Reputation: 23
Generate some keys with OpenSSL, then encode them in Base64 and obtain them and try to generate them to validate the authentication with JWT. Here is the code and description of what happens to me Generate with the following commands:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private_key.pem -out public_key.der
openssl pkcs12 -export -out keyStore.p12 -inkey private_key.pem -in public_key.der
base64 –w 0 private_key.pem > private_key_base64_enc.txt
base64 –w 0 public_key.der > public_key_base64_enc.txt
I saved in my vault.keystore from wildfly: private_key_base64_enc.txt and public_key_base64_enc.txt
Then in my java class I write the following:
private void jwtSignedAuthentication(String token, PropName vaultBlockName) throws Exception
String rsa512Alias = vaultBlockName.getDefaultValue();
String rsa512pvt = VaultReader.getValue(rsa512Alias, "privateKey");
String rsa512pbc = VaultReader.getValue(rsa512Alias, "publicKey");
KeyFactory keyfatc = null;
PrivateKey privateKey = null;
PublicKey publicKey = null;
try {
keyfatc = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
StringBuilder pkcs8Lines = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(rsa512pvt.getBytes()))));
String line;
while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) {
// Remove the "BEGIN" and "END" lines, as well as any whitespace
String pkcs8Pem = pkcs8Lines.toString();
pkcs8Pem = pkcs8Pem.replace("-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
pkcs8Pem = pkcs8Pem.replace("-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
pkcs8Pem = pkcs8Pem.replaceAll("\\s+","");
byte[] dataPvt = Base64.getDecoder().decode(pkcs8Pem.getBytes());
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec specPvt = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(dataPvt);
byte[] dataPbc = Base64.getDecoder().decode(rsa512pbc.getBytes());
StringBuilder publicLinesBuilder = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader readerPlubKey = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(new String(dataPbc)));
String lineP;
while ((lineP = readerPlubKey.readLine()) != null) {
String pubK = publicLinesBuilder.toString();
pubK = pubK.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "");
pubK = pubK.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "");
pubK = pubK.replaceAll("\\s+","");
X509EncodedKeySpec specPbc = new X509EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode(pubK.getBytes()));
try {
privateKey = keyfatc.generatePrivate(specPvt);
publicKey = keyfatc.generatePublic(specPbc);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.RSA512((RSAPublicKey) publicKey, (RSAPrivateKey) privateKey);
// Creación de un verificador JWT
JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm).withIssuer(JWT_CLAIM_ISSUER).acceptLeeway(2).build();
UserContext userContext = new UserContext();
try {
// Decode JWT, verificación del token.
DecodedJWT decodeJwt = verifier.verify(token);
} catch (JWTDecodeException e) {
When I try to generate the keys I return null:
privateKey = keyfatc.generatePrivate(specPvt);
publicKey = keyfatc.generatePublic(specPbc);
Anyone have any idea what happens with this. Thanks in advance
For generate my JWT:
public ResteasyWebTarget getClientWebAgent(String host, String blockName) throws KeyStoreException
ResteasyClient clientBuilder = new ResteasyClientBuilder().establishConnectionTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).socketTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build();
ResteasyWebTarget target =;
KeyPair keys = null;
try {
keys = keyStore.getKeys();
/*logger.infov(new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(keys.getPrivate().getEncoded())));
logger.infov("****PUBLIC KEY ******");
logger.infov(new String(keys.getPublic().getEncoded()));*/
} catch (IOException e) {
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.RSA512((RSAPublicKey) keys.getPublic(), (RSAPrivateKey) keys.getPrivate());
Map<String, Object> headerClaims = new HashMap<>();
headerClaims.put("alg", "RS512");
headerClaims.put("typ", "JWT");
JWTCreator.Builder jwtCreator = JWT.create();
String jwtToken = jwtCreator.sign(algorithm);
target.register(new BearerAuthenticator(jwtToken));
target.register(new LanguageHeaderToken(Locale.getDefault()));
return target;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4919
Reputation: 38821
Your 'public key' is actually a certificate (specifically an X.509 v1 or v3 certificate, depending on your openssl config), which contains a publickey but is different from a publickey -- and is in PEM format even though you have misleadingly named it .der
-- and your privatekey is encrypted.
In addition to the approach of using a PKCS12, as Roberto validly proposes and is usually the simplest because it's only one file to manage and is still encrypted and thus more secure:
Java can handle an X.509 certificate, but you use a CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509")
and give it an InputStream
instead of a KeyFactory
and an X509EncodedKeySpec
. CertificateFactory
can handle either PEM or DER, unlike KeyFactory
which can handle only DER, so you don't need the de-PEM (strip BEGIN/END/EOL and decode base64) parts.
standard Java cannot handle encrypted PKCS8 keys directly. If you can add a thirdparty library, BouncyCastle's bcpkix can do so; search the dozen or so existing Qs that use PEMParser
(not PEMReader
, that's the older version) and JceOpenSSLPKCS8DecryptorBuilder
. Otherwise, you can add -nodes
to your req -newkey -x509
command to generate an unencrypted privatekey file, which after you de-PEM it does work in KeyFactory
with PKCS8EncodedKeySpec
. (It's still spelled -nodes
even though the encryption used without it hasn't been plain aka single DES for decades.) Using an unencrypted privatekey file of course means that any intruder or malware on your system that can read that file can get your privatekey, which in many situations is a risk.
finally, if you really want only the keypair and not a certificate, don't bother with req -newkey -x509
. Instead use openssl genpkey
to generate the privatekey, or the older but simpler openssl genrsa -nodes
followed by (or piped to) openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt
to convert it to PKCS8-unencrypted format. Then use openssl pkey -pubout
or the older openssl rsa -pubout
to make a separate file with the publickey. Those commands can write (and read back where applicable) DER format instead of PEM; if you do that, your code doesn't need the de-PEM steps, you can just pass the binary file contents to KeyFactory
. The risks for an unencrypted file are the same as above.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2623
Maybe you are generating the keystore without assigning a valid alias, looking at your command you are not using the -name
The command should be like this:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out keyStore.p12 -inkey private_key.pem -in public_key.der -name "alias"
A smarter way to use the keys in java is by creating a KeyPair
KeyPair loadKeyPair() throws Exception {
// Read keystore from resource folder
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
URL resource = classLoader.getResource("keyStore.p12");
File file = new File(Objects.requireNonNull(resource).toURI());
char[] keyPass = "1234".toCharArray();
String alias = "alias";
KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
try (FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) {
keystore.load(is, keyPass);
Key key = keystore.getKey(alias, keyPass);
if (key instanceof PrivateKey) {
// Get certificate of public key
Certificate cert = keystore.getCertificate(alias);
// Get public key
PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey();
// Return a key pair
return new KeyPair(publicKey, (PrivateKey) key);
return null;
Then extract RSAPublicKey
and RSAPrivateKey
keys from the KeyPair:
void loadKeys() throws Exception{
KeyPair keyPair = loadKeyPair();
if (null != keyPair) {
RSAPublicKey rsaPublicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();
RSAPrivateKey rsaPrivateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate();
Hope it can be helpful and good luck with your Json Web Tokens! :-p
Upvotes: 2