
Reputation: 688

How to manage SwiftUI state with nested structs?

I have the following structs generated from protobufs so they're not modifiable directly:

// This file can not be modified
// It's auto-generated from protobufs

struct Shelf {
  var id: Int
  var title: String

  var books: [Books]

struct Book {
  var id: Int
  var title: String

  var pages: [Pages]
  var shelfId: Int

struct Page {
  var id: Int
  var content: String

  var bookId: Int

What's the proper way of passing the state between 3 nested SwiftUI views when creating or modifying a new Shelf with Books+Pages? I want to allow the user to create the whole shelf at once going through nested view and save Shelf+Books+Pages to the backend only once when he's on the top view and clicking "Save".


I tried to create an extension for objects to conform to 'ObservableObject' but failed with: Non-class type 'Shelf' cannot conform to class protocol 'ObservableObject'

Upvotes: 8

Views: 7948

Answers (4)


Reputation: 30471

I made the full project, to demonstrate how to pass the data.

It is available on GitHub at GeorgeElsham/BookshelvesExample if you want to download the full project to see all the code. This is what the project looks like:

GIF of project

This project is quite similar to my answer for SwiftUI - pass data to different views.

As a summary, I created an ObservableObject which is used with @EnvironmentObject. It looks like this:

class BookshelvesModel: ObservableObject {

    @Published var shelves = [...]
    var books: [Book] {
    var pages: [Page] {
    var shelfId = 0
    var bookId = 0
    func addShelf(title: String) {
        /* ... */
    func addBook(title: String) {
        /* ... */
    func addPage(content: String) {
        /* ... */
    func totalBooks(for shelf: Shelf) -> String {
        /* ... */
    func totalPages(for book: Book) -> String {
        /* ... */

The views are then all connected using NavigationLink. Hope this works for you!

If you are remaking this manually, make sure you replace

let contentView = ContentView()


let contentView = ContentView().environmentObject(BookshelvesModel())

in the SceneDelegate.swift.

Upvotes: 14


Reputation: 258413

Well, the preferable design in this case would be to use MVVM based on ObservableObject for view model (it allows do not touch/change generated model, but wrap it into convenient way for use in View).

It would look like following

class Library: ObservableObject {
  @Published var shelves: [Shelf] = []

However, of course, if required, all can be done with structs only based on @State/@Binding only.

Assuming (from mockup) that the initial shelf is loaded in some other place the view hierarchy (in simplified presentation just to show the direction) can be:

struct ShelfView: View {
    @State private var shelf: Shelf

    init(_ shelf: Shelf) {
        _shelf = State<Shelf>(initialValue: shelf)

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                ForEach(Array(shelf.books.enumerated()), id: \ { (i, book) in
                    NavigationLink("Book \(i)", destination: BookView(book: self.$shelf.books[i]))

struct BookView: View {
    @Binding var book: Book
    var body: some View {
        List {
            ForEach(Array(book.pages.enumerated()), id: \ { (i, page) in
                NavigationLink("Page \(i)", destination: PageView(page: page))

struct PageView: View {
    var page: Page
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 32904

Basically, you need a storage for your books/pages, and preferably that storage can be uniquely referenced among your views. This means a class :)

class State: ObservableObject {
    @Published var shelves = [Shelf]()

    func add(shelf: Shelf) { ... }
    func add(book: Book, to shelf: Shelf) { ... }
    func add(page: Page, to book: Book) { ... }
    func update(text: String, for page: Page) { ... }

You can then either inject the State instance downstream in the view hierarchy, on inject parts of it, like a Shelf instance:

struct ShelvesList: View {
    @ObserverdObject var state: State

    var body: some View {
        ForEach(state.shelves) { ShelfView(shelf: $0, shelfOperator: state) }

// this conceptually decouples the storage and the operations, allowing
// downstream views to see only parts of the entire functionality
protocol ShelfOperator: BookOperator {
    func add(book: Book, to shelf: Shelf)

extension State: ShelfOperator { }

struct ShelfView: View
    var shelf: Shelf
    @State var selectedBook: Book
    var shelfOperator: ShelfOperator

    var body: some View {
        ForEach(shelf.books) { book in
            Text(book.title).tapGesture {
               // intercepting tap to update the book view with the new selected book
               self.selectedBook = book
        BookView(book: selectedBook, bookOperator: operator)

// This might seem redundant to ShelfOperator, however it's not
// A view that renders a book doesn't need to know about shelf operations
// Interface Segregation Principle FTW :)
protocol BookOperator: PageOperator {
    func add(page: Page, to book: Book)

struct BookView: View {
    var book: Book
    var bookOperator: BookOperator

    var body: some View { ... }

// Segregating the functionality via protocols has multiple advantages:
// 1. this "leaf" view is not polluted with all kind of operations the big
// State would have
// 2. PageView is highly reusable, since it only depends on entities it needs
// to do its job.
protocol PageOperator {
    func update(text: String, for page: Page)

struct PageView: View {
    var page: Page
    var pageOperator: PageOperator

    var body: some View { ... }

What happens with the code above is that data flows downstream, and events propagate upstream, and any changes caused by events are then propagated downstream, meaning your views are always in sync with the data.

Once you're done with the editing, just grab the list of shelves from the State instance and send them to the backend.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 4450

I made you a minimal example with NavigationView and @ObservedObjects in each View. This shows the basic usage of ObservableObject with nested class. This works because each View gets passed the Model and "observes" it.

If you have any questions please read the documentation first before asking them. You should find most of the stuff under Combine and SwiftUI.

Please Note int64 does not exist as far as I know and your Array declarations are wrong too! I corrected them in the example I provided.

class PageModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var id: Int
    @Published var content: String

    init(id: Int, content: String) { = id
        self.content = content

class BookModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var id: Int
    @Published var title: String
    @Published var pages: [PageModel] = []

    init(id: Int, title: String) { = id
        self.title = title

    func addDummies() {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 0, content: "To"))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 1, content: "tell"))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 2, content: "you"))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 3, content: "I'm"))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 4, content: "sorry..."))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 5, content: "for"))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 6, content: "everything"))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 7, content: "that"))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 8, content: "I've"))
            self.pages.append(PageModel(id: 9, content: "done..."))

class ShelfModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var id: Int
    @Published var title: String
    @Published var books: [BookModel] = []

    init(id: Int, title: String) { = id
        self.title = title

    func add() {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: self.books.count, title: "frick I am new"))

    func addDummies() {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 0, title: "Hello"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 1, title: "from"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 2, title: "the"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 3, title: "other"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 4, title: "side..."))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 5, title: "I"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 6, title: "must"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 7, title: "have"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 8, title: "called"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 9, title: "a thousand"))
            self.books.append(BookModel(id: 10, title: "times..."))


struct PageView: View {
    @ObservedObject var page: PageModel

    var body: some View {
        HStack {

struct BookView: View {
    @ObservedObject var book: BookModel

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            HStack {
            List(book.pages, id: \.id) { page in
                PageView(page: page)
        .navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Add Page") {

struct ContentView: View {

    @ObservedObject var shelf = ShelfModel(id: 0, title: "Lolz")

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            NavigationView {
                List(self.shelf.books, id: \.id) { book in
                    NavigationLink(destination: BookView(book: book)) {
                    }.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Add Book") {
        }.onAppear {

Tested on iPad Pro.

I hope this helps!

Upvotes: 2

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