Reputation: 57
I ran into difficulties trying resolve of factorial output calculation with Text.Parsec in Haskell. Let's have a look at some code I use so far:
import Text.Parsec hiding(digit)
import Data.Functor
type CalcParser a = CalcParsec String () a
digit :: CalcParser Char
digit = oneOf ['0'..'9']
number :: CalcParser Double
number = try calcDouble <|> calcInt
calcInt :: CalcParser Double
calcInt = read <$> many1 digit
calcDouble :: CalcParser Double
calcDouble = do
integ <- many1 digit
char '.'
decim <- many1 digit
pure $ read $ integ <> "." <> decim
numberFact :: CalcParser Integer
numberFact = read <$> many1 digit
applyMany :: a -> [a -> a] -> a
applyMany x [] = x
applyMany x (h:t) = applyMany (h x) t
div_ :: CalcParser (Double -> Double -> Double)
div_= do
char '/'
return (/)
star :: CalcParser (Double -> Double -> Double)
star = do
char '*'
return (*)
plus :: CalcParser (Double -> Double -> Double)
plus = do
char '+'
return (+)
minus :: CalcParser (Double -> Double -> Double)
minus = do
char '-'
return (-)
multiplication :: CalcParser Double
multiplication = do
lhv <- atom <|> fact' <|> negation'
t <- many tail
return $ applyMany lhv t
where tail =
f <- star <|> div_
rhv <- atom <|> fact' <|> negation'
return (`f` rhv)
atom :: CalcParser Double
atom = number <|> do
char '('
res <- addition
char ')'
return res
fact' :: CalcParser Double
fact' = do
rhv <- numberFact
char '!'
return $ factorial rhv
factorial :: Integer -> Double
factorial n
| n < 0 = error "No factorial exists for negative inputs"
| n == 0 || n == 1 = 1
| otherwise = acc n 1
acc 0 a = a
acc b a = acc (b-1) (fromIntegral b * a)
negation' :: CalcParser Double
negation' = do
char '~'
rhv <- atom
return $ negate rhv
addition :: CalcParser Double
addition = do
lhv <- multiplication <|> fact' <|> negation'
t <- many tail
return $ applyMany lhv t
where tail =
f <- plus <|> minus
rhv <- multiplication <|> fact' <|> negation'
return (`f` rhv)
It's a kind of a simple calculator parser that provides with addition / subtraction / factorial processing. I gonna let input any factorial-linked components of string chunk so that each of them to consist of some number followed by '!' character (as normally in most real world calculators). However, when running a parser test as:
parseTest addition "3!"
it fails to compute factorial itself, but returns 3.0
(output to be presented as a floating point number, which is why I use CalcParser Double
in this program). A bizarr fact is that whenever I set '!' in prior to a number:
fact' :: CalcParser Double
fact' = do
char '!'
rhv <- numberFact
return $ factorial rhv
the result of:
parseTest addition "!3"
meets my expectations, i.e. it equals 6.0
. Following that, I assume there is some setback in the first version of stuff which fails to run factorial computing whenever '!' is a next to some number-like input elements. That's just a case I'm looking for any help to solve here. So, what's wrong with right-side '!' and how would you handle the problem decribed?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 167
Reputation: 51159
The general problem is that Parsec stops trying alternatives when it finds the first one that works. If you write:
parseTest (atom <|> fact') "3!"
this will result in 3.0. This is because the atom
parser successfully parses the initial part of the string "3"
, so Parsec doesn't even try the fact'
parser. It leaves the rest of the string "!"
for another, later parser to handle.
In your parser code above, if you try the parse:
parseTest addition "3!"
the addition
parser starts by trying the multiplication
parser. The multiplication
parser has the line:
lhv <- atom <|> fact' <|> negation'
so it starts by trying the atom
parser. This parser works fine and returns 3.0
, so it never bothers trying fact'
or negation
To fix your parser, you need to make sure that you don't successfuly parse an atom
in an alternative before trying fact'
. You could start by switching the order:
> parseTest (fact' <|> atom) "3!"
This works fine to parse "3!"
(and gives 6.0
), but it fails if you try to parse something else:
> parseTest (fact' <|> atom) "3"
parse error at (line 1, column 2):
unexpected end of input
expecting "!"
This is because, for efficiency reasons, Parsec doesn't automatically "backtrack". If you try to parse something and it "consumes input" before failing, it fails completely instead of trying more alternatives. Here, fact'
starts by calling numberFact
which successfully "consumes" the "3"
, and then it tries char '!'
, which fails. So, fact
"fails after consuming input" which leads to an immediate parse error.
You can override this behavior using the try
> parseTest (try fact' <|> atom) "3"
> parseTest (try fact' <|> atom) "3!"
Here try fact'
applies the parser fact'
but treats "fail after consuming input" as if it was "fail after consuming no input", so additional alternatives can be checked.
If you applied this change to both places in your multiplication
multiplication :: CalcParser Double
multiplication = do
lhv <- try fact' <|> atom <|> negation'
t <- many tail
return $ applyMany lhv t
where tail =
f <- star <|> div_
rhv <- try fact' <|> atom <|> negation'
return (`f` rhv)
and made similar changes to your addition
addition :: CalcParser Double
addition = do
lhv <- try fact' <|> multiplication <|> negation'
t <- many tail
return $ applyMany lhv t
where tail =
f <- plus <|> minus
rhv <- try fact' <|> multiplication <|> negation'
return (`f` rhv)
then it would work better:
> parseTest addition "3!"
> parseTest addition "3"
> parseTest addition "3+2*6!"
It's also a good idea to add an eof
parser to your test to make sure that you don't have any left over trailing garbage that wasn't parsed:
> parseTest addition "3 Hey, I could write anything here"
> parseTest (addition <* eof) "3 but adding eof will generate an error"
parse error at (line 1, column 4):
unexpected 'b'
expecting space, "*", "/", white space, "+", "-" or end of input
Upvotes: 3