1-9.1 4.4 9.6 9.6 0 0 1-9.9-9.8m-0.6 49.2H286.7a7.4 7.4 0 0 0 7.8 6.6 14.8 14.8 0 0 0 8.3-2.8l3.5 4.7a22.2 22.2 0 0 1-12.8 4c-9.2 0-14.2-6.5-14.2-14.2 0-8.2 6-14.7 14.4-14.7 6.6 0 13.6 4 13.6 14 0 0.4 0 1-0.1 2.3m-52.1-68.3c6.2 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 9.8v18.2h-7.4V333.8c0-2-1.9-3.8-4.6-3.8s-4.9 1.8-6.2 3.5v18.2H240v-38.9h7.4v14.6a11.2 11.2 0 0 1 7.8-3.7m12.1 80h-7l-4.7-16.6h-0.3l-4.8 16.6h-7l-8.6-27.1h7.8L246.9 394h0.3l4.9-17.3h6.7L263.8 394h0.3l4.2-17.3h7.6Zm-125.4-104A158.1 158.1 0 1 0 300 141.7a158.1 158.1 0 0 0-158 158.1" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<!-- Circle trace -->
<path class="circle_trace" d="M502.7 262.8A239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 503.1 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 23.6 262.8 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 22.5 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 502.7 262.8Z"/>
<!-- Circle -->
<path id="circ" class="circle" d="M502.7 262.8A239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 503.1 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 23.6 262.8 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 22.5 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 502.7 262.8Z"/>
<!-- the Arrow -->
<polyline id="pol" transform="translate(7 -25) rotate(90)" fill-opacity="1" points="0,0 25,43.3 50,0" fill="#2B2B2A" >
<!-- Arrow motion animation -->
<mpath xlink:href="#circ"/>
We combine two animations by setting the same start time for both animations and the same execution time
<svg id="svg1" xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink="" data-name="Layer 1" width="50%" height="50%" viewBox="0 0 526 526" version="1.1" style="border:1px solid gray">
.cls-1 {
fill: #2b2b2a;
.circle {
fill: none;
stroke: #2B2B2A;
stroke-width: 26;
stroke-dasharray: 0,1508;
.circle_trace {
fill: none;
stroke: #EDEDED;
stroke-width: 26;
<g id="logo">
<path class="cls-1" d="M293.6 381.1c-3.9 0-6 2.6-6.9 5.7h13.1c0-3.8-3.3-5.7-6.2-5.7" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M329.7 284.2c9.8 0 16.6-6.2 16.6-12.6 0-4.5-4-10-14.9-10-9.1 0-17.7 3.7-24.1 7.5 3.3 9.8 12.3 15.2 22.5 15.2" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M319.1 394.9c0 2.3 1.8 3.8 4.9 3.8a10.9 10.9 0 0 0 7.3-3V393a10.1 10.1 0 0 0-6.3-1.9c-4.4 0-6 1.7-6 3.8" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M286.7 346.5c4.6 0 7.3-3.9 7.3-8.4s-2.7-8.2-7.3-8.2-7.1 3.7-7.1 8.2 2.6 8.4 7.1 8.4" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<path class="cls-1" d="M255.2 223.2H271v73h-17.6v-56.4l-16.8 7.3L232.9 233Zm31.5 100.5c8.8 0 14.8 6.3 14.8 14.3s-6 14.5-14.8 14.5S272 346.1 272 338.1s6-14.3 14.7-14.3m45.1-103c13 0 23 4.2 28.3 6.6l-7.8 12.2A48.4 48.4 0 0 0 332 235.2c-13.4 0-25.3 8.5-26.2 23.5 6.9-5.4 16.2-10.4 28-10.4 19.9 0 29.9 12 29.9 23.4 0 15.2-14 27-33.9 27-20.7 0-40.6-12.8-40.6-37.6 0-25.3 20.3-40.2 42.5-40.2M363.1 383.7a12.9 12.9 0 0 0-3.7-0.8c-1.9 0-3.2 1.5-4.7 3.4v17.5h-7.4V384.3a41.6 41.6 0 0 0-0.8-7.7h6.8a40.4 40.4 0 0 1 0.6 4.1c1.7-2.8 3.6-4.9 7.1-4.9a7.7 7.7 0 0 1 4.2 1.1Zm-21.7-59h6.8a37.6 37.6 0 0 1 0.6 4.1c1.7-2.8 3.6-4.9 7.1-4.9a7.7 7.7 0 0 1 4.2 1.1l-2.1 6.8a12.8 12.8 0 0 0-3.7-0.8c-1.9 0-3.2 1.5-4.7 3.4v17.5h-7.4V332.3a41.5 41.5 0 0 0-0.8-7.7m-9 79.2a23.6 23.6 0 0 1-0.7-3.1 11.8 11.8 0 0 1-9.1 3.8c-6.5 0-10.7-3.9-10.7-9.2 0-5 4.3-9 11.9-9a12.8 12.8 0 0 1 7.8 2.2v-2.7c0-2.8-2.4-4.1-5.7-4.1a24.6 24.6 0 0 0-9.8 2.6l-2.3-5.5a30.6 30.6 0 0 1 12.7-2.9c6.2 0 12.5 2.1 12.5 8.2v14.5a17.4 17.4 0 0 0 0.8 5.3ZM307.9 342.9V324.6h7.4v18c0 2.1 1.8 3.8 4.5 3.8s4.7-1.7 6.2-3.5V324.6h7.4v19.5a40.9 40.9 0 0 0 0.7 7.7h-6.9c-0.2-0.9-0.3-2.4-0.3-3.5a11.6 11.6 0 0 1-9.1 4.4 9.6 9.6 0 0 1-9.9-9.8m-0.6 49.2H286.7a7.4 7.4 0 0 0 7.8 6.6 14.8 14.8 0 0 0 8.3-2.8l3.5 4.7a22.2 22.2 0 0 1-12.8 4c-9.2 0-14.2-6.5-14.2-14.2 0-8.2 6-14.7 14.4-14.7 6.6 0 13.6 4 13.6 14 0 0.4 0 1-0.1 2.3m-52.1-68.3c6.2 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 9.8v18.2h-7.4V333.8c0-2-1.9-3.8-4.6-3.8s-4.9 1.8-6.2 3.5v18.2H240v-38.9h7.4v14.6a11.2 11.2 0 0 1 7.8-3.7m12.1 80h-7l-4.7-16.6h-0.3l-4.8 16.6h-7l-8.6-27.1h7.8L246.9 394h0.3l4.9-17.3h6.7L263.8 394h0.3l4.2-17.3h7.6Zm-125.4-104A158.1 158.1 0 1 0 300 141.7a158.1 158.1 0 0 0-158 158.1" transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)"/>
<!-- Circle trace -->
<path class="circle_trace" d="M502.7 262.8A239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 503.1 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 23.6 262.8 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 22.5 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 502.7 262.8Z"/>
<!-- Circle -->
<path id="circ" class="circle" d="M502.7 262.8A239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 503.1 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 23.6 262.8 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 263.2 22.5 239.6 240.3 0 0 1 502.7 262.8Z">
<!-- Circle drawing animation from zero to 100% -->
<animate attributeName="stroke-dasharray" begin="" dur="8s" values="0 1508; 1508 0" fill="freeze" />
<!-- the Arrow -->
<polyline id="pol" transform="translate(7 -25) rotate(90)" fill-opacity="1" points="0,0 25,43.3 50,0" fill="#2B2B2A" >
<!-- Arrow motion animation -->
<mpath xlink:href="#circ"/>
<!-- Arrow disappearance animation -->
<set attributeName="fill-opacity" to="0" begin="an.end" />
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2628
Your path is quite irregular, but the radius of your shape is about 244 units. Therefore, its total length is about 1533 units. You can use a circle for the mask if you want to keep it simpler. If you do that, you need to rotate it so that it starts where you want it to:
<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 526.04 526.04">
.cls-1 {
fill: #2b2b2a;
.circular-chart {
position: absolute;
max-width: 50%;
.circle {
stroke: #D8D9DB;
fill: none;
stroke-width: 115.8;
stroke-linecap: round;
animation: progress 3s infinite;
@keyframes progress {
0% {
stroke-dasharray: 0 1533;
99% {
stroke-dasharray: 1533 0;
<mask id="theMask">
<circle class="circle" cx="264" cy="264" r="244" transform="rotate(95, 264, 264)" />
<g mask="url(#theMask)">
<path id="arrow" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-5" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-4" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-3" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-2" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path id="dash-1" class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1" d="M293.57,381.07c-3.94,0-6.05,2.61-6.88,5.67h13.05c-.05-3.83-3.33-5.67-6.17-5.67"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
<path class="cls-1"
transform="translate(-36.96 -37.47)" />
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 10979
@keyframes progress {
0% {
stroke-dasharray: 0 1000;
99% {
stroke-dasharray: 1000 0;
The number 1000 refers to the length of the path, not the percent filled, so you want it to equal the length of your circle. When you have a value of 100 it creates dashes every 100 units.
Upvotes: 2