Reputation: 186
Im having trouble trying to set up my code when initialization the location of my stores using GeoPoint from Cloud Firestore. im getting 2 errors when trying to set up the initializer to be able to process the data I have commented the errors on where the problem is.
the errors are showing in my private init?(documentID: String, dictionary: [String: Any]) {
'let' cannot appear nested inside another 'var' or 'let' pattern & Expected pattern
Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'CLLocationCoordinate2D'
I have been trying to modify my model to have cleaner code so that data processes better and is less buggy and less glitchy, im just struggling with the GeoPoint being set up in this structure.
struct Stores {
var documentID: String
var name: String
var category: String
var price: Int
var imageURL: URL
var description: String
var location: CLLocationCoordinate2D
var distanceFromUser: Double
var rating: Int
// self.distanceFromUser = (CLLocationManager().location?.distance(from: CLLocation(latitude: location.latitude, longitude: location.longitude)))!
// print("look here!", self.distanceFromUser)
extension Stores: DocumentSerializable {
init(name: String,
category: String,
price: Int,
description: String,
rating: Int,
imageURL: URL,
location: CLLocationCoordinate2D,
distanceFromUser: Double) {
let document = Firestore.firestore().products.document()
self.init(documentID: document.documentID,
name: name,
category: category,
price: price,
imageURL: imageURL,
description: description,
location: location,
distanceFromUser: (CLLocationManager().location?.distance(from: CLLocation(latitude: location.latitude, longitude: location.longitude)))!,
rating: rating)
/// Initializes a stores from a documentID and some data, ostensibly from Firestore.
private init?(documentID: String, dictionary: [String: Any]) {
guard let name = dictionary["name"] as? String,
let category = dictionary["category"] as? String,
let price = dictionary["price"] as? Int,
let rating = dictionary["rating"] as? Int,
let description = dictionary["description"] as? String,
let imageURLString = dictionary["photoURL"] as? String,
let geoPoint = dictionary["location"] as? GeoPoint else { return nil}
let latitude = geoPoint.latitude,
let longitude = geoPoint.longitude, // errors: 'let' cannot appear nested inside another 'var' or 'let' pattern & Expected pattern
guard let location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude) else { return nil } // error: Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'CLLocationCoordinate2D'
guard let imageURL = URL(string: imageURLString) else { return nil }
self.init(documentID: documentID,
name: name,
category: category,
price: price,
imageURL: imageURL,
rating: rating,
description: description,
location: location)
init?(document: QueryDocumentSnapshot) {
self.init(documentID: document.documentID, dictionary:
init?(document: DocumentSnapshot) {
guard let data = else { return nil }
self.init(documentID: document.documentID, dictionary: data)
/// The dictionary representation of the restaurant for uploading to Firestore.
var documentData: [String: Any] {
return [
"name": name,
"category": category,
"price": price,
"imageURL": imageURL.absoluteString,
"description": description
"rating": rating,
"location": location
public protocol DocumentSerializable {
init?(document: QueryDocumentSnapshot)
init?(document: DocumentSnapshot)
var documentID: String { get }
var documentData: [String: Any] { get }
extension Firestore {
/// Returns a reference to the top-level stores collection.
var stores: CollectionReference {
return self.collection("stores")
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Views: 507
Reputation: 116
You just forgot to end your long guard
expression with else { return nil }
let geoPoint = dictionary["location"] as? GeoPoint,
let geoPoint = dictionary["location"] as? GeoPoint else { return nil }
Then place
let latitude = geoPoint.latitude
let longitude = geoPoint.longitude
below and you should be good to go. Last two assignments can't fail so you can place them in guard
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